Research at FAST

28 State Key Laborator y of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery has focused on organic synthesis, catalysis and chemical biology research since its inception in 2010. Our major objectives are synthesizing and developing novel compounds and natural products as drug candidates; researching and developing new pharmaceuticals and health products; exploring and developing new molecular techniques for drug discovery. Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology State Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine and Molecular Pharmacology (Incubation) focuses on cutting edge Chinese medicine research. SKL Incubation occupies 2,000m 2 of the Shenzhen Hi-tech Industrial Park and features various functional laboratories (such as the Specific Pathogen Free Animal Laboratory, the Pharmacology Laboratory, the Tissue Culture Laboratory, the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory) for pre-clinical studies of drugs and health food. Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Food Biological Safety Control focuses on research activities and projects for conducting food biological safety risk assessment, developing rapid detection methods for foodborne pathogens, inventing new food processing and packaging technology and providing food safety services in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Food Safety and Technology Research Centre (FSTRC) fosters local and international food safety research collaborations. The FSTRC has world-leading research facilities for food testing, including Chemical Analysis Laboratory, Fermenter Room, Cell Culture Room, Mass Spectrometry Room, Food Processing Laboratory and Sensory Evaluation Laboratory. Lo Ka Chung Research Centre for Natural Anti-Cancer Drug Development focuses on designing new cancer drugs through increasing the efficacy of natural compounds and proteins. Our Centre also provides drug development technical support and consultancy services to industry. Our Research Platforms Henry Cheng Research L abo r a t o r y f o r D r ug Development provides state-of-the-art technology platforms including flow c y t o m e t e r , c o n f o c a l microscopy, thermo fisher s ci entific s y s tem and a high-per formance liquid chromatography machine. The Suga Research Laboratory for Sustainable Urban Green Agriculture is Hong Kong’s first research platform focusing on Urban Agriculture. Aiming to develop the next generation Urban Agriculture models we aid safe, high quality, fruit and vegetable cultivation in small indoor spaces for healthy consumption. Core Facilities and Databases • University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) • University Research Facility in Chemical and Environmental Analysis (UCEA) • Hong Kong First Breast Milk Nutrition Database