Research at FAST

39 Representative Publications • Fang JKH , Rooks CA, Krogness CM, Kutti T, Hoffmann F, Bannister RJ ( 2018 ) Impact of particulate sediment, bentonite and barite (oil-drilling waste) on net fluxes of oxygen and nitrogen in Arctic-boreal sponges. Environ Pollut 238, 948–958 • Fang JKH , Schönberg CHL, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S ( 2017 ) Symbiotic plasticity of Symbiodinium in a common excavating sponge. Mar Biol 164, 104 • Fang JKH , Schönberg CHL, Mello -Athayde MA, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S ( 2014 ) Effects of ocean warming and acidification on the energy budget of an excavating sponge. Glob Change Biol 20, 1043−1054 • Fang JKH , Mello-Athayde MA, Schönberg CHL, Kline DI, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Dove S ( 2013 ) Sponge biomass and bioerosion rates increase under ocean warming and acidification. Glob Change Biol 19, 3581−3591 • Fang JKH , Wu RSS, Zheng GJ, Lam PKS, Shin PKS ( 2010 ) Seasonality of bioaccumulation of trace organics and lysosomal integrity in green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Sci Total Environ 408, 1458−1465 Awards and Achievements • Chartered Biologist, Royal Society of Biology, UK ( 2014 ) • Occupational (Scientific) Diver (AS2815, Nitrox), Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme ( 2010 ) • ISRS Graduate Fellowship, The International Society for Reef Studies ( 2010 ) • Research Scholarship, The University of Queensland, Australia ( 2009 ) • Prize for Outstanding Presentation, The 5 th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hong Kong ( 2007 ) Dr FANG Kar Hei James Assistant Professor Research Overview Plastic pollution is an emerging global problem. Increasing microplastics in marine environments have raised a great concern due to their bioaccumulation in marine life and transfer along food chains into seafood products. Our research directions are to develop quantitative methods for assessing microplastics in environmental and biological samples, to determine marine ecological impacts of microplastics and to estimate human health risks of consuming plastic-contaminated seafood. Qualification BSc (Plymouth) MPhil (CityU) PhD (Queensland) ORCID ID 0000-0002-2969-7978 Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology