Research at FAST

10 Research Focus The AP department focuses on 5 areas: • Energy Materials and Devices • Nanomaterials • Photonics, Plasmonics and Optoelectronics - Materials and Devices • Smart Materials and Devices • Theoretical and Computational Physics Through our long term drive for academic excellence, AP has achieved outstanding results, including: • publications in internationally renowned journals • awards by local and international institutes • patents • elected fellowships in well-recognized international academic societies • grants from governmental and industrial bodies AP treasures our tradition of maintaining strong links with local industries and institutions offering application-oriented curricula. Our active engagement in research and consultancy work has been recognised by both academia and industry. The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 implemented by the University Grants Committee (UGC) found AP produced the greatest amount of world leading (4*) research work in PolyU. AP ranks 1 st in the Materials Science cost centre and comes in 2 nd place among all Physics Departments in Hong Kong. We have also maintained outstanding success rate of Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF) awards among all PolyU departments in the past few years. In 2019, we secured 11 GRF grants with a total amount of HK$7.36M, the success rate of 61.11% was among the top three departments Department of Applied Physics in PolyU. Our Department has greatly contributed to the establishment of several PolyU research facilities including the University Research Facility in Materials Characterization and Device Fabrication (UMF), which consists of a Centre for Electron Microscopy, a Materials Research Centre and a Class-100 Clean Room. With over 30 laboratories furnished with advanced equipment and facilities that support our cutting edge research, we strive for excellence. Our young and dynamic faculty team with diverse educational backgrounds and from leading universities all over the world, are dedicated to research and publish broadly in reputable journals including Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie, Physical Review Letters and more. We have been awarded a number of external research grants. Through the efforts of our faculty members, researchers, alumni and postgraduate research students, we continue to play a leading role in our discipline, nationally and internationally. Newport Quantx-300 Quantum Efficiency Measurement System MBE/PLD deposition system with in-situ RHEED, LEED and low-temperature STM