NSFC Funding for Air Pollution Research |
It is well known that air pollution is detrimental to our health, but precisely what constitutes harmful air and its levels of toxicity are still very much a mystery. To explore the joint toxicity mechanisms and contributions of key bioactive components in airborne fine particulate matters (PM2.5) from typical urban areas of China, Prof. Xiangdong Li, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), was recently awarded RMB 15,000,000 from the NSFC Major Research Plan for a two-year (2021-2022) Integrated Project.
The newly funded project represents a timely response to the grand challenge facing China that the reduction of PM2.5 mass concentrations does not necessarily facilitate proportional health risk reduction. Deciphering the combined health effects and joint toxicity mechanisms of key bioactive components and their contribution to regional disparities of PM2.5 toxicities becomes one of the pressing scientific issues in China¡¦s future paradigm of health-oriented air quality management.
In collaboration with the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, and Tongji University, Prof. Li will employ advanced interdisciplinary approaches from computational chemistry and toxicology to machine learning, live cell imaging, multi-omics, and genome editing to answer the long-standing fundamental questions, and, more importantly, to provide scientific evidence and technical support for precise mitigation of high-risk bioactive components that is essential for China¡¦s future strategies in the low-to-medium PM2.5 pollution scenario in the future.

An info-graphic of the project |
Research Achievements/ ACTIVITIES |
Funding for Collaborative Research
The Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2020/21 of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) has supported the following two academics of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) and their teams in their research projects:
Project Coordinator (Dept) |
Project Title |
Amount Awarded |
Prof. Meng Ni (BRE) |
Durable and high-performance zinc-air flow batteries for energy storage |
$4,200,000 |
Prof. Shengwei Wang (BSE) |
Development of next-generation key technologies for smart building |
$5,840,000 |
In addition, a one-off CRF Covid-19 and Novel Infectious Diseases (NID) Research Funding of $4,429,517 was awarded to Dr Horace Mui of BSE for his proposal entitled ¡§Effective Ventilation Strategies for Mitigating Infection Risks in Hospital.¡¨ This is one of the two PolyU projects that was funded by RGC to help mitigate the impact of NID on society and people's livelihood, and better equip people should another NID emerge.
Of the 5 CRF projects in different categories awarded to PolyU this year, 3 were awarded to FCE totaling HK$ 14.5 million, which accounts for 55% of the total amount awarded to PolyU.
Winter Air Pollution Exacerbated by Coal Burning
A team of researchers from PolyU, Fudan University, Research Center of Eco-Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shandong University and Shandong Jianzhu University, found surprisingly high concentrations of bromine chloride (BrCl) and other reactive halogen gases when they measured a suite of reactive halogen gases and other chemicals in winter 2017 at a polluted rural site in Hebei province. According to Prof. Tao Wang of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), ¡§Halogen atoms can kick start hydrocarbon oxidation that makes ozone, modify the oxidative capacity, perturb mercury recycling by oxidizing elementary mercury (Hg0) to a highly toxic form (HgII). Moreover, Cl atoms can remove methane, a climate-forcing agent. Most of the previous studies in the continental regions have focused on two Cl precursors, ClNO2 and Cl2. However, little was known on the abundance and the role of bromine compounds and other forms of photoliable halogens in the polluted continental troposphere.¡¨ The team analyzed the data with scientists from the US, Spain and France and found strong evidence that rural coal burning was a major source of the detected reactive halogens, which could boost formation of winter haze in northern China. Their findings were recently published by the National Science Review at https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa304 and was reported at EurekAlert!, ScienMag, and Phys.org.
Workshop on Strategies for NSFC Applications |
To encourage and better prepare its academics to apply for research funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) held a workshop on 25 January 2021 on strategies for writing successful proposals. After opening remarks by Prof. Xiangdong Li, Dean of FCE, the speakers below shared their respective experiences.
Speaker (Dept) |
Topic |
Dr Xiaolin Zhu (LSGI) |
Young Scientists Fund |
Dr Chao Zhou (CEE) |
Excellent Young Scientist Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) |
Dr Minchen Wei (BSE) |
General Program |
Prof. Xiangdong Li (CEE)) |
Major Research Plan Program |
Prof. Meng Ni (BRE) |
NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme |
A total of 82 participants joined the workshop and had a fruitful discussion of application strategies for different NSFC funding schemes.

