Research at FAST

Institute of Textiles & Clothing Institute of Textiles & Clothing 142 Dr FAN Di Assistant Professor Research Overview Dr Fan is currently an Assistant Professor in Fashion Business at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before joining PolyU, he was an Assistant Professor at Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST, 2015-2018) and Senior Lecturer (Level C of Australian system) at the Australian National University (ANU, 2019-2020). He is a researcher in the area of sustainable operations management, e-business and buyer-supplier relations. He has published in prestigious academic journals including Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, and International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Dr Fan's research findings were featured by The Guardian, Vogue Business, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age (Melbourne), Brisbane Times, Yahoo! UK, UCLA Anderson review, Macao Daily and etc. He is currently guest editing special issues for Journal of Operations Management and International Journal of Production Economics. Qualification BA (PolyU) MA (NCSU, ENSAIT, PolyU) PhD (PolyU) ORCID ID 0000-0002-1529-9098 Representative Publications • Wiengarten, F., Fan, D. , Pagell, M. & Lo, C. K ( 2019 ). Deviations from aspirational target levels and environmental and safety performance: Implications for operations managers acting irresponsibly. Journal of Operations Management. 65(6), 490-516 • Pagell, M., Wiengarten, F., Fan, D. , Humphreys, P., & Lo, C. K. ( 2019 ). Managerial Time Horizons and the Decision to Put Operational Workers at Risk: The Role of Debt. Decision Sciences. 50(3), 582-611 • Lo, C. K. Y., Tang, C. S., Zhou, Y., Yeung, A. C. L. & Fan, D. ( 2018 ). The impacts of environmental incidents on market value of firms in China: Legitimacy and political ties. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 20(3), 422-439 • ·Wiengarten, F., Fan, D. , Lo, C. K. Y., & Pagell, M. ( 2017 ). The differing impacts of operational and financial slack on occupational safety in varying market conditions. Journal of Operations Management, 49(1), 1-16 • Lo, C. K. Y., Pagell, M., Fan, D. , Wiengarten, F., & Yeung, A. C. L. ( 2014 ). OHSAS 18001 certification and operating performance: The role of complexity and coupling. Journal of Operations Management, 32(5), 268-280 Awards • Jack Meredith Best Paper Award, Journal of Operations Management, 2020 • Research Excellence Award, Bank of China (Macau), 2018 • Presidential Award of Responsible Research, IACMR, 2017