Research at FAST

59 Representative Publications • Phytomedicine, 54 ( 2019 ) 182-194 • Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9 ( 2018 ) Article 932 • Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 171 ( 2017 ) 266-276 • J. Funct. Foods, 28 ( 2017 ) 122-137 Dr MOK Kam Wah Daniel Associate Professor Research Overview Metabolomics to understand Chronic Disease and Traditional Chinese Medicine Determine potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers by identifying changes in metabolic profiles of mouse/ patients using LC-MS(QTOF) and GC-MS(QTOF). We applied this to examine the changes in metabolic profiles arise from the treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine on metabolic/chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and fatty liver to understand the underlying mechanisms. Qualification BSc (HKU) PhD (HKU) ORCID ID 0000-0002-6677-2949 Quality control of Traditional Chinese Medicine Developing analytical methods for better quality control of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Participated in the Hong Kong Chinese Materia Medica Standards to develop standard monograph and analytical methods for Hong Kong since 2006. Representative Publications • Food & Function, 10 ( 2019 ) 2881-2887 • Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 174 ( 2019 ) 360-366 • Molecules, 24 ( 2019 ) 1908 • Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 125 ( 2016 ) 400-407 Theoretical calculations to study reactions in the atmosphere Ab initio and DFT calculations for transition states for different channels of reactions important in the atmosphere and determine rate coefficients. Study reactions of Criegee intermediates, an important transient species and elucidate its role in aerosol formation and pollution in the atmosphere. Representative Publications • Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, ( 2020 ) DOI: 10.1039/ D0CP00961J • Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 ( 2016 ) 30554-30569 • Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,17 ( 2015 ) 7463-7476 • Science, 340 ( 2013 ) 177-180 Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology