Research at FAST

77 Representative Publications • Analytical Chemistry. 2018 ;90(18):11092-11098 • Science. 2018 ;359:1416-1421 • Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 ;115(10):2353-8 • J o u r n a l o f t h e Ame r i c a n Ch em i c a l S o c i e t y. 2017 ;139(2):680-5 • Analytical Chemistry. 2017 ;89(19):10368-75 • Chemical Science. 2015 ;6(7):4124-30 • Ang ewa nd t e Ch em i e - I n t e r na t i ona l Ed i t i on . 2013 ;52(18):4883-6 Dr ZHAO Qian Assistant Professor Research Overview Our research lies at the interface of chemical biology and proteomics. Our interdisciplinary approaches combine synthetic chemistry, biology and mass spectrometry, with two research focuses. The first focus is to study the machanisms of anticancer drugs, especially natural products and enzyme inhibitors, and the development of innovative anticancer molecules. The second focus is to develop novel chemical proteomic approaches and study protein synthesis biology. Qualification PhD (HKU) ORCID ID 0000-0003-2244-6516 Awards and Achievements • Editorial board member of ‘Molecular & Cellular Proteomics’ • Member, American Society for Mass Spectrometry • Gordon Conference Travel Award 2015 • Utrecht University short-stay Fellowship 2011 Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology