以繪本促進非華語學童中文心理詞彙的發展: 一個以香港幼稚園兒童為對象的行動研究
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Book Review: Specialised English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice
English Language Centre
What can electrophysiology tell us about the cognitive processing of scalar implicatures?
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Bimodal benefits revealed by categorical perception of lexical tones in mandarin-speaking kindergarteners with a cochlear implant and a contralateral hearing aid
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Using Mentimeter to Elicit Student Responses in the EAP/ESP Classroom
English Language Centre
Between national and local: Identity representations of post-colonial Hong Kong in a local English newspaper
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Urban Youth Style or Emergent Urban Vernacular? The Rise of Namibia's Kasietaal
Department of English and Communication
Application of Ultrasound Biofeedback to the Learning of the Mendelsohn Maneuver in Non-dysphagic Adults: A Pilot Study
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Tracing EFL writers’ digital literacy practices in asynchronous communication: A multiple-case study
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
The ‘saffronisation’ of India and contemporary political ideology
Department of English and Communication