Research at FAST

54 The research areas of Prof. Li include: • Amphiphilic core-shell particles • Amphiphilic hollow particles and nanotube • Smart core-shell microgel particles • Metal/polymer composite particles • Water-dispersible photoluminescence nanoparticles • Biological applications: - Delivery of therapeutic molecules such as gene, protein and enzyme; Topical drug delivery - Image-guided therapy (fluorescence, MRI, CT, photothermal) - Bioseparation (endotoxin removal) • Coatings: Antibacterial coating; Functional surface coating • Encapsulation technology • Water treatment Prof. LI Pei Pauline Professor Research Overview Prof. Li’s research interests center around the development of new functional materials for emerging applications. The group mainly focuses on the design and synthesis of nano- to micro-scale particles with properties that are tailored to specific applications. Various novel and versatile methods to synthesize a wide range of amphiphilic core-shell particles, hydrophilic microgels, hollow particles, metal/polymer composite particles with well-defined core-shell nanostructures have been designed and developed. These particles show many useful applications in diverse fields. Qualification BSc (Jinan) PhD (Ottawa) ORCID ID 0000-0001-9098-7598 Representative Publications • Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019 , 58, 21080-21088 • J. Biomed. Nanotechnol., 2019 , 15, 1-18 • Macromol. Rapid Comm., 2019 , 1800869 • Nanoscale, 2019 , 11, 2008-2016 • Int. J. Nanomed., 2016 , 11, 2785 • Part. Part. Syst. Char., 2016 , 33, 756 • Polymer, 2016 , 8, 105 • Polymer, 2015 , 76, 271 • Langmuir, 2013 , 29, 7583 • Biointerphases, 2012 , 7, 16 • J. Controlled Release, 2012 , 158, 123 • RSC Advances, 2012 , 2, 1303 • Langumir, 2010 , 26, 6009 • Polymer, 2010 , 51, 3512 • Soft Matter, 2009 , 5, 491 • Langmuir 2008 , 24, 1801 • Langumir, 2008 , 24, 11036 • J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 2007 , 80, 184 • Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2007 , 28, 2267 • J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006 , 128, 2168 • Bioconjugate Chem., 2005 , 16, 139 • Polymer, 2005 , 46, 10538 • Macro. Rapid Communication, 2004 , 25, 1819 • Polym. Sci. Part A. Polym. Chem. 2003 , 41, 3346 • Langmuir, 2002 , 18, 8641 Awards and Achievements • Outstanding Achievement Award (Asia Pacific Society for Materials Research) ( 2015 & 2013 ) • Gold Metal and Special Award for the invention of “Nano Antierasing (ATE) Ink System”, The First World Invention Innovation Contest (WiC), Seoul, Korea ( 2015 ) • 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement Awards (Industrial collaboration with China Hi-Tech Anti-Counterfeit Limited Hong Kong) ( 2014 ) • PolyU Outstanding Professional Ser vices Awards: Technology Transfer Award (Merit) ( 2013 ) • PolyU Distinguished Knowledge Transfer Excellence Merit Awards ( 2012 ) • PolyU High Impact Achievement Awards: Technological/ Industrial Achievement ( 2009 ) • 2008 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement Grand Award (Industrial collaboration with Dunwell Engineering Company Limited, Hong Kong) ( 2009 ) • The President’s Award for Outstanding Performance/ Achievement: Research and Scholarly Activities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ( 2008 ) • Gold Medal Award & Best Invention from International Jury: in The 35 th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, Switzerland ( 2007 ) Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology