Research at FAST
Institute of Textiles & Clothing Institute of Textiles & Clothing 172 Qualification PhD (PolyU) ORCID ID 0000-0001-9698-5681 Dr YEE Wai Yee Rachel Associate Professor Research Areas Service operations management; Behavioural operations; Sustainable operations; Innovation management Representative Publications • Dai, J., Chan, H.K. and Yee, R.W.Y. 2018 . Examining moderating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between market pressure and corporate env i r onmen t a l s t r a t e g y, I ndu s t r i a l Ma r ke t i ng Management, 74 (October), 227-236 • To K.M., Yee, R.W.Y. , Mok, P.Y., Chau, K.P., Wong, Carrie, Cheung, N.M. 2018 . Collaboration reasoning or social heuristics? Value proposition validity in omnium- gatherum business models, Journal of Business Research, 88, 550-559 • Chan, H.K., Lacka, E., Yee, R.W.Y. and Lim, M.K. 2017 . The role of social media data in operations and production management, International Journal of Production Research, 55 (17), 5027-5036 • Chan, H.K., Yee, R.W.Y. , Dai, J. and Lim, M.K., 2016 . The moderating effect of environmental dynamism on green product innovation and performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 181, 384-391
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