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The associations among growth mindsets, the ideal L2 writing self, and L2 writing enjoyment and their impacts on L2 English writing performance: A gender difference perspective

Yao, Y., Zhu, X., & Zhan, J. (2024). The associations among growth mindsets, the ideal L2 writing self, and L2 writing enjoyment and their impacts on L2 English writing performance: A gender difference perspective. Assessing Writing, 60, Article 100832.



Recently, researchers are paying increasing attention to the influence of second language (L2) writers’ personal beliefs on writing learning experiences and outcomes. Drawing on the Positive Psychology approach and from a gender difference perspective, this study investigates the relationships among two important motivational factors (i.e., growth mindsets and the ideal L2 writing self) and L2 writing enjoyment, as well as the impacts of these three positive mentalities on English writing performance with 679 12th grade high school students in mainland China. Independent sample t-tests results indicated that female students had significantly better English writing performance and higher levels of the three mentalities, although the effect sizes of the differences were small. Our multi-group structural equation model reported positive associations among the three mentalities for both male and female students. Growth mindsets were more influential for male students, whereas the ideal L2 writing self more influential for female students. In terms of the influence of the three mentalities on English writing performance, only the ideal L2 writing self was a significant predictor for female students. Pedagogical suggestions are provided based on the findings.


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