Research at FAST

29 CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics The AMSS - PolyU Joint Research Institute (JRI) for Engineering and Management Mathematics was established in 2005 in collaboration with the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Corresponding offices have been founded in Beijing and Hong Kong. The JRI has hosted over 100 research events including distinguished lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences. Department of Applied Mathematics In 2015, AMA and AMSS jointly offered a Post-doctoral Fellowship Scheme to enhance collaboration between AMSS & AMA. Dozens of Postdoctoral Fellows are working on research projects co-hosted by researchers in AMSS & PolyU. CAS highly evaluated our JRI’s research performance awarding us CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics status in 2018. The PolyU-SDU Joint Research Center on Financial Mathematics The Joint Research Center promotes financial mathematics research collaboration among PolyU and Shandong University researchers. We regularly host conferences and workshops on financial mathematics. Research Collaboration (2005 – 2019) Number/ Quantity Joint research papers with co-authors from AMSS More than 30 Postdoctoral Fellows supported by AMSS (partially) 18 University Research Facility in Big Data Analytics Managed by big data experts from AMA, the Department of Computing and representatives from other disciplines, PolyU established the University Research Facility in Big Data Analytics (UBDA) in May 2018. This is the first university-wide research facility in big data analytics among Hong Kong universities. The UBDA will deliver consultancy and technical support to the PolyU research community and our industry partners, assisting them to develop innovative solutions to research problems and application challenges by capitalizing on the use of models, algorithms and platforms for big data analytics and processing. Our Research Platforms