Research at FAST

112 Department of Applied Mathematics Department of Applied Mathematics Representative Publications • Tang, N., Yan, X. and Zhao, X . Penalized generalized empirical likelihood with a diverging number of general estimating equations for censored data, Ann. Statist. 48 ( 2020 ), 607-627 • Hao, M., Liu, K., Xu, W. and Zhao, X . Semiparametric inference for the functional Cox model. J. Am. Statist. Assoc. ( 2020 ), online, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2019.1710155 • Deng, S. and Zhao, X . Covariate-adjusted regression for distorted longitudinal data with informative observation times. J. Am. Statist. Assoc. 114 ( 2019 ), 1241-1250 • Gao, F., Xiong, J and Zhao, X . Moderate deviations and nonparametric inference for monotone functions. Ann. Statist. 46 ( 2018 ), 1225-1254 • Zhao, X ., Wu, Y. and Yin, G., Sieve maximum likelihood estimation for a general class of accelerated hazards models with bundled parameters, Bernoulli 23 ( 2017 ), 3385-3411 • Zhao, X ., Deng, S., Liu, L and Liu, L., Sieve estimation in semiparametric modeling of longitudinal data with informative observation times, Biostatistics, 15 ( 2014 ), 140-153 • Zhao, X . and Sun, J. Nonparametric comparison for panel count data with unequal observation processes, Biometrics, 67 ( 2011 ), 770-779 • Gao, F. and Zhao, X ., Delta method in large deviations and moderate deviations for estimators, Ann. Statist., 39 ( 2011 ), 1211-1240 • Balakrishnan, N. and Zhao, X ., New multi-sample nonparametric tests for panel count data, Ann. Statist., 37 ( 2009 ), 1112-1149 • Sun, J., Park, D-H, Sun, L. and Zhao, X ., Semiparametric regression analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation times. J. Am. Statist. 100 ( 2005 ), 882-889 Awards and Achievements • Best Paper Award, Departmental Research Awards, 2019 • 2014 Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards, the Natural Science Award, Second Class ( 教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果 獎自然科學二等獎 ) • 深圳虛擬大學園 2013 年度獲得國家級科技項目先進個人 , 深圳市科技創新委員會 • Two papers built in the prestigious SAS software as %ICE macro and %PIC_NPMLE macro in 2010 Prof. ZHAO Xingqiu Professor Associate Head of Department Research Areas High-dimensional statistical inference; Survival analysis; Longitudinal data analysis Qualification BSc (Hubei) MSc (McMaster) PhD (McMaster) ORCID ID 0000-0002-4938-7352