Research at FAST

56 Qualification BSc (CUHK) PhD (CUHK) ORCID ID 0000-0003-4624-2737 Research Overview Dr Kenneth Lo is interested in how sleep pattern and dietary factors may interplay and influence the risk of cardio-metabolic diseases. He is experienced in conducting cross-sectional studies, large-scale cohorts and meta-analyses. In the recent years, Dr Lo has performed secondary analyses on large cohort datasets, including Women's Health Initiative and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The results of his analyses have been translated into multiple publications in high- profile journals. Representative Publications • Diabetes Care 2020 ;43:1344-51 (2019 Impact factor: 16.019) • Diabetes Care 2019 ;42:e148-9 (2019 Impact factor: 16.019) • The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2019 ;104:4539-51 (2019 Impact factor: 5.399) • Childhood Obesity 2019 ;15:387-96 (2019 Impact factor: 2.548) • The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2018 ;20:592-605 (2019 Impact factor: 2.719) • Obesity Reviews 2016 ;17:1258-1275 (2019 Impact factor: 7.310) • Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016 ; 116:1925-31 (2019 Impact factor: 4.151) Professional Services • Reviewer for American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Scientific Reports ( 2018 - present ) • Internal Affairs Officer of Hong Kong Nutrition Association ( 2019 - present ) • Member of Hong Kong Nutrition Association ( 2019 - present ) • Member of American Society for Nutrition ( 2019 - present ) Awards and Achievements • Best Abstract Award for Young Researchers (The 14 th China Nutrition Science Congress) China 2019 • Young Investigator Award (The Inaugural Clinical and Translational Cardiology Conference) Hong Kong 2018 • Reaching Out Award (HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund) Hong Kong 2018 • Golden Jubilee Ms. Manda Young Scholarship (CUHK) Hong Kong 2018 Dr LO Ka Hei Kenneth Research Assistant Professor Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology