We welcome comments and suggestions from staff, students, alumni, and friends of the Faculty, please contact the Faculty Office at faculty.ce@polyu.edu.hk.



FCE Three Minute Thesis Competition 2024

As a prequel to the PolyU Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) 2024, the FCE 3MT® competition was successfully held on 5 June 2024 with four research postgraduate students awarded for their outstanding academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

Ten contestants selected from department-level 3MT® competitions presented their research to the adjudicating panel and the audience in three minutes, with the aid of one static PowerPoint slide. The adjudicating panel selected three winners while the audience voted for the People’s Choice Award. The winners received cash prizes and certificates from Prof. Meng NI, Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty. The Champion and the First and Second Runners-up will represent FCE in the forthcoming PolyU 3MT® 2024.

The 3MT® competition was developed by The University of Queensland and is now held in over 900 universities worldwide.

Award Name
3MT® Title
Champion Ms Shujie XU
Dept of Civil and
Environmental Engineering
Cracking the ABC (Algal Bloom Code) for a Safer Water Future
First Runner-up Ms Zhuowei WANG
Dept of Civil and
Environmental Engineering
Hydrogen bus: Driving green transit alongside electric bus in Hong Kong
Second Runner-up Mr Ali FARES
Dept of Building and Real Estate
Towards a Comprehensive Pavement Condition Assessment
People’s Choice Award Mr Raffel Dharma PATRIA
Dept of Civil and
Environmental Engineering
The Green Winery: Turning Plant Residue into Liquid Gold

BRE undergraduate wins Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024

The Faculty is pleased to share that Ms Karen YEUNG, a year three BSc (Hons) in Surveying student of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), has been granted the esteemed Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 in recognition of her remarkable academic achievements, enthusiasm for innovation and technology, and holistic personal development.

Aligned with future social development trends, the awardees were selected against six InnoTech Areas and Ms Yeung stood out in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics area. She received the honour at the award presentation ceremony held on 11 June 2024 together with the other four PolyU awardees. The scholarship supports the awardees’ participation in overseas/ Mainland China attachments, local internships, mentorships, service projects, as well as ideation and achievement showcase programmes.

This prestigious scholarship is jointly organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission, HSBC, and The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, with 25 outstanding university students selected as scholarship recipients each year.


Non-local learning experiences enrich FCE students’ global perspective

To prepare our students to become global citizens with outward-looking mindsets, FCE champions the University’s goal of promoting non-local learning experiences. Apart from exchange studies, FCE departments also incorporate non-local learning opportunities, such as study tours and service-learning trips, to instil a global perspective in students.

The study tours held in the 2023/24 academic year provided excellent opportunities for students to explore and compare the different facets of urban development between Hong Kong and the destination cities. By visiting esteemed universities, signature infrastructures, institutions, utility enterprises, and utilising local transportation systems, students were able to immerse themselves in diverse academic, social, and cultural environments. These first-hand experiences enhanced their awareness of how culture and history impact the overall development of various cities and regions. On the other hand, the service-learning trips deepened students’ understanding of the real-world challenges faced by those in need. These trips encouraged students to contribute to the betterment of the Nation and the world by applying their knowledge and technical skills.

The non-local learning experiences thoughtfully designed by FCE departments exemplify the Faculty’s commitment to providing holistic education that grooms future professionals with a global perspective.




FCE Chair Professor receives Uichi Inouye Memorial Award - Asian International Award 2024

Prof. Jianlei NIU, Chair Professor of Building Environment and Energy of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE), has been awarded the Uichi Inouye Memorial Award - Asian International Award 2024 by The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE). Prof. Niu received the award on 10 May 2024 in Tokyo in recognition of his milestone contributions to the development, design, research, and education in the field of air conditioning, heating, and environmental engineering.

The Uichi Inouye Memorial Award was launched by SHASE in 2010 in memory of the late Prof. Uichi INOUYE, a pioneer of modern building services design in Japan. This prestigious award is presented to at most one recipient per year.


FCE academics share good practices of integrating GenAI in learning and teaching to drive pedagogical development

The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has presented both unprecedented opportunities and challenges to academia. In response to PolyU’s open and forward-looking stance to the use of GenAI in education, many FCE academics have begun to utilise GenAI as a tool for learning, teaching, and assessment.

Recently, academic representatives from FCE departments were invited by the Educational Development Centre to share their experiences and insights on effectively leveraging GenAI to enhance student learning with fellow PolyU academics. Their sharing has stimulated the exchange of GenAI-related pedagogical methods among the PolyU community, contributing to the overall educational advancement of both FCE and the University.

Thank you to the following department representatives for sharing and promoting good pedagogical practices:

Department Representative
Dept of Building Environment and Energy Engineering Dr Gigi LUI
Dept of Building and Real Estate Dr Hung Lin CHI
Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr Barbara SIU
Dept of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Dr Wallace LAI

FCE research salon provides platform for knowledge sharing on extreme weathers

To strengthen the Faculty’s culture of scholarly knowledge sharing and explore potential research collaborations within and beyond FCE, the Faculty organised the FCE Research Salon on Extreme Weathers on 3 June 2024.

Prof. Tao WANG, Chair Professor of Atmospheric Environment of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), shared insights on the impact of heatwave on air quality in 2022. Dr You DONG, also from CEE, presented the latest research on intelligent maintenance and adaptation of coastal infrastructures in the face of a changing climate. The FCE salon series provides a relaxed and informal platform that encourages discussion of research findings and fosters a collaborative ambience.


Staff promotions

Congratulations to the promotions of the following academics of FCE with effect from 1 July 2024!

Promotions to Chair Professor

Prof. Meng NI

Chair Professor of Energy Science and Technology

Dept of Building and Real Estate

Prof. Wu CHEN

Chair Professor of Satellite Navigation

Dept of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Promotions to Professor

Prof. Huan-Feng DUAN

Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Prof. Wallace LAI

Dept of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

Long-serving staff of FCE

Ms Kendy KWOK, Clerical Officer of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE), retired from PolyU on 4 June after dedicating over 31 years to the University. Before her last day of service, Prof. Xiang-dong LI, Dean of Faculty, presented her with a commemorative souvenir as an acknowledgement of her valuable contributions to PolyU.



  FCE Research Salon on Advanced Thermal Management based on Radiative Cooling Technology
Date: 4 July 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Venue: ZS1215
FCE Annual Forum 2024
Details to be announced
PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day 2024 Part II “Cheer On! Chit-Chat with HKDSE Students”
Date: 5 July 2024 (Friday)
Time: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Venue: Block Z, PolyU Campus (FCE consultation counter at Z208)
Please click here for registration and details
PolyU Summer Institute 2024 – Residential Camp
Date: 22 to 26 July 2024 (Monday to Friday)
Target Audience: Current S4 & S5 Students (or equivalent)
Please click here for details



Applications are invited for the following programmes.
Undergraduate Programmes https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study/undergraduate-programmes/
Taught Postgraduate Programmes https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study/taught-postgraduate-programmes/
Research Postgraduate Programmes https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study/research-postgraduate-programme/

For e-Prospectus, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study




Please click here for the scholarships and awards of the Faculty.