Prof. Li at the workshop |
LSGI Scholar Delivers Webinars for Industry |
As part of the deliverables for a project supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund, Dr Wallace Lai of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) gave three webinars recently on underground utility survey standards and specifications for the Hong Kong Council for Certification and Testing (HKCTC), the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS). Attracting nearly 600 attendees online, the webinars promoted better understanding of the six technologies/skills based on LSGI¡¦s standards/specifications to be accredited by the Hong Kong Accreditation Services (HKAS) under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) in the fourth quarter of 2021. The six standards/specifications include utility locating by electromagnetic induction, ground penetrating radar and laser scanning, as well as utility diagnosis by acoustic methods for leak detection in pressurized water mains, visual inspection and flow survey in gravity drains/sewers. A prime example of knowledge transfer from academia to industry, these standards facilitated procurement of the necessary equipment and manpower as well as execution during any type of buried utility survey.
In addition, Dr Lai also introduced his consultancy project for the government¡¦s Water Supplies Department (WSD), in which a newly built training ground spanning across 19,000 square feet with almost a hundred buried leak points and a 2,500 square-foot indoor training centre have been established in Tsing Yi. The facilities allow trainers to set up blind-test scenarios based on real-life cases of water leaks, and to pick certain leak points for trainees to locate in a ¡¥blind¡¦ way. A performance standard and an accreditation system have been set for practitioners in the leak detection sector which are in line with the standards and specifications that Dr Lai has developed with the industry and HOKLAS.
Dr Lai (2nd from right) receiving a souvenir from HKIS |
Dr Lai (right) at the HKCTC |
Dr Lai (2nd from left) with a few MTRC staff |
PolyU Info Day for Taught Postgraduate Programmes 2021 |
The Faculty of Construction and Environment offers a wide spectrum of taught postgraduate (TPg) programmes, from Construction and Real Estate to Urban Informatics and Smart Cities in the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Environment. All TPg programmes have been accredited by professional organizations and are internationally recognized. Not only do they keep up with the latest advances in technology, they also address the practical needs of industry and society. Entry scholarships are available for applicants with outstanding academic records.
The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) held its online info sessions for taught postgraduate programmes on 9 January 2021 for prospective students for the 2021 cohort. Prof. Geoffrey Shen, Associate Dean (Teaching), gave an overview of the taught postgraduate programmes before respective programme leaders held consultation sessions for interested applicants. About 300 participants were in attendance.

Prof. Shen |
Smart Mobility Research of FCE Academics Exhibited Online |
A Virtual InnoCarnival was held from 23 to 31 December 2020 by the Innovation and Technology Commission. On exhibit were some projects related to the theme of smart mobility, a distinctive feature of Hong Kong due to its efficient transport infrastructure. These included (i) a smart city platform created by Prof. John Shi of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) for seamless data fusion, AI-based urban object cognition, visualisation and analysis of massive 3D urban models, and spatial big data analytics, (ii) a multi-modal public transport route search platform known as HKeTransport created by Dr Lilian Pun-Cheng of the same department, (iii) intelligent transportation systems for drivers that were created by Prof. William Lam of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and (iv) a seamless urban navigation system that was led by Prof. Wu Chen of LSGI.

PolyU¡¦s online booth at InnoCarnival |
Scholarship Student Graduates with Distinction |

Mr Chau |
To attract outstanding students to the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Environment, the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) offers entry scholarships that cover tuition fees of its taught postgraduate programmes. An entry scholarship student has recently graduated with Distinction in the MSc programme in Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems). Mr King Fung Chau is pleased to share that he met many professional classmates from multidisciplinary fields when working on group projects, in addition to dedicated and patient teachers. Their insights were the most meaningful and memorable to him. He thinks that balancing study and work is exhausting for part-time students but learning should be a fun and enjoyable process. He advises students to be courageous in their thoughts and actions. He plans to use his knowledge and skills to implement practicable solutions and innovations for better cities, forging a career in urban planning.
Invitation for Programme Admission 2021/22 |
Applications from both local and international students are invited for the following programmes:
Undergraduate Programmes
BSc(Hons) in Building Engineering and Management «Ø¿v¤uµ{¤ÎºÞ²z¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Property Management ª«·~ºÞ²z¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Surveying ¦a²£¤Î«Ø³]´ú¶q¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering «Î¦t³]³Æ¤uµ{¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BEng(Hons) in Civil Engineering ¤g¤ì¤uµ{¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BEng(Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development Àô¹Ò¤uµ{»P¥i«ùÄòµo®i¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Àô¹Ò¤Î¾·~¦w¥þ»P°·±d(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì (Top-up Degree Programme)
BEng(Hons) in Structural and Fire Safety Engineering µ²ºc¤Î®ø¨¾¦w¥þ¤uµ{¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics ¤g¦a´ú¶q¤Î¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
Master of Science (MSc)/ Postgraduate Diploma (PgD)
Building Services Engineering «Î¦t³]³Æ¤uµ{¾Ç
Civil Engineering ¤g¤ì¤uµ{¾Ç
Construction and Real Estate «Ø¿v¤Î©Ð¦a²£¾Ç
Construction Law and Dispute Resolution «Ø¿vªk¤Îª§Ä³¸Ñ¨M¾Ç
Environmental Management and Engineering Àô¹ÒºÞ²z¤Î¤uµ{¾Ç
Facility Management ³]¬IºÞ²z
Fire and Safety Engineering ®ø¨¾¤Î¦w¥þ¤uµ{¾Ç
Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) ´úø¤Î¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç(¦a²z¸ê°T)
Geomatics (Surveying) ´úø¤Î¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç(´ú¶q)
High Performance Buildings °ª®Ä¯à«Ø¿v
Project Management ¶µ¥ØºÞ²z
Sustainable Urban Development ¥i«ùÄò«°¥«µo®i¾Ç
Urban Informatics and Smart Cities «°¥««H®§¾Ç¤Î´¼¼z«°¥«
For details, please visit:
Undergraduate programmes- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/undergraduate-programmes
MSc/ PgD programmes and 2021/22 Entry Scholarships- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/taught-postgraduate-programmes
For PolyU¡¦s e-Prospectus, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study
New Doctoral Programme at PolyU and its Outpost in Hangzhou
Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction °ê»Ú©Ð¦a²£¤Î«Ø¿v³Õ¤h
For details, see http://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/tpg
Forthcoming Events |
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