We welcome comments and suggestions from staff, students, alumni, and friends of the Faculty, please contact the Faculty Office at faculty.ce@polyu.edu.hk.



FCE unveils new Faculty logo symbolising tradition, innovation, and sustainability

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Faculty logo!

The new FCE logo comprises two fundamental elements: the initials of the Faculty, “FCE”, and the Chinese character “建”. Together, they form a visual representation of our identity and mission.

The design pays homage to the traditional Chinese mortise and tenon structure (榫卯), reflecting our deep respect for time-honoured traditional construction wisdom and our aspiration to impart and enrich the knowledge passed down from our predecessors to future generations through education and research. The colour scheme of our logo also highlights the Faculty’s core values. The presence of green alongside our corporate colour symbolises our pledge to sustainability. It underscores our focus on environmental consciousness and our resolve to work in harmony with nature.

As we move forward, this logo will serve as a constant reminder of our identity, values, and missions. We hope you will join us in celebrating this new milestone in our Faculty's story.


Dean's/FCE Awards reward outstanding academic and non-academic staff

Congratulations to the following academic and non-academic staff for receiving the Dean's/FCE Awards 2024 for their exceptional contributions and achievements.

Dean’s Award for Highly Cited Researchers

The award is to recognise academic staff who have demonstrated significant influence through the publication of multiple highly-cited papers. Both the awardees produced multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citation for their respective fields and were on the list of 2023 Highly Cited Researchers compiled by the Web of Science (WoS) Group.

Department Awardee   Field
Dept of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Prof. Jerry YAN Chair Professor Engineering
Dept of Building and Real Estate Prof. Geoffrey SHEN Chair Professor Cross-Field


Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research Funding

The award gives recognition to the success of academic staff in securing external competitive research funding. The full list of funded projects is available here.

Department Awardee
Dept of Building Environment
and Energy Engineering
Dr Xinyan HUANG Associate Professor
Dept of Building and Real Estate Prof. Heng LI Chair Professor
Prof. Geoffrey SHEN Chair Professor
Prof. Meng NI Professor
Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Zhen LENG Professor
Prof. Yong XIA Professor
Prof. Songye ZHU Professor
Dr You DONG Associate Professor
Dr Huan-Feng DUAN Associate Professor
Dr Shao-Yuan LEU Associate Professor
Dr Alessandro STOCCHINO Associate Professor
Dr Qi ZHAO Assistant Professor
Dept of Land Surveying
and Geo-Informatics
Prof. Xiao-li DING Chair Professor
Dr Xintao LIU Associate Professor


Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Innovation

The award is to reward academic staff who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in teaching innovation in the areas of externally funded teaching development projects, teaching and learning related publications or external awards and honours.

Department Award Category Awardee  
Dept of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Individual Award Dr Cynthia HOU Assistant Professor


FCE Award for Outstanding Administrative/Technical Services

The award is to recognise the exemplary performance of the administrative and technical staff of the Faculty and departments in providing quality service.

Unit Award Category Awardee  
Faculty of Construction and Environment Individual Award Miss Anessa CHAN Executive Assistant
Individual Award Miss Niky CHAN Technical Officer
Team Award Ms Esther CHIK*
Miss Wendy YIP
Executive Officer
Assistant Officer
Dept of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Individual Award Ms Ida LEUNG Senior Executive Officer
Dept of Building and Real Estate Individual Award Ms Chloe SHING Assistant Officer
Team Award Mrs Vivien KAO*
Miss Queenie WONG
Ms Irene WU
Senior Executive Officer
Executive Officer
Executive Officer
Technical Officer
Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Individual Award Ms Connie LAM Administrative Assistant
Individual Award Ms Emily FUNG Technical Officer
Individual Award Ms Katherine NG Executive Officer
Dept of Land Surveying
and Geo-Informatics
Individual Award Ms Peony CHAN Senior Secretary
Team Award Ms Serein HAN*
Miss Stella TSE
Mr Chi-shing LAU
Scientific Officer
Scientific Officer
Technical Support Assistant

*Team leader


FCE alumnus wins HKIE Young Engineer of the Year Award 2024 for commendable professional achievements

The Faculty is pleased to learn that Ir David KWOK, a graduate of the Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction Programme of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), has been honoured with the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2024 by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) for his achievements in the engineering profession and significant contributions to the wider community. Ir Kwok received the honour from Ir Dr Barry LEE, President of the HKIE, on 15 March 2024 at the 46th HKIE Annual Dinner.

Apart from leading a technology start-up to develop a digitalised fabrication process for building materials, Ir Kwok also dedicates his extensive experience in civil and building engineering projects to help nurture young minds in multiple capacities such as ambassador, mentor, and volunteer teacher.

FCE is delighted to see our young alumni soaring to great heights in their careers and giving back to their respective professions.



PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2024 engages prospective students

The annual PolyU Consultation Day for Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) applicants was successfully held on 18 May 2024. It provided JUPAS applicants with refreshing learning experiences and admissions information for our undergraduate programmes through a series of face-to-face events.

This year, students were offered a valuable opportunity to immerse themselves in preparation for admission interviews at PolyU by participating in individual or group mock admission interviews. This first-ever event allowed academic staff from different departments to provide direct feedback to student participants. In addition to information seminars on departmental scheme-based admission programmes, which gave an overview of the curriculum and career prospects, representatives from the four FCE departments were also present at the consultation booth to answer questions and discuss students' enquiries. The FCE activities and booths attracted about 200 participant visits from those who were eager to enhance their knowledge about the academic aspects of student life in FCE.        

For highlights of the Consultation Day 2024, please click here.




FCE academics advocate for interdisciplinary collaboration on sustainability at Nexus Forum

FCE academics actively engaged in the Nexus Forum 2024, co-hosted by PolyU and Cell Press on 9 and 10 May, demonstrating their commitment to interdisciplinary research and innovation on sustainability.

Themed "Sustainable Exploration of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation", the two-day event attracted over 150 participants and explored innovative research in various fields. Prof. Jerry YAN, Chair Professor of Energy and Buildings of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE) and Editor-in-Chief of PolyU’s first interdisciplinary journal Nexus, played a pivotal role in the forum as co-chair. With sustainable urban development being one of the key research directions of the Faculty, the concept of sustainability is interwoven throughout the research of FCE academics. They took up active roles in the event to contribute to the international exchange on sustainability, such as members of the organising committee and international scientific committee, keynote speakers, and session chairs. The success of the Nexus Forum 2024 is a testament to the collaborative spirit and expertise within FCE and PolyU at large.




Research on green-blue-grey infrastructure facilitates policymaking on building sustainable city

Urban heatwaves, exacerbated by climate change and rapid urbanisation, pose a significant threat to world cities. In response to this growing concern, green-blue-grey infrastructure (GBGI) has emerged as an effective and aesthetic solution for mitigating urban heat. A recent research study published in The Innovation in March 2024, titled "Urban heat mitigation by green and blue infrastructure: Drivers, effectiveness, and future needs”, by Prof. Hai GUO of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and a group of global researchers provides a systematic overview of the urban cooling capabilities of GBGI across various regions and introduces a practical framework for its implementation in developing sustainable and resilient cities.

The paper proposes a nine-stage framework encompassing stakeholder engagement, feasibility studies, design, policy development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and eventual upscaling and replication. It serves as a holistic roadmap for policymakers to address the surging environmental challenges brought by intensive urbanisation. The extensive development of GBGI can improve air quality, mitigate the urban heat island effect, enhance urban biodiversity, and offer recreational opportunities to the community.



  FCE Research Salon on Extreme Weathers
Date: 3 June 2024 (Monday)
Time: 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: ZS1215
FCE Three-minute Thesis Competition 2024
Date: 5 June 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Venue: Z211
PolyU Summer Institute 2024 – Residential Camp
Date: 22 to 26 July 2024 (Monday to Friday)
Target Audience: Current S4 & S5 Students (or equivalent)
Please click here for details



Applications are invited for the following programmes.
Undergraduate Programmes https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study/undergraduate-programmes/
Taught Postgraduate Programmes https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study/taught-postgraduate-programmes/
Research Postgraduate Programmes https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study/research-postgraduate-programme/

For e-Prospectus, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study




Please click here for the scholarships and awards of the Faculty.