Research at FAST

60 Representative Publications • Molecules ( 2019 ) 24(6) pii:E1101 • Brain Research Bulletin ( 2018 ) 140: 243-2 • Int J Mol Sci ( 2017 ) 18(1): E95 • Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol ( 2017 ) 37(3): 553-566 • Clinical Science (London) ( 2017 ) 131(12): 1261-1281 • Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol ( 2015 ) 35(2): 389-98 • Clinical Science (London) ( 2014 ) 127(2): 123-34 • British Journal of Pharmacology ( 2010 ) 159(6): 1211-1216 • British Journal of Pharmacology ( 2010 ) 161(5): 1086-98 • British Journal of Pharmacology ( 2007 ) 151: 987-997 Awards and Achievements • Cardiac Health Institute, Australia - Research Fellowship ( 2015 - 2020 ) • NICM Health Research Institute, Australia - Adjunct Fellow ( 2019 ) • National Heart Foundation of Australia - Postdoctoral Fellowship ( 2013 - 14 ) • National Heart Foundation of Australia - Exchange and Collaboration Award ( 2013 ) • Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Training Fellowship ( 2011 - 2012 ) • Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine - 12 th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong - Young Investigator Award ( 2008 ) Dr SETO Sai Wang Assistant Professor Research Overview Our group is interested in the discovery of novel therapeutic targets for complex and multi-factorial health problems. Current research focuses on two areas: The role of bone-derived proteins on vascular diseases We previously showed that, sclerostin (a bone protein responsible for bone formation) is expressed in the aorta and downregulated in both human (Figure 1) and rodent aortic aneurysm. Using double transgenic mouse model, we showed that upregulation of aortic sclerostin inhibits aneurysm (Figure 2) and atherosclerosis development, highlighting a novel therapeutic targets for aortic aneurysm and atherosclerosis. Our current works focus on (1) investigation of the role and mechanism of action of sclerostin and other bone-derived proteins in vascular calcification/arterial stiffness, a common characteristic in atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease and diabetes and (2) identify novel compounds (both natural and synthetic) that can modulate these bone-derived proteins to attenuate vascular diseases progression. Chinese herbal medicine for cerebrovascular diseases These works focus on the evaluation of Chinese herbs and formula for ischemic stroke and vascular dementia using various experimental approaches, including in vitro co-culture model, ex vivo study and in vivo rodent and zebrafish models of human diseases (Figure 3). Qualification BSc (Liverpool, UK) PhD (CUHK) ORCID ID 0000-0003-0236-4935 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 1 Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology