Research at FAST

Department of Applied Physics Department of Applied Physics 117 Qualification BSc (HKUST) MPhil (HKUST) PhD (HKUST) ORCID ID 0000-0003-0501-8843 Representative Publications • “Top o l o g i c a l t h e o r y f o r p e r f e c t me t a s u r f a c e isolators”, Wai Chun Wong, Wenyan Wang, Wang Tat Yau, and Kin Hung Fung *​, Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 101, 121425(R) ( 2020 ) • “Metric-torsion duality of optically chiral structures”, Yongliang Zhang, Lina Shi, R.-Y. Zhang, J. Duan, J. Ng, C. T. Chan, and Kin Hung Fung *, Physical Review Letters 122, 200201 ( 2019 ) • “Nonsymmorphic Symmetry-Protected Topological Modes in Plasmonic Nanoribbon Lattices”, Y.-L. Zhang, Raymond P.H. Wu, Anshuman Kumar, Tieyan Si, and Kin Hung Fung *, Physical Review B 97, 144203 ( 2018 ) • “Chiral Plasmon in Gapped Dirac Systems”, Anshuman Kuma r, And r e i Nemi l ent s au, K i n Hung Fung , George Hanson, Nicholas X. Fang, Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 93, 041413(R) ( 2016 ) • “Nonreciprocal mu-near-zero mode in PT-symmetric magnetic domains”, Jin Wang, Hui Yuan Dong, C. W. Ling, C. T. Chan, and Kin Hung Fung *, Physical Review B 91, 235410 ( 2015 ) • “Topological Edge Plasmon Modes between Diatomic Chains of Plasmonic Nanopar ticles”, C. W. Ling, Meng Xiao, C. T. Chan, S. F. Yu, and Kin Hung Fung *, Optics Express 23, 2021-2031 ( 2015 ) • “Tunable light-matter interaction and the role of hyperbolicity in graphene-hBN system”, Anshuman Kumar, Tony Low, Kin Hung Fung , Phaedon Avouris, Nicholas X. Fang, Nano Letters 15, 3172-3180 ( 2015 ) • “Terahertz Plasmonics on Ferroelectric-Gated Graphene”, Dafei Jin, Anshuman Kumar, Kin Hung Fung , Jun Xu, Nicholas X. Fang, Applied Physics Letters 102, 201118 ( 2013 ) • “Ultra-broadband Light Absorption by a Sawtooth An i s o t r o p i c Me t ama t e r i a l S l a b”, Ya n x i a Cu i , Kin Hung Fung , Jun Xu, Hyungjin Ma, Yi Jin, Sailing He, Nicholas X. Fang, Nano Letters 12, 1443-1447 ( 2012 ) • “Nonlinear optical response from arrays of Au bowtie nanoantennas”, Kaspar Ko, Anil Kumar, Kin Hung Fung , Raghu Ambekar Ramachandra Rao, Logan L iu, Nicholas X. Fang, and Kimani Toussaint, Nano Letters 11, 61-65 ( 2011 ) Dr FUNG Kin Hung Assistant Professor Research Areas Plasmonics; Nanophotonics; Non-reciprocal Photonics; Topological Photonics; Photonic/Acoustic/Elastic Metamaterials Topological theories for metasurface isolators Transformation optics for optically chiral structures Non-Hermitian Topological Physics in Nanophotonics