Research at FAST
Institute of Textiles & Clothing Institute of Textiles & Clothing 160 Qualification BEng (HKU) PhD (HKU) ORCID ID 0000-0002-0635-5318 Representative Publications • Y. Zhou, P.Y. Mok , & S. Zhou, A Part-Based Deep Neural Network Cascade Model for Human Parsing. IEEE Access, 7, 160101-160111, 2019 • W. Zhou, P.Y. Mok , Y. Zhou, Y. Zhou, J. Shen, Q. Qu, & K.P. Chau, Fashion recommendations through cross-media information retrieval. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 61, 112-120, 2019 • Shufang Lu, P.Y. Mok , X. Jin, A New Design Concept: 3D to 2D Textile Pattern Design for Garments, Computer- Aided Design, 89: 35-49, 2017 • X.M. Wan, P.Y. Mok , X. Jin, Shape deformation using skeleton correspondences for realistic posed fashion flat creation, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(2): 409-420, 2014 • P.Y. Mok , J. Xu, X.X. Wang, Y.L. Kwok, J.T. Fan, and J. H. Xin, An IGA-based design support system for realistic and practical fashion designs, Computer Aided Design, 45, 1442-1458, 2013 • Shuaiyin Zhu, P.Y. Mok and Y.L. Kwok, An Efficient Human Model Customization Method Based on Orthogonal-view Monocular Photos, Computer Aided Design, 45, 1314-1332, 2013 • P.Y. Mok , H.Q. Huang (RS), Y.L. Kwok and J.S. Au, A Robust Adaptive Clustering Analysis Method for Automatic Identification of Clusters, Pattern Recognition 45(8):3017-3033, 2012 • Yuwei Meng, P.Y. Mok , X. Jin, Computer aided clothing pattern design with 3D editing and pattern alteration, Computer Aided Design, 44(8):721-734, 2012 Awards and Achievements • 11 research or invention awards, including Silver Medal in the 1 st Asia Exhibition of Inventions Hong Kong in 2018 Patents • US Patent Application No. 16/166,287 “Method and/or System for Reconstructing from Images a Personalized 3D Human Body Model and Thereof” ( 2020 ) • 6 patents, 3 licensing agreements and 4 software copyrights Dr MOK Pik Yin Tracy Associate Professor Associate Head of Department Research Overview The current research interests of Dr Mok are in the areas of fashion pattern engineering, fashion 2D and 3D CAD, digital human modelling, 3D scanning and sizing, cloth simulation, deep learning, computer generated textile, sketch and pattern designs, computer vision and computer graphics in fashion applications, advanced data analysis and artificial intelligent applications in the fashion industry.
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