Faculty Forum Highlights FCE Strategic Plans |
To cultivate a supportive culture for academics of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) to engage in high impact and collaborative research, a Faculty Forum was held on 30 August 2018. About 80 of them gathered to learn about some critical issues of relevance for them. First, they heard from Prof. Guohua Chen, Associate Vice President (Research Support), who provided an analysis of FCE¡¦s strengths, weaknesses, and the opportunities facing it. Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of FCE, then shared the Faculty¡¦s strategic plans for 2018 to 2021. They were nothing short of visionary. Next, Prof. Jianping Gan from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology talked about his successful experience in writing a proposal for the Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). His insight shed some light on what a winning proposal might be like.
Subsequently, Prof. Albert Chan, Head of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) and member of the RGC engineering panel, shared his perspective as a panel member on applications for the Early Career Scheme (ECS) and General Research Fund (GRF) of the RGC. This was followed by presentations from Dr You Dong of CEE and Prof. Xiaoli Ding, Associate Dean (Partnership), who talked about their respective experiences in writing proposals for the ECS and GRF, before Prof. Asif Usmani, Head of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE), gave some tips on recruiting quality candidates for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. The Forum facilitated dialogue between young researchers and more experienced scholars. Concluding with closing remarks from Prof. Xiangdong Li, Associate Dean (Research), it was an enlightening event for all who attended, particularly those just beginning their academic careers.
Prof. Chen
Prof. Xu
Prof. Gan
HK Scholars Programme 2018 |
5 academics from the Faculty of Construction and Environment have been selected by the Hong Kong Scholars Programme (HKSP) 2018 to each engage a mainland scholar as a Postdoctoral Fellow in their research projects. Launched in December 2010 as a joint initiative between mainland authorities and the Society of Hong Kong Scholars, the HKSP promotes academic/ scientific exchanges and collaboration by matching outstanding mainland PhD graduates with leading academics of universities in Hong Kong, who will supervise the mainland scholars for 2 years in a research project. Following are the details:
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dept. |
Supervisor |
Project Title |
Dr Jun Yan |
Prof. Lin Lu |
Investigation and Optimization of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Water in Heat Exchanger with Super-hydrophilic to Super-hydrophobic Coating |
Dr Zenghui Diao |
Prof. Wei Chu |
Catalytic Oxidation for the Removal of Toxic Pollutants in Water |
Dr Dong Wu |
Prof. Xiangdong Li |
Physico-chemical Characterization and Inhalation Toxicity of Urban Ambient Airborne Particulate Matters (PMs) in Subtropical Regions |
Dr Yaoyu Zhou |
Dr Daniel Tsang |
Nanomaterials-impregnated Biochar for Wastewater Treatment |
Dr Yanni Dong |
Prof. John Shi |
A New Solution for Global Urban Settlement Mapping by GeoBigData |
The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy |
The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy was held at PolyU from 22 to 25 August 2018. Attracting about 1100 academics and professionals from around 50 countries, the theme of the conference was innovative solutions for energy transitions. Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), delivered an opening speech at the plenary session, which was followed by a short talk from Prof. Jinyue Yan, the editor-in-chief of Applied Energy, a top journal in energy engineering. Chaired by Prof. Hongxing Yang of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE), the conference featured 4 keynote speakers, including Prof. Geoffrey Hammond of the University of Bath, Prof. Shengwei Wang of PolyU¡¦s BSE, Prof. Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul of the University of Regina in Canada, and Dr Yongping Zhai of the Asian Development Bank.
In addition, there were 169 sessions including oral presentations and poster sessions on different topics such as clean energy conversion technologies, energy management, policy, economics and sustainability, energy sciences, energy storage, intelligent energy systems, mitigation technologies, renewable energy, and geothermal energy. Chaired by Prof. Vivien Lu and Dr Linda Xiao of BSE, a conference banquet was organized. Prof. Asif Usmani, the Head of BSE, introduced the development of BSE to the delegates. Best performance awards were given to Dr Chen Xi (Chief Secretary of the conference) and the helpers led by him. Two site visits were arranged after the conference, one to a solar farm at the Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works, the other to an international low carbon city in Shenzhen and an eco-technology park in Shenzhen Bay. Supported by FCE and BSE, the conference was also sponsored by the Future Energy Center of Malardalen University in Sweden, Applied Energy Innovation Institute, the Solar Energy Society of Hong Kong, and Elsevier.
Participants of the conference |
The 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation |
From 16 to 18 August 2018, about 300 scholars and researchers gathered at the Jockey Club Innovation Tower on the campus of PolyU for the 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation. Welcoming speeches were delivered by Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), and Prof. Xiang-dong Li, Director of the Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development.
Hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and supported by the Environment and Conservation Fund, the conference provided a platform for knowledge exchange among professionals across the world to advance the management agenda for contaminated sites in the local context, with attention to its environmental compatibility, financial feasibility and social needs. There were 13 plenary speeches, 16 keynote speeches, talks from 50 invited speakers, and 250 oral/poster presentations. Some of the speeches were from editors/editors-in-chief of top journals, including an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A visit to an ecological site was organized for the last day of the conference. The Conference Chair (Dr Dan Tsang of CEE) and the organizing committee would like to thank the sponsors of the conference, which included Hongkong Electric, WSP (Asia) Limited, Chulalongkorn University, and Seoul National University.
At the conference |
Meeting Explores HKIE Accreditation of MSc Programmes |
On 7 August 2018, 3 representatives of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) met with several academic staff of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) to explore the possibility of accreditation of some of its MSc programmes by HKIE. Ir Prof. Arthur Mak, Deputy Chairman (Accreditation Board), Ir Paul Chan, member of the Fire Discipline Advisory Panel, and Dr Jenny Tang, Senior Manager (Professional Standards), presented an overview of different types of programmes that HKIE accredits, , and its accreditation criteria for MSc programmes. In attendance were Ir Prof. Michael Yam, Acting Associate Dean (Teaching), Prof. Asif Usmani, Head of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE), Prof. Y.S. Li, Advisor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and several programme leaders, including Prof. M.L. Chen and Dr Joseph Lai of BSE, Prof. C.W. Li and Prof. W. Chu of CEE, as well as Dr Yang Xu of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI).
At the meeting |
LSGI Co-hosts Civil Engineering Workshop in Berlin, Germany |
From 27 June to 3 July 2018, a group of 19 nondestructive testing (NDT) engineers from Sweden, Switzerland, India, Algeria, Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong attended a workshop in Berlin, Germany.
Organized by Dr Ernst Niederleithinger of the Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin and co-organized by Ir Dr Wallace W.L. Lai of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), the annual workshop has been held since 2013, covering the basics and the advanced development of NDT-CE technologies. From testing to evaluation and imaging technologies in civil engineering, the topics included classical NDT, concept of validation, principles and hands-on practice of impact echo, ground penetrating radar, ultrasonics, thermography, laser-induced spectroscopy, geophysical methods, pile testing, surface wave, electrochemistry of corrosion process, moisture measurement, data fusion, etc. There was also a one-day visit to the test site in Horstwalde (a forest 50 km away from Berlin), where a few practical survey instruments were demonstrated. The workshop was highly rated by the participants. For information on the next workshop, please refer to http://www.ndte-training.bam.de/en/home/index.htm.
Participants of the workshop |
Orientation for Taught Postgraduate Students |
An orientation was held on 24 August 2018 for full-time taught postgraduate students of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE). Prof. You-Lin Xu, Dean of FCE, welcomed the new students and introduced them to the Faculty, after which the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Environment was introduced by its Acting Chairman, Prof. Michael Yam, who is also Acting Associate Dean (Teaching). The 4 departments of FCE were subsequently introduced by Prof. Albert Chan, Head of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), Prof. Asif Usmani, Head of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE), Prof. William Lam, Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), and Prof. John Shi, Head of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), respectively. Following an introduction of the Mental Wellness Clinic by Dr Dana Lo of the University Health Service, students had a chance to meet with their respective programme leaders in 10 break-out sessions. It was a great start to the academic year for all the new students. |

BDCE Orientation 2018 |
On 27 August 2018, an orientation on the Broad Discipline of Construction and Environment (BDCE) was held for incoming freshmen. Prof. Michael Yam, Acting Associate Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE), welcomed the students and introduced them to the BDCE team. The BDCE Programme Leader, Dr Daniel Chan of the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE), then introduced the BDCE curriculum and academic advising for BDCE, the leadership of which would be taken over by Dr W.L. Lee of the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) at the start of the 2018/19 academic year. Students had a chance to meet and familiarize themselves with some of their academic advisors, namely Dr Daniel Chan from BRE, Dr W.L. Lee from BSE, and Dr Lilian Pun from the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI). The BDCE academic advisor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Prof. K.F. Chung, was represented by his colleague, Dr Barbara Siu, that afternoon.
Subsequently, the four departments of FCE were introduced respectively. Students were also introduced to the mental wellness services provided by the University Health Service and the services of the Centre for Student Advancement and Resources (Centre STARS) before the orientation was over.
Prof. Yam
At the BDCE orientation
FCE Awards for Outstanding PhD Theses |
The following research students have been selected for the FCE Awards for Outstanding PhD Theses.
Dept. |
Student Name |
Chief Supervisor
Thesis Title |
Xi Chen |
Prof. Hongxing Yang |
Developing a New Passive Design Approach for Green Building Assessment Scheme with Integrated Statistical Analysis and Optimization |
Zhe Yang |
Chief Supervisor
Dr Zhizhao Liu
Prof. Xiaoli Ding |
Investigation of Equatorial Ionosphere Scintillations Using GNSS Observations from Hong Kong Region |
Each of the students will receive a cash prize of HK$10,000 and a certificate signed by the Faculty Dean at the Faculty Congregation and Prize Presentation Ceremony in November. |
CEE Scholar Wins Runner-up Award for Best PhD Thesis |
Dr Guan Lin, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), recently won the IIFC 2018 Runner-up Award for Best PhD Thesis. The International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC) was established in March 2003 to advance the understanding and application of FRP composites in civil infrastructure. Its council set up the IIFC Best PhD Thesis Award in 2016. Dr Lin presented his PhD work at the 9th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, which was held in Paris, France from 17 to 19 July 2018. His Runner-up Award includes a cash prize of US$500, an honorarium of US$1,500 to cover his travel costs, and a complementary IIFC membership for two years. The title of Dr Lin¡¦s thesis is ¡§Seismic Performance of FRP-confined RC Columns: Stress-strain Models and Numerical Simulation¡¨. He was supervised by Prof. Jin-Guang Teng, Chair Professor of Structural Engineering of CEE. |

Dr Lin (far right) receiving his award |
Paper by BSE PhD Student Wins at International Conference |
Mr Maomao Hu, a PhD student in the Department of Building Services Engineering (BSE) supervised by Dr Linda Xiao, has won the 1st place in a Student Paper Competition at the 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference held in Purdue University, USA, from 9 to 12 July 2018. Mr Hu¡¦s paper was entitled ¡§Model Predictive Control of Inverter Air Conditioners Responding to Real-Time Electricity Prices in Smart Grids.¡¨
Held every two years, this international conference provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners from all over the world to discuss current engineering advances, problems and solutions for high performance building technology.

Mr Hu (left) receiving his award |
BRE Students Learn Much from Study Tours |
A study tour is often a highlight of any university experience. There is something exciting about immersing in a foreign culture first-hand rather than just reading about it. More than 150 students from the Department of Building and Real Estate (BRE) seize the opportunity to participate in a study tour in 2017/18. Following are the details:
In January 2018, 2 groups of students visited Tokyo, one with Dr Milton Lau and Dr M. J. Wadu, while another went with Mr Stephen Kong and Prof. Eddie Hui. In addition to tours of the Edo Tokyo open air architecture museum, the Venus Fort, the Science museum, and the Tokyo sewage museum, students learnt about the real estate market in Japan at the CBRE office there and property valuation concepts from the Japan Real Estate Institute.
Another group of students visited Tokyo in May 2018. Led by Prof. Patrick Lam and Dr M.J. Wadu, they visited Daikyo Incorporated, Kajima Corporation, Nishimatsu Construction (Aikawa Technical Research Institute), and the Tokyo Institute of Technology to explore a range of built environment practices and issues in the Japanese construction industry, with special reference to construction technology and safety, planning and development as well as property development.
2 other groups of students went to Osaka in May 2018. One group was accompanied by Dr Hebe How, Dr Milton Lau, and Prof. Eddie Hui, the other by Dr Joon Oh Seo and Dr Hong Qin Fan. The first group visited Osaka Castle, which housed a museum of historical artefacts. Students learnt about burdock piling used in the construction of the castle¡¦s foundation. They attended a short lecture at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto to find out about the building services system and urban design in Japan. They also were given a choice to look around either Tsutenkaku, the National Museum of Art, or the Umeda Sky Building in small groups. A final stop at Kinkidai University for the participants to hear about some of its programmes concluded the study tour.
The memorable places visited by the second group included a storm surge station known as the Tsunami, the Miyako Ecology Center, and the Japan Real Estate Institute, where students heard from Mr Nishio about the work of a qualified valuer of real estate in Japan and the overall housing prices there for the past few decades.
Another destination some students chose for their study tour in May 2018 was the United Kingdom. Accompanied by Mr Stephen Kong and Prof. Eddie Hui, they visited the headquarters of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to learn about its accreditation scheme for surveyors. They also attended a few lectures at the University of Cambridge and the Kingston University London. Visits to Oxford and The Building Centre completed their study tour.
All the students agreed that a study tour was definitely a worthwhile learning experience for them.
