Research at FAST
Institute of Textiles & Clothing Institute of Textiles & Clothing 156 Qualification BA (PolyU) MA (CUHK) PhD (PolyU) ORCID ID 0000-0002-5559-2563 Dr LAM Man Lok Magnum Research Assistant Professor Research Overview Dr Magnum Lam is currently a Research Assistant Professor (Fashion Business) at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his PhD in Fashion Business from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and an MA in Anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr Lam has been adopting a multi-disciplinary approach with both qualitative and quantitative research methods to study fashion consumption practices and design experiences. His research interests cover corporate philanthropy, social innovation, fashion consumer behavior, consumer moralism, and fashion pedagogies. His works (i.e. paper publications and design exhibitions) have been published and presented in some of the renowned international academic journals and conferences, including Resources, Conservation & Recycling, International Journal of Consumer Studies, The Design Journal, Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, and conferences proceedings in Association for Consumer Research Conference, Cumulus Conferences, International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFT) Conference, and the European Academy of Design Conference. Apart from his publications, Dr Lam's research excellence is also recognized with a number of academic awards, which includes the best papers for the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) and International Textile and Apparel Association and Korean Academy of Marketing Science - The 2011 ITAA-KAMS Joint Symposium. Representative Publications • Lam, Magnum , Li E., Liu, W.S., and Lam, Yee-nee ( 2020 ). Introducing Participatory Action Research to Vocational Fashion Education: Theories, Practices, and Implications. Journal of Vocational Education and Training. DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2020.1765844 • Lam, Magnum , Wong, C. W Y., Chan, W. T.Y., Leung, C. H., Cheung, M. C. ( 2019 ). Effects of Institutional Environmental Forces on Participation in Environmental Initiatives. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 150, DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.06.036 • Li, E., Lam, Magnum and Liu, W. S. ( 2018 ). Consuming Counterfeit: A Study of Consumer Moralism in China. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42(3), 367-377 • Lam, Magnum , Liu, W. S. and Lam, E. ( 2016 ). The Aesthetic Experience of Product Design: A Case Study of the Consumption of Earphones in Hong Kong. The Design Journal, 19(3), 429-449 • Lam, Magnum , Liu, W. S. and Lam, E. ( 2015 ). Dump It Out! An Enquiry into Consumers' Everyday Fashion Discourses through Handbag. Fashion, Style & Popular Culture, 2(3), 351-369 • Lam, Magnum , Liu, W. S. and To, C. ( 2011 ). Putting A s s ume d Emo t i on i n Fa s h i on B r and L i t e r a c y : Understanding Brand-Identity Relationship in the Interdependent Asian Context. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 2(3), 124-136 Awards and Achievements • Winner, The 6 th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards, for Wong, C. and Lam, Magnum . Establishment of Student-run STORE for Entrepreneurship Education. The 15 th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, September 16, 2020 • Junior Researcher Award, for Lam, Magnum , Li, E., Cheung, M., and Liu, W.S. The Examination of Practicality and Sociality of Fashion among Indonesian Maid's Acculturation Experience in Hong Kong. International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) - The 22 nd IFFTI Annual Conference, Kent & Cleveland, Ohio, USA, March 24-27, 2020 • Excellent Paper Award, for Lam, Magnum , Liu, W. S., Lam, E., and Li, E. Participatory Action Research and Fashion Education: Theories, Practices, and Implications. International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI) - The 18 th IFFTI Annual Conference, Beijing, China, March 21-25, 2016 • Best Conference Paper Award, for Lam, Magnum , Liu, W. S., and To, C. Emotion and Brand Literacy: Understanding Brand-Identity Relationship in the Interdependent Asian Context. International Textile and Apparel Association and Korean Academy of Marketing Science - The 2011 ITAA-KAMS Joint Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, May 26-29, 2011
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