e-Bulletin issue 101/March 2019
Cover Story
Former Dean of FCE Appointed Next President of PolyU

The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) welcomes the appointment of Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, a Vice-President, Dean of the Graduate School, and Chair Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology, to be the next President of PolyU from 1 July 2019. Prior to his current role, Prof. Teng spent more than 2 decades of his academic career at PolyU since joining it in 1994. He is well qualified to lead the University in the next chapter of its development, having served it in various leadership positions, including Associate Vice President (September 2006 – June 2010), Dean of Faculty of Construction and Land Use/Faculty of Construction and Environment (September 2007 – June 2013) and Director of Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (January 2012 – June 2018).

Prof. Teng feels deeply honoured to be appointed as PolyU’s next President, pledging to work closely with various stakeholders of the University to turn its education and research vision into reality. In addition to providing the best holistic education for students and supporting colleagues to realise their potentials, he will strive to enhance the academic standing and the impact of PolyU in Hong Kong and the world. He will also ensure that the University will be a world leader for a significant number of disciplines and will develop strong education and research programmes in emerging areas such as robotics and artificial intelligence. Establishing a foothold in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) will be one of his priorities as PolyU President.

A distinguished scholar in the field of structural engineering, Prof. Teng has been a recipient of numerous accolades. He was elected in 2017 as Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the highest academic title in the field of science and technology in China, a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2015, and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2013. He won the State Natural Science Award of China (Second Class) in 2013 and the PolyU President's Award for Excellent Performance /Achievement (Research and Scholarly Activities) in 2015. With such stellar accomplishments, Prof. Teng looks forward to leading the University to further achievements on multiple fronts in the years ahead.

Prof. Teng
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019

In the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2019, the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) has 2 disciplines in the top 20. The ranking for Architecture/ Built Environment was in 20th place, while Civil and Structural Engineering was in 15th place. Locally, PolyU still leads in the subject of Civil and Structural Engineering.

QS uses 4 criteria for its ranking system – Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Citations per paper, and H-index, which measures both the productivity and impact of a scholar’s publications. The relative weightings of these criteria vary from discipline to discipline. For Architecture/ Built Environment, the weightings are 70% Academic Reputation, 10% Employer Reputation, 10% Citations, and 10% H-index. Those for Civil and Structural Engineering are 40% Academic Reputation, 30% Employer Reputation, 15% Citations, and 15% H-index. The ratings reflect the academic peers’ and employers’ opinions of the Faculty, as well as the achievements of academic staff in research (citations and impact). In terms of Citations per paper and H-index, PolyU is ahead of other world-leading universities in both Architecture/ Built Environment as well as Civil and Structural Engineering. For 2019, PolyU has obtained overall scores of 80.3 for Architecture/ Built Environment and 85.7 for Civil and Structural Engineering respectively, demonstrating its all-rounded accomplishments.

Outstanding Professional Services Awards 2018

A presentation ceremony for the Outstanding Professional Services Awards 2018 was held on 4 March 2019 at the Silverbox Ballroom in Hotel ICON. Dr Miranda Lou, Executive Vice President of PolyU and Chairman of its Technology and Consultancy (PTeC) Co. Ltd., delivered a speech and presented Departmental Awards to the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) for winning in the category of Maximum Staff Participation. Merit Awards in the same category were given to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI). In the last 3 years, one of the departments of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) has always won for Maximum Staff Participation. Likewise, this is the fourth consecutive year that CEE has received a Merit Award for the Most Active Department with the second highest aggregate invoiced value during the financial year for consultancy projects undertaken via PTeC.

Individual Awards were presented by Prof. Philip Chan, PolyU’s Interim President. Prof. Shengwei Wang of BSE received a Merit Award for Most Active Consultant, while Dr Charles Wong of LSGI received a Merit Award for Highest Growth Consultant. Prof. Wang also received a Merit Award for Most Active Consultant last year. The awards received by colleagues and departments of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) are testimony of their research impact and efforts in knowledge/ technology transfer.

BSE staff with their awards
  CEE staff with their awards
  LSGI staff with their awards
Research Activities
ECF Supports FCE Colleagues

2 colleagues in the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) have been supported by the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) in 2018/19. Following are the details:

PI (Dept) Project Title Duration (yrs) Funding Support (HK$)
Prof. Heng Li (BRE) Automated airborne drone for marine wastes recycling 2 $1,213,600
Prof. Chi-sun Poon (CEE) Novel recycling of incinerated sewage sludge ash from T Park and waste bentonite as a high-performance adsorbent for wastewater treatment 2 $1,315,800

The funding support was 38.9% of the total amount awarded to PolyU ($6,494,800). Environmental conservation will continue to be a major part of FCE’s research efforts in the future.

Start-up Fund for New Assistant Professor

A new assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Dr Chao Zhou, was allocated $500,000 in start-up funding from CEE, the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), and the University Matching Fund for a project entitled “Sustainable soil treatment using biopolymer.” The 3-year project will (i) study the influence of suction and drying/wetting cycles on mechanical behaviour of biopolymer-amended unsaturated soils with a particular focus on stiffness, dilatancy, critical state and peak shear strengths, (ii) investigate hydraulic behaviour, including the water retention curve and water permeability function, of biopolymer-amended soils at different stress conditions, and (iii) develop a sustainable soil treatment technology using biopolymer.

2019/20 HK PhD Fellowship Winners

PolyU was awarded 29 HK PhD Fellowships for 2019/20. The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) is pleased to have the following 7 winners (24% of total) for 2019/20. Details are as follows:

Department Awardee PhD Programme Chief Supervisor
BRE Yawen Dai Information and Construction Technology Prof. Meng Ni
BRE Chun Cheng Information and Construction Technology Prof. Meng Ni
BRE Bridget Tawiah Badu Eshun Construction and Real Estate Management Prof. Albert Chan
CEE Mingjing He Environmental Engineering and Science Dr Daniel Tsang
CEE Muhammad Farhan Structural Engineering Dr You Dong
CEE Wing Lun Lam Environmental Engineering and Science Prof. Chi Sun Poon
CEE Yanlin Zhang Environmental Engineering and Science Prof. Wei Chu

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme provides a monthly stipend of HK$25,100 (~US$3,217) plus a travel allowance of HK$12,600 (~US$1,615) per year for attending conferences and research-related events for the entire normal study period. Tuition fees for the same period are also waived by the University.

PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme 2018

6 academics in the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) have recently been approved for funding from the PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme 2018 to engage a postdoc fellow in their research for 2 years. Following are the details:

Department Principal Investigator PDF Candidate Project Title
BRE Prof. Heng Li Dr Ping He Fault-tolerance Consensus of Heterogeneous Multi-Robots
BRE Prof. Meng Ni Dr Tianjun Liao Novel thermal-to-electricity energy conversion devices and fuel cell coupling systems
BSE Dr Sunliang Cao Dr Hassam ur Rehman The Development of a Renewable Energy Powered District and Desalination System for a Seashore Zero-emission Community under the Subtropical Climate Condition
BSE Prof. Asif Usmani Dr Supan Wang Fundamental Study on the Hot-particle Ignition Phenomena in the Wildland-urban Interface
CEE Prof. Jian-Guo Dai Dr Botao Huang Use of Ultra-high Performance ECC and FRP for Development of Stay-in-place Permanent Formwork for Sustainable Marine Infrastructures
CEE Prof. Hai Guo Dr Kaimin Li Formation Process and Migration Law of Air pollution under Climate Change Scenarios

The research efforts of these scholars are expected to boost the capacity of FCE in knowledge production and technology transfer.

Events Reports
Visit from University of Massachusetts

On 28 March 2019, 2 representatives of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, John Feudo, Vice Chancellor of University Advancement, and Prof. Joseph Hartman, Dean of the James B. Francis College of Engineering, visited the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE). They met with Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of FCE, Prof. Geoffrey Shen, Associate Dean (Teaching), and Prof. Albert Chan, Head of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) to discuss matters of mutual interests, particularly with respect to academic exchanges and research collaboration.

The visitors with Prof. Shen (far left), Prof. Xu (second from right), and Prof. Chan (right)
AIT Visits FCE

A delegation from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand, visited PolyU on 18 March 2019 to explore opportunities for academic collaboration. Led by its Vice President of Academic Affairs, Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, the delegation included Prof. Pennung Warnitchai, Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology and Professor in Structural Engineering, Prof. Thammarat Koottatep, Professor in Environment Engineering and Management (Water & Wastewater), and Dr Bhawat Traipattanakul, Special Assistant to the President. In addition to meeting a few senior representatives of PolyU including its Interim President Prof. Philip Chan, Vice President (Student Affairs) Ir Prof. Ben Young, and Associate Vice President (Research Support) Prof. Guohua Chen, they met with Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), Prof. Xiaoli Ding, Associate Dean (Partnership), and some colleagues of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), including Prof. Kam Tim Chau, Prof. Agachai Sumalee, Prof. Yong Xia, and Dr Yi Jiang, to discuss academic/ research collaboration related to construction, environment, and sustainable development.

PolyU and AIT has a long history of collaboration dating back to the 1990s. All the programmes of study offered by AIT are exclusively at the postgraduate level, with a student population that is 70% international. It is hoped that master graduates of AIT can be recruited to further their studies at PolyU by means of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme.

The visitors with some representatives of FCE
  Prof. Xu (left) presenting a souvenir to Prof. Warnitchai
University of Waterloo Visits CEE Labs

4 delegates from the University of Waterloo in Canada visited the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) on 13 March 2019. Led by its Associate Vice President, Prof. Ian Rowlands, they met with Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), and Prof. Xiang-dong Li, Associate Dean (Research) of FCE and Director of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, for a tour of the Water and Waste Laboratories. A few CEE colleagues presented their latest research for the visitors, including Dr Shao-Yuan Leu and Dr Yi Jiang. This was followed by demonstrations of some experiments from some postdoctoral researchers and research students. The visit strengthened the existing partnership with PolyU, laying down further plans for possible academic and research collaboration in water-related areas.

Prof. Li (far left) and Prof. Xu (second from right) with the visitors
Delegation from Hunan Province Visits FCE

A 6-member delegation from Hunan Province, China, paid a courtesy visit to the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) on 13 March 2019. Led by Mr Jianyuan Zhou, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Department of Hunan Province, they met with Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of FCE, Prof. Xiaoli Ding, Associate Dean (Partnership), Prof. Geoffrey Shen, Associate Dean (Teaching), and Prof. William Lam, Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), to discuss translational research and technology transfer in Hunan Province.

The visitors with Prof. Shen (second from left), Prof. Xu (fourth from left), and Prof. Ding (fourth from right)
PolyU Counsellors Days 2019

53 counsellors from secondary schools in over 20 countries visited PolyU on 22 March 2019 to learn more about the various undergraduate programmes offered by its Faculties and Schools. Representing the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) were Prof. Xiaoli Ding, Associate Dean (Partnership), Mr Wai Kei Kong of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), Prof. Shiu Keung Tang of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE), Prof. Anthony Chen of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and Dr Wenbin Xu of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI). They were on hand to answer questions about the Faculty and its programmes from the counsellors, who also saw a few demonstrations of some experiments in a subsequent tour of some laboratories, including the Smart City Lab, the Fire Engineering Lab, the Concrete Materials Lab, and the Smart Construction Lab. A mini-fair staffed by some departmental staff provided further information for the counsellors.

Prof. Ding introducing FCE
  Some counsellors touring the Fire Engineering Lab
FCE Distinguished Lecture

On 19 March 2019, a distinguished lecture entitled "Effects of configuration of tall and super-tall buildings on building aerodynamics and pedestrian-level wind characteristics" was delivered by Prof. Yukio Tamura of the School of Civil Engineering at Chongqing University in China and Professor Emeritus/ Honorary Director/ Program Coordinator of the Wind Engineering Joint Usage/Research Center of Tokyo Polytechnic University in Japan.

Professor Yukio Tamura has been dedicated to structural wind engineering research for many years. He has conducted long-term, systematic and in-depth research in all aspects of wind-resistant design of building structures, including basic theory of bluff body aerodynamics, rational determination of design wind speed, provision of structural wind loading and calculation of structural equivalent static wind loading, evaluation of structural aerodynamic stability, compilation and revision of the wind resistant design code for building structures, wind hazard mitigation and so on.

He is a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan, a foreign fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering since 2013, an honorary fellow of the Indian Society of Wind Engineering since 2013, and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering since 2017.


Prof. Tamura
Student News
PolyU Graduating Class Ambassador 2019
A kick-off ceremony and reception were held on 26 February 2019 for the PolyU Graduating Class Ambassador Scheme. Officiated by Ir Prof. Ben Young, Vice President (Student Affairs), the ceremony was attended by about 150 Graduating Class Ambassadors who were nominated by their respective faculties/ schools/ academic departments. Following are some Graduating Class Ambassadors from the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) and their thoughts on what it means for them to serve in that capacity:

Li Hin Lau, a student in BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering, wants to keep in touch with PolyU. He hopes to learn what other students are doing after graduation. He has a lot of experience and memories from PolyU that he would like to share. He plans to become a chartered engineer.

Mr Lau
Fiona Leung, a student in BSc (Hons) Surveying, thinks being a graduating class ambassador is one of the best ways for meeting people and networking. She wants to help her peers strengthen their relationship to PolyU and other alumni. By initiating various alumni activities, she hopes to promote PolyU. She plans to pursue a career as a chartered surveyor. Her classmate in the same programme, Man Ho Yung, would also like to be a chartered surveyor/ financial analyst after graduation. He would promote PolyU in the company where he will be working. He wants to help students who have problems in school and stay connected with PolyU.

Miss Leung

Mr Yung
Michael Ng, a student in BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering, wants to broaden his social network and learn from other alumni who graduated before him. He thinks he can promote PolyU by behaving well in society and having an outstanding career.

Mr Ng
Fanny Fung and Wui Chun Kwan are both students in the BSc (Hons) Environment & Sustainable Development programme. Fanny hopes to connect with other alumni and learn from their experiences. She thinks PolyU provides unique courses in service-learning and work-integrated education for students. Her classmate, Wui Chun Kwan, wants to help PolyU stay in touch with its graduates.

Miss Fung

Mr Kwan
Wai Yin Yu, a student in the BSc (Hons) Environmental & Occupational Safety & Health programme, would promote PolyU by introducing its facilities that students can enjoy during their university years.

Mr Yu
Yuen Lam Chung, a student in the BSc (Hons) Geomatics (Land Surveying) programme, takes pride in being a PolyU student. She wants to keep in touch with her peers after graduation, join the alumni activities, and share them on social media. Her classmate, King Wah Lau, hopes to hone his leadership skills by serving as a graduating class ambassador and continue his studies.

Miss Chung

Mr Lau
Wan Cheung Tsang, a student in the MSc Environmental Management & Engineering programme, wants to make new friends and foster communication with his classmates. He looks forward to putting the knowledge he has gained in his postgraduate study to work.

Mr Tsang
Some graduating class ambassadors of PolyU with Prof. Young (sixth from right) and Prof. Ding (fourth from left)
Staff News
Ex-Government Official Appointed Honorary Professor of CEE

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) welcomed a new Honorary Professor in March 2019. Ir Chi-keung Hon was Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) of the Hong Kong Government from April 2015 until his retirement in October 2018. With more than 30 years of experience in various public works and engineering, he was awarded a Gold Bauhinia Star to cap off an illustrious career in public service. Prior to his appointment as Honorary Professor in CEE, Ir Hon was Chairman of its Departmental Advisory Committee for 3 years from 2016 to 2018, helping to launch a new BEng (Hons) programme in Sustainable Structural and Fire Engineering for 2019/20 and the land search for its laboratories. He is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

Ir Hon
New Academic Staff
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) welcomed new Distinguished Chair Professor Roderick Arthur Smith and new Professor of Practice, Ir Jacky Chiong, in March 2019.

Prof. Roderick Smith, ScD, FREng., is currently Royal Academy of Engineering Network Rail Research Professor of Railway Engineering, Imperial College and Chair of the Future Railway Research Centre. He is an Honorary Visiting Professor at Central Queensland University, Australia & of the Academy of Railway Science of China and York and City universities in the UK. He is Vice President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

He was previously a lecturer in the Cambridge University Engineering Department (1980-88) and Professor of Mechanical and Process Engineering, University of Sheffield (1988-2000), including a period as Head of Department (1992-95). He was Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College (2000-2005). Professor Smith has undertaken consultancy work for Tech Director, British Steel plc (1987-90), and has worked for the Board of British Rail (1992-96) and as an expert witness in many legal cases. He has also worked in Japan with universities, Japanese railway organisations and manufacturers. He has published widely and is frequently invited to address international meetings and conferences.

Prof. Smith
Ir Jacky Chiong has over 30 years of post-qualification experience in the structural engineering sector in Hong Kong, 3 of which were with P&T Architects and Engineers, 1 with Ove Arup & Partners and 3 with the Housing Department before he joined the Buildings Department (BD) in 1994. He is currently the Chief Structural Engineer of the BD.

Ir Chiong has extensive practical experience in the design, planning, construction, repair, maintenance and project management of private and public building developments. He is also involved in experience sharing sessions of the BD on policy formulation for control of buildings, the drafting of work practices and internal manuals of the BD on the design and construction of foundations and superstructures, and the review of various codes of practice issued by the BD.

Ir Chiong
Alumni News
BRE Graduate Bound for MIT

A 2013 BSc (Hons) graduate of the Building Engineering and Management programme, Miss Julia Mengpei Chen, is set to continue her studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) later this year. She has been awarded the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Young Engineers Scholarship, the MIT Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) Fellowship and the LGO Merit Scholarship to support her further education there in a unique Engineering-MBA dual degree programme.

Julia won the Outstanding Student Award of both the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) and the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) in 2012. Under the supervision of Prof. Meng Ni, she also won the Best Dissertation Award from the HKIE Building Division and had her paper published in Energy and Buildings.

After earning her bachelor’s degree from PolyU, Julia worked on 2 major projects, the Express Rail Link West Kowloon Terminus and the M+ Museum of the West Kowloon Cultural District, before taking up her current role as a senior project manager for the largest data center for construction in Hong Kong. Working on construction sites inspired her to pursue development opportunities with a focus on technology, operational science, and business execution. She hopes her learning experience at MIT will enable her to lead transformative initiatives for project delivery in Hong Kong and around the world.


Miss Chen (right) receiving her HKIE qualification at a reception for new members
Invitation for Programme Admission 2019/20
Applications from both local and international students are now invited for the following programmes:

Undergraduate Programmes
BSc(Hons) in Building Engineering and Management 建築工程及管理學(榮譽)理學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Property Management 物業管理學(榮譽)理學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Surveying 地產及建設測量學(榮譽)理學士學位
BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
BEng(Hons) in Civil Engineering 土木工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
BEng(Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development 環境工程與可持續發展學(榮譽)工學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health 環境及職業安全與健康(榮譽)理學士學位 (Top-up Degree Programme)
BEng(Hons) in Sustainable Structural and Fire Engineering 可持續結構及消防工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics 土地測量及地理資訊學(榮譽)理學士學位

Master of Science (MSc)/ Postgraduate Diploma (PgD)
Building Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學
Civil Engineering 土木工程學
Construction and Real Estate 建築及房地產學
Construction Law and Dispute Resolution 建築法及爭議解決學
Environmental Management and Engineering 環境管理及工程學
Facility Management 設施管理
Fire and Safety Engineering 消防及安全工程學
Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) 測繪及地理資訊學(地理資訊)
Geomatics (Surveying) 測繪及地理資訊學(測量)
High Performance Buildings 高效能建築
Project Management 項目管理
Sustainable Urban Development 可持續城市發展學

For details, please visit:
Undergraduate programmes- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/undergraduate-programmes
MSc/ PgD programmes- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/taught-postgraduate-programmes

For PolyU’s e-Prospectus, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study

Forthcoming Events
Belt & Road Cross-Professional Advancement Programme
Date: 29 - 30 March 2019
Topic: Managing Risks in Belt and Road Projects
Details: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/iaee/en-us/maincats/overview/belt-and-road-programme/
HKIE Engineer Day
Date: 13 April 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 11:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
Venue: Podium of FJ Wing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Smart City Model Design Competition: https://hkie.org.hk/en/news/event_detail/210/
The HKIE Engineer Day STEM Product Proposal and Design Competition: https://hkie.org.hk/en/news/event_detail/211/
FCE Translational Research Forum on Sustainable Urban Development in Greater Bay Area
Forum: 26 April 2019 (Friday)
Exhibition: 26 - 27 April 2019 (Friday & Saturday)
Time: 9:00a.m.-5:30p.m.
Venue: 2/F, Block Z, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Details and registration: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/translational-research-forum/home
CIB World Building Congress 2019
Date: 17-21 June 2019
Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Theme: Constructing Smart Cities
Details: http://www.wbc2019.hk/
2nd International Conference on Urban Informatics
Date: 24-26 June 2019
Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Details: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/lsgi/icui2019/
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