Students on one of the Tokyo study tours
Students on the UK study tour
Study Tour from Wuhan and Tongji Universities |
To foster academic exchange and strengthen collaborations between Wuhan University (WU), Tongji University (TU) and PolyU, the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) hosted a group of about 50 students from WU and TU from 30 July to 3 August 2018. Prof. John Shi, Head of LSGI, introduced the department to the visiting students, who attended several lectures of LSGI academics, a public lecture by a guest speaker, and participated in a cultural exchange/ sharing with LSGI students. They also visited some laboratories and facilities of LSGI, PolyU¡¦s House of Innovation, the Survey and Mapping Office of the government¡¦s Lands Department, City Gallery in Central, as well as the Tsing Ma Bridge. Students had a chance to share what they have learnt from the study tour with one another on the last day. It is hoped more academic collaborations and exchanges between the 3 universities can take place in the future.
Participating students of the study tour |
Invitation for Programme Admission 2019/20 |
Applications from both local and international students will be invited for the following programmes by the end of September. Please watch out for the opening of 2019/20 application and get ready to make an application.
Undergraduate Programmes
BSc(Hons) in Building Engineering and Management «Ø¿v¤uµ{¤ÎºÞ²z¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Property Management ª«·~ºÞ²z¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Surveying ¦a²£¤Î«Ø³]´ú¶q¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering «Î¦t³]³Æ¤uµ{¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BEng(Hons) in Civil Engineering ¤g¤ì¤uµ{¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BEng(Hons) in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development Àô¹Ò¤uµ{»P¥i«ùÄòµo®i¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
BSc(Hons) in Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Àô¹Ò¤Î¾·~¦w¥þ»P°·±d(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì (Top-up Degree Programme)
BEng(Hons) in Sustainable Structural and Fire Engineering ¥i«ùÄòµ²ºc¤Î®ø¨¾¤uµ{¾Ç(ºaÅA)¤u¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì [new, subject to approval]
BSc(Hons) in Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics ¤g¦a´ú¶q¤Î¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç(ºaÅA)²z¾Ç¤h¾Ç¦ì
Master of Science (MSc)/ Postgraduate Diploma (PgD)
Building Services Engineering «Î¦t³]³Æ¤uµ{¾Ç
Civil Engineering ¤g¤ì¤uµ{¾Ç
Construction and Real Estate «Ø¿v¤Î©Ð¦a²£¾Ç
Construction Law and Dispute Resolution «Ø¿vªk¤Îª§Ä³¸Ñ¨M¾Ç
Environmental Management and Engineering Àô¹ÒºÞ²z¤Î¤uµ{¾Ç
Facility Management ³]¬IºÞ²z
Fire and Safety Engineering ®ø¨¾¤Î¦w¥þ¤uµ{¾Ç
Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) ´úø¤Î¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç(¦a²z¸ê°T)
Geomatics (Surveying) ´úø¤Î¦a²z¸ê°T¾Ç(´ú¶q)
High Performance Buildings °ª®Ä¯à«Ø¿v
Project Management ¶µ¥ØºÞ²z
Sustainable Urban Development ¥i«ùÄò«°¥«µo®i¾Ç
For details, please visit:
Undergraduate programmes- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/undergraduate-programmes
MSc/ PgD programmes- https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/study-at-fce/taught-postgraduate-programmes
For PolyU¡¦s e-Prospectus, please visit https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study
Forthcoming Events |
Recruitment Drive of PolyU CIBSC
Brief Introduction: As a student-run organization in building and construction, the PolyU CIB Student Chapter welcomes all research and post-graduate students from the Faculty of Construction and Environment to become a member. Membership applications are accepted all year round.
Website: http://cibsc.bre.polyu.edu.hk/ |
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Annual Conference 2018
Date: 22 September 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
Venue: Ballroom, JW Marriott Hong Kong, Pacific Place
Details: https://www.hkis.org.hk/hkis/general/annual-conf/2018/hkis-ac2018v5.pdf |
FCE Public Lecture on "Rethinking Building Appraisal: Beyond the Performance Gap"
Speaker: Prof. Stuart D. Green, Professor of Construction Management, School of the Built Environment, Chancellor¡¦s Building, University of Reading, UK
Date: 26 September 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:00p.m.-7:00p.m.
Venue: Room Y301, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Details: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fce/news-event/upcoming-events/20180926 |
PolyU Education Info Day 2018
Date: 6 October 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 9:30a.m.-6:00p.m.
Venue: Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Details: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/as/infoday/en/events/activities/fce/index.html |
¡§My Green Space¡¨ Green Building Competition for Schools 2018
Theme: My Green and Existing Buildings
Details: http://competition.hkgbc.org.hk/en/about_competition_registration.php |
24th Congregation and Faculty Prize Presentation Ceremony
Date: 6-7 November 2018
Venue: Room Y304, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Details: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/as/web/en/for-graduates/congregation-arrangements/24th-congregation/index.html |
CIB World Building Congress 2019
Date: 17-21 June 2019
Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Theme: Constructing Smart Cities
Details: http://www.wbc2019.hk/ |
Copyright © Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. All rights reserved.