“We are cheaper, so they hire us”: Discounted nativeness in online English teaching
Department of English and Communication
“Doing research is not beyond my reach”: The reconstruction of College English teachers' professional identities through a domestic visiting program
Department of English and Communication
‘De-ethnicization’ in New Englishes: Perception and recognition of ethnicity in Namibian English
Department of English and Communication
We shall not flag or fail, we shall go on to the end": Hashtag activism in Hong Kong protests
Department of English and Communication
Using learner analytics to explore the potential contribution of multimodal formative assessment to academic success in higher education
English Language Centre | Department of English and Communication
Using Foucault to (re)think localisation in chronic disease care: Insights for nursing practice
Department of English and Communication
Universals in machine translation? A corpus-based study of Chinese-English translations by WeChat Translate
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Understanding middle leaders’ concerns in curriculum change: a missing perspective
Department of English and Communication
Trilingual and Biliterate Language Education Policy in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
The US-China battle over Coronavirus in the news media: Metaphor transfer as a representation of stance mediation
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies