U.S. News Ranks PolyU’s Civil Engineering in the Top Three
In the latest education rankings of global universities by the U.S. News & World Report, PolyU was in 20th place in Asia and 170th among nearly 1,500 universities around the world. In the subject of civil engineering, PolyU was ranked 3rd globally, just behind China’s Tongji University and Tsinghua University. |
Research Achievements / ACTIVITIES |
Cooling Indoor Temperatures with a Multiple Functional Building Coating
An innovative coating for buildings has been jointly developed by Prof. Jianguo Dai of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and a former colleague of the Department of Applied Physics, Dr Dangyuan Lei, in collaboration with Dr Weidong Zhang of China State Construction.
BRE Academics Received APFPM Project Management Achievement Award Dr Daniel Chan and Prof. Albert Chan of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) have been recognized by the Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management (APFPM) with a Project Management Achievement Award 2019 in the Research category for their exploratory study of the implementation of the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) in Hong Kong. |
Event |
 Participants of the meeting
Meeting with AADO and FHKPUAA To explore potential collaboration between different parties to keep our alumni engaged, a meeting was held on 21 October 2020.Representatives of the Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) and the Federation of PolyU Alumni Associations (FHKPUAA) met with the senior management of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), including its Acting Dean Prof. Xiangdong Li, Associate Deans Prof. Xiaoli Ding (Partnership) and Prof. Geoffrey Shen (Teaching), as well as its 4 Department Heads. |
Invitation for Programme Admission 2021/22 |
Applications from both local and international students are invited for the following programmes:
Undergraduate Programmes
BSc(Hons) in Building Engineering and Management 建築工程及管理學(榮譽)理學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Property Management 物業管理學(榮譽)理學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Surveying 地產及建設測量學(榮譽)理學士學位
BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
BEng(Hons) in Civil Engineering 土木工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
BEng(Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development 環境工程與可持續發展學(榮譽)工學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health 環境及職業安全與健康(榮譽)理學士學位 (Top-up Degree Programme)
BEng(Hons) in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering 結構及消防安全工程學(榮譽)工學士學位
BSc(Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics 土地測量及地理資訊學(榮譽)理學士學位
Master of Science (MSc)/ Postgraduate Diploma (PgD)
Building Services Engineering 屋宇設備工程學
Civil Engineering 土木工程學
Construction and Real Estate 建築及房地產學
Construction Law and Dispute Resolution 建築法及爭議解決學
Environmental Management and Engineering 環境管理及工程學
Facility Management 設施管理
Fire and Safety Engineering 消防及安全工程學
Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) 測繪及地理資訊學(地理資訊)
Geomatics (Surveying) 測繪及地理資訊學(測量)
High Performance Buildings 高效能建築
Project Management 項目管理
Sustainable Urban Development 可持續城市發展學
Urban Informatics and Smart Cities 城市信息學及智慧城市
For details, please visit:
Undergraduate programmes- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/undergraduate-programmes
MSc/ PgD programmes and 2021/22 Entry Scholarships- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/taught-postgraduate-programmes
For PolyU’s e-Prospectus, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study
New Doctoral Programme at PolyU and its Outpost in Hangzhou
Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction 國際房地產及建築博士
For details, see http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/tpg
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme |
Under the auspices of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,600 plus a travel allowance of HK$13,300 per year for attending conferences and research-related events for a maximum period of 3 years. On top of that, PolyU will extend the same provisions to those Fellowship awardees with a four-year normal study period*, in addition to a full waiver of tuition fees for the entire normal study period for all awardees of the HK PhD Fellowship. The deadline for application is 2 December 2020. Details are at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/hkphd-fellowship/
* required for full-time PhD students admitted on the basis of a Master’s degree without a significant research component or on a Bachelor's degree alone
Forthcoming Events |
PolyU Admissions Seminar Series (Weekly)
Date: 4 – 23 November 2020
FCE Session (Mandarin): 12 November 2020 (Thursday 17:00 – 18:00)
FCE Session (English): 18 November 2020 (Wednesday 17:00 – 18:00)
Channel: Zoom
Details: Please click here |
HKCA 100th Anniversary International Conference - Showcase of Smart Construction Enhancing Site Productivity
Date: 6 November 2020 (Friday)
Venue: Harbour Grand Hong Kong, North Point
Details: https://www.hkca.com.hk/ |
Hong Kong Green Building Council - “My Green Space” Student Competition 2020-21
Theme of competition: The Wellbeing of Us – Build a better place for People and Environment
Registration period: 1 September 2020 – 30 November 2020
Details: http://competition.hkgbc.org.hk/tc/default.php |
The Greater Bay Area Urban Design Conference & Awards
Date: 25 November 2020
Time: 9:00am – 6:00pm (GMT+8)
Venue: Free Virtual Live Event
Details: http://gbauda.com/conference
HKIS Annual Conference 2020
Date: 28 November 2020
Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Venue: Grand Ballroom, Conrad Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
Registration: https://forms.gle/RKMNCBj3TuYurxFo8
Details: https://www.hkis.org.hk/en/news.html?id=42
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors – BIM Conference 2020
Date: 11 December 2020 (Friday)
Time: 14:00pm – 16:45pm
Format: Webinar– Zoom
More details to be released.
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