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PolyU develops space instruments for the Nation’s first lunar sample return mission

Researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have developed and manufactured the “Surface Sampling and Packing System”, specifically designed for Chang’e 5, the Nation’s first lunar sample return mission. Following the successful launch of Chang’e 5 by the Long March 5 rocket today (24 November), the Surface Sampling and Packing System is scheduled to commence lunar sampling in early December. Joining this historic mission is the team led by Professor YUNG Kai-leung, Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering, Chair Professor of Precision Engineering and Associate Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, PolyU. Dr Robert W.M. TAM, Interim Director of PolyU’s Industrial Centre, is one of the team’s key members. Chang'e 5, the third phase of the Nation’s lunar exploration project, is China’s first space mission to collect and return two kilogram samples of lunar regolith. The Chang'e 5 spacecraft comprises four modules: an orbiter, an ascender, a lander and a return vehicle. Transported on the Chang’e 5 lander, the PolyU-developed Surface Sampling and Packing System includes two samplers that can withstand 200 °C for collecting samples of lunar regolith in loose and sticky form, two heat-resistant nearfield cameras for vision guidance during sample acquisition, and a packaging and sealing system for sealing the samples in a container. Upon completion of sample acquisition on the lunar surface by the PolyU samplers, the robot arm will, through vision guidance, lift the PolyU designed and made container and place it into the ascender. The ascender will then lift off into lunar orbit, dock with the orbiter and transfer the sample container to the return vehicle for the journey back to Earth. “Over the years, PolyU has been honoured to participate in the national space exploration programmes and to contribute to the development of highly sophisticated space instruments for the Nation,” said PolyU President Professor Jin-Guang TENG. “In the Chang'e 5 lunar exploration project, PolyU's research team has developed one of the key sets of sampling instruments and made a breakthrough in lunar surface sampling by leveraging its valuable experience in international space projects, its innovative thinking and its cutting-edge technology. In achieving its motto - ‘to learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind’, through rigorous scientific study and research excellence, PolyU will continue to make important contributions to Chang'e 6 and other national space missions.” Building on their previous study of the lunar environment and a wealth of experience from several lunar missions, Professor YUNG Kai-leung and his team started researching and developing the Surface Sampling and Packing System in 2011 and completed the project in 2017. Professor YUNG Kai-leung said, “The return of samples from the moon is technically complex. It takes more than six prototype productions through various stages of space qualification procedures in order to complete the project, not to mention the pre-production research, system design, discussions and meetings in collaboration with the China Academy of Space Technology.” “The Surface Sampling and Packing System is one of the most critical components of the Chang’e 5 mission. We are truly thankful for being entrusted with such an important and challenging task for this historic space project.” Professor YUNG said. In addition to the System itself, the innovative techniques for high-precision high-resolution 3D mapping and geomorphologic analysis of the landing region developed by Professor Bo WU from PolyU’s Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics are important for characterisation of the landing region, in order to support decision-making for selecting the final landing site for Chang’e 5. Being the only tertiary institution in Hong Kong that possesses international space qualification experience, PolyU has been contributing to the Nation’s space projects since 2010. As part of the Nation’s lunar exploration programme, Professor YUNG collaborated with the China Academy of Space Technology to develop a “Camera Pointing System” for Chang’e 3 in 2013 and for Chang’e 4’s historic landing on lunar far side in 2019, and a Mars Camera for Tianwen 1 in 2020. The “Surface Sampling and Packing System” will be used for the Chang’e 6 mission as well. PolyU has actively participated in other space exploration projects, designing and manufacturing a number of sophisticated space tools in the past decade. These include the “Mars Rock Corer” for the European Space Agency’s 2003 Mars Express Mission and the “Soil Preparation System” for the Sino-Russian Space Mission in 2011. [From PolyU Media Release]   Related News Articles: 香港理工大學四位學者獲2020年度國家優秀青年科學基金項目資助 [香港新聞網 (Hong Kong China News Agency)] 理大4位青年科學家獲2020年度國家優秀青年科學基金 [香港商報 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)] 香港理工大学四位学者获2020年度国家优秀青年科学基金项目资助 [中国新闻网 (]--> Related News Articles: 港理大擔重任 研採樣裝置 [文匯報(Wen Wei Po)] 理大太空儀器 隨嫦娥五號月球採樣 [明報(Ming Pao Daily News)] 理大研太空儀器登月採樣返地球 [星島日報(Sing Tao Daily)] 理大月球採樣器搭嫦娥五號升空 [東方日報(Oriental Daily News)]

25 Nov, 2020


培訓本地機師 航空業疫後再起飛

經濟日報網站 (Hong Kong Economic Times)

25 Nov, 2020


PolyU wins three TechConnect Global Innovation Awards

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) won three "Global Innovation Awards" at the TechConnect Business Virtual Summit and Showcase 2020 (TechConnect). It is the fourth year that PolyU research teams snatched the prestigious awards at the world's largest multi-sector event for fostering development and commercialisation of innovations. The TechConnect Global Innovation Awards identify the top 15% of submitted technologies based on their potential positive impact on a specific industry sector. Over 400 submissions were received this year including those from global top-notch universities and technology enterprises. Only 13 were presented with the global awards designated for non-US-funded innovations across the world; and PolyU received three of them. Other awardees include global-renowned institutes such as The University of Melbourne and The University of British Columbia. PolyU’s three award-winning innovations are: (1) “Water Dispersible Autofluorescent Polymer Dots Comprising of Non-Conjugated Polymers” by Professor LI Pei, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology This new type of photoluminescent nanoparticles uses inexpensive nonconjugated polymers as building blocks, and has the ability to display ultra-bright and multi-colour fluorescence upon excitations in both water and dry states. It also has excellent water dispersibility, low toxicity, high absorptivity, good photostability, and high quantum yield. This innovation has various potential applications, including serving as: bioimaging markers for in vitro cell imaging, autofluorescent nano-carriers for image-guided therapy, nanofillers in plastics for LED diffuser applications, fluorescent ink in anti-counterfeiting applications, chemosensors for heavy metal detection and structural health monitoring. (2) “PolyUStimulator – Ultrasound Driven Piezoelectric Stimulator for Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation” by Professor Yong-ping ZHENG and Dr Monzurul ALAM, Department of Biomedical Engineering As existing electroceutical stimulators are bulky with a limited life span and pose transmission efficacy and safety concerns, wireless power delivery to electrical implants deep inside the body remains a critical challenge. The PolyUStimulator presents a battery-free, ultrasonically-powered, piezoelectric stimulator for functional muscles, nerves and bones. Ultrasound can reach deep into the body where conventional inductive energy cannot reach safely; it is also safe from radio frequency interference and is fully MRI and X-ray compatible. This innovation can treat patients, ranging from neurological to orthopedic conditions, whom are paralysed or suffering from non-union bone fractures or neuromusculoskeletal pain. (3) “A Time-dependent Machine-Learning-based Prediction System for Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis” by Mr Toby LI and Mr Justin CHAN, MPhil students under the supervision of Dr Chunyi WEN, Department of Biomedical Engineering (submission made under CLAIRE Clinical AI Research) Early detection of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is critical for early intervention to prevent disease progression and to reduce the need for salvage joint replacement surgery. However, there remains a lack of a reliable prediction method for disease progression and a user-friendly platform for patient self-management. As such, an artificial intelligence based KOA screening system has been developed which predicts the risk of KOA progression at different time points in the future. This innovation leverages multiple modalities of medical data, including tabular electronic health records and knee radiographic images for a comprehensive analysis which could aid clinical practitioners to perform efficient triage and construct personalised treatment plans. Moreover, a mobile application is being developed to measure and record relevant physiological data of the patients regularly, facilitating continuous tracking and self-management of the disease. Dr Terence LAU, Interim Associate Vice President (Innovation and Technology Development) of PolyU, congratulated the teams and remarked, “We feel very proud to learn that our PolyU research teams have once again been recognised by the prestigious Global Innovation Awards. These award-winning technologies span from benefiting human health to various industrial applications. Our efforts in research, development and innovation at PolyU not only sparks a fundamental scientific understanding of the world, but also focuses at shaping the world by addressing global unmet needs through innovation. These awards reassure us about the strategic direction of our research and innovation and our goal of being a world-class research university.” PolyU is currently showcasing its latest innovative technologies, including the three award-winning innovations, at the virtual summit. During the online event, PolyU participants are taking the opportunity to explore research and collaboration opportunities with major industry end-users, top multinational companies and academic institutions to apply the innovations and generate a positive impact to the global community. For more details, please refer to the official website of the TechConnect Business Virtual Summit and Showcase 2020 ( and the list of awardees ( [From PolyU Media Release]   Related News Articles: 理大三科研成果 獲全球創新獎 [星島日報(Sing Tao Daily)] 理大三科研成果奪「TechConnect全球創新獎」 [大公報(Ta Kung Po)] 理大研壓電刺激器 助脊髓受損者活動 [明報(Ming Pao Daily News)] 理大研電流刺激器 毋須手術植入紓痛症 [經濟日報(Hong Kong Economic Times)] 理大研植入式刺激器 助紓神經痛治癱瘓 [星島日報(Sing Tao Daily)] 治療痛症 理大研超聲波神經刺激器 僅3毫米 毋須手術植入 [am730] 理大研非創傷性電流剌激器 助脊髓受損癱瘓人士重新走路 Related News Articles: 香港理工大學四位學者獲2020年度國家優秀青年科學基金項目資助 [香港新聞網 (Hong Kong China News Agency)] 理大4位青年科學家獲2020年度國家優秀青年科學基金 [香港商報 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)] 香港理工大学四位学者获2020年度国家优秀青年科学基金项目资助 [中国新闻网 (]-->  

19 Nov, 2020


A Quantum leap forward in Computing

From Silicon Valley in California to Shenzhen, China, leading IT companies across the world have been looking for the key that will take quantum computing to the next level. Now, a team of Chinese researchers led by Professor Tsai Din-Ping, Chair Professor and Head of PolyU’s Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, have developed an approach that promises to unlock the full potential of this exciting new technology. Although still in the early development stages, quantum computing has been widely heralded as the most significant advance in computer technology since the invention of the transistor. Once this technology has matured, it could lead to major breakthroughs in the quest for new life-saving drugs, alternative forms of energy, hacker- proof data encryption, and so much more. But what exactly is quantum computing? Essentially, it is a form of computing that harnesses particles such as electrons and photons to perform highly complex calculations. Quantum computers are so powerful, in fact, that they can solve lengthy mathematical problems in less than one second rather than the thousands of years needed by an ordinary computer. Governments and companies like Google, IBM and Microsoft understand that quantum computing is the future and are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars to perfect the technology. Yet getting there will require overcoming a number of seemingly insurmountable challenges. For one, the results are not always reliable. Qubits are famously unstable, as even the tiniest amount of vibration or a slight change in temperature can throw off its calculations. Quantum computers also generate tremendous amounts of heat, so in order to perform accurately, they must be operated in room-size freezers at temperatures many times colder than deep space. These challenges may be daunting but they could soon be resolved thanks to an innovative new approach developed by Professor Tsai and his team. How quantum computers work their magic In a traditional computer, all information is based on a “bit” (or binary digit), which can be either 0 or 1. That email you wrote, the TikTok video your kids uploaded, or the online newspaper you read this morning, all come down to the 1s and 0s that make up the long streams of binary data your computer depends on. Quantum computers, on the other hand, run on “qubits” (or quantum bits), which are derived from the quantum state of sub-atomic particles. Unlike ordinary bits, they can be both 1 and 0 — or anywhere in between — simultaneously (known as “superposition”). This is accompanied by “entanglement”, a somewhat enigmatic phenomenon in physics where two particles share information about each another. When two particles such as photons (the basic unit of light) are linked this way, they can perform a vast number of calculations far beyond the capability of today’s most powerful supercomputers. A qubit can be both 1 and 0, or anywhere in between, at the same time. Let there be light The concept behind their approach is based on a series of miniature “meta-lenses” composed of extremely fine antennae for capturing photons from a laser beam and focusing them on the same point. “The design principle is very simple,” says Professor Tsai. “We made very small antennae and placed them on a surface made of gallium nitride, a semiconductor material known for its excellent optical quality. “We made each antenna as ‘nano’ as possible, because that gives you the precise ability to control light at a very fine level.” A typical nano antenna developed by the team measures 45 nanometres (width) x 80 nanometres (length) x 800 nanometres (height). More than 250,000 of these tiny antennae went into the composition of one lens, which measures 100 microns in diameter, about the size of a human hair. To demonstrate how their approach works, the team designed and fabricated a 1mm x 1mm optical chip with an array of 10 x 10 lenses containing a total of 25 million antennae, each in a different size, dimension and orientation, and all integrated with a nonlinear crystal , which can polarise incoming light. When a laser beam is focused at the centre of the nonlinear crystal, each meta-lens on the chip will generate two photons from one photon. In a series of experiments, the team demonstrated that the multi-photon pairs are superimposed and correlated with each other. The high-dimensional quantum entangled optical chip that resulted from this exercise is the first in the world, opening the way for further advances in quantum computing. Zooming in to reveal the antennae in the chip Did you know? 1 millimetre = 1,000 micrometres (microns) 1 micron = 1,000 nanometres Power to the nth degree Entangled photons are critical for quantum information as they are capable of generating millions more bits than a traditional computer. In the past, however, this was extremely difficult to achieve with quantum computing. “Before, when people attempted to make a high dimensional quantum chip this way they had to do it with a laser beam that split many different times through different crystals,” says Professor Tsai. “It was almost impossible for them as the laser light died down every time it went through the crystals. And the setup is bulky. “But we were able to do it with one crystal in one tiny chip — a world first.” Why is this so significant? Mainly because the number of bits generated is high dimensional (an extremely large number of dimensions, d plus 1). “We now have traditional style computers of 64 bits,” says Professor Tsai. “Their computational power is 264, but with our 10 x 10 array meta-lens, it is much more than 2100. Even more promising, we believe our approach can easily achieve even greater computational power.” What’s more, during trial runs Professor Tsai’s team was able to obtain a fidelity rate of nearly 98.4%, which confirmed the feasibility of their quantum entangled optical chip. In addition to this, the chip can operate at room temperatures, eliminating the need for liquid helium or nitrogen cooling systems and ultra-high vacuum facilities. Schematic of the high-dimensional quantum entangled meta-lens array optical chip A breakthrough with revolutionary potential The cutting-edge research carried out by Professor Tsai’s team was done in collaboration with Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China, National Taiwan University, Academia Sinica, East China Normal University, and National United University. Although the chip is still in the development phase, its revolutionary potential was recognised by one of the world’s top scientific journals, Science, which published a paper co-authored by the team, “Metalens-array–based high-dimensional and multiphoton quantum source”, in June 2020. This recognition was highly encouraging for Professor Tsai and his team, who believe commercial applications for this compact and reliable chip may not be far off. “Our research will help quantum information science realise many applications in our daily life in the future,” Professor Tsai says. “One example is cashless payments. At the moment, when you make a transaction, a security code is generated randomly with 2 bit computing (1s and 0s). The current maximum would be 4 or 5 digits. With quantum computing, the code generated would be much longer and virtually impossible to break.” A workable quantum computer, however, is not likely to replace your smartphone anytime soon. Yet because of the advances made by the PolyU team, commercial applications may be closer than previously thought. “The revolution comes from here, with our chip,” says Professor Tsai. “It truly is a technical breakthrough.” Wu Yongfeng (rightmost) and Liu Xiaoyuan are excited to assist in Professor Tsai's research. [From excel@PolyU]   Related News Articles: 超級量子芯片 加快電腦運算 理大參與研究 有助日常應用 令通訊更保密 [大公報(Ta Kung Po)]

17 Nov, 2020




2 Nov, 2020


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2 Nov, 2020


Prof. Johan Hoorn won Huibregtsen Prize 2020 with his robotics research project ‘Alice’

We are proud to announce that Prof. Johan Hoorn received the Huibregtsen Prize 2020 at the award ceremony that took place on 5 October 2020 in Haarlem, The Netherlands, with a live stream available to the guests. Prof. Hoorn successfully outcompeted other scholars who perform scientific research on different social concerns, including COVID-19 new treatment options, malaria vaccine, adolescent overweight, and nitrogen threats to nature. He shared the honour with Prof. Elly Konijn of Vrije University Amsterdam for their robotics research project ‘Alice’. Social loneliness is a major problem in an ageing society. Prof. Hoorn and Prof. Konijn have therefore developed ‘Alice’, a robot girl that helps to cope with loneliness among older adults. ‘Alice’ is regarded as an electromechanical grandchild. She relieves loneliness and improves the quality of life by being a companion to older adults, chatting with them and responding empathically. Can robot friendship replace the human counterpart in a social relationship? How will people respond to an artificial object while they know it is not a real human being? What does a robot need to understand others and how to show empathy? Which social role should a robot play to counter loneliness among the elderly? How do we make a robot understand social-emotional language instead of just following instructions? These questions also are investigated in the project ‘Alice’. “As is, Alice’s performance is based on a mix of artificial intelligence and remote-controlled human interference when a conversation goes astray. Currently, we work on language understanding rather than processing,” said Prof. Hoorn. “Over time, we hope such robots can be used for many social challenges in healthcare, education, and services.” The special feature of ‘Alice’ is highly recognised by the jury of the Huibregtsen Prize. In the Jury Report, “The jury unanimously opted for an innovative approach with an impressive result. An integral success story. The particularly passionate approach to a pressing problem. An impressive combination of in-depth, fundamental research and application of knowledge with global impact. Teamwork that outside the scientific comfort zone answers questions and raises others. This scientific and social project is based on an impressive combination of disciplinary expertise and raises deep questions about possible relationships between humans and machines, but also about empathy and moral reasoning. ‘Alice’ is the product of team science, which stimulates the social discussion about social robotics with the use of citizen science and the impact on politics and business. Deep fundamental questions, a highly relevant application, and brilliant science communication.” Prof. Hoorn started his research in the humanities, focusing on fictional characters. After he joined the Department of Computer Sciences of Vrije University Amsterdam, he ventured into avatars and game characters. He later turned to social robots as the universal interface between the digital and the analogue world after implementing several cognitive models in artificial systems. At PolyU, Prof. Hoorn furthers the Robot Brain Server, which handles data, data security, artificial intelligence, and cloud access to make the robot a safe and trustworthy confidante to its user. The Huibregtsen Prize was established in 2005 by the board of the Stichting De Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij (The Evening of Science & Society Foundation) in The Netherlands and named after Ir. Wouter Huibregtsen. All public organizations for scientific research in The Netherlands are invited to submit entries. A minimum of four and a maximum of six projects are selected to enter the final stage annually and the prize ultimately goes to a recent groundbreaking research project that combines scientific quality and innovation with clear social relevance. [From Department of Computing]

16 Oct, 2020


Campus Reports PolyU researchers’ smart pavements won two awards at iCAN 2020

PolyU and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT) collaborated in contributing to an EU-funded project entitled Urban Nature Labs (UNaLab) led by a consortium comprising 29 partners from 15 countries. As part of the UNaLab project, PolyU researchers, led by Professor Yuhong Wang from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dr. Ivan Wang-Hei Ho from the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, developed “A smart integrated road pavement and drainage system for stormwater storage, de-icing, dust suppression, and cooling”. This project aims to develop integrated pervious concrete pavement systems and their components as part of the nature-based solutions (NBS), and to selectively adopt UNaLab NBS and implement them locally through “living labs”. This system has won two awards: the Canadian Special Awards and the Organizer’s Choice Awards in the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN 2020). The project, with its innovative designs to change the urban road, aims to make roads more environmentally friendly and to tackle significant challenges brought about by climate change. The UNaLab consortium is coordinated by VTT, and the research components led by VTT have been funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research Scheme, while the research components PolyU is responsible for, were funded separately by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. For more details of the system, please click HERE To access a brief of the H2020 Project UNaLab, please click HERE [From PolyU Campus Reports]

29 Sep, 2020


Four PolyU young researchers receive China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2020

Four young researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have been awarded funding from China's Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2020. Each researcher will receive RMB1.2 million to conduct pioneering research in Hong Kong over a period of three years. Under the National Natural Science Foundation of China, China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund has been extended to young scientists in Hong Kong and Macau for applications from eight designated universities since 2019. It aims to support young scientists (under 38 for male and under 40 for female) who have attained outstanding achievements in fundamental research to pursue innovative research in areas of their choice, fostering them to be internationally leading scholars in their respective fields. List of the funded projects is as follows. Researcher Department Research title Research summary Dr Xiaolin ZHU, Assistant Professor Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics Remote Sensing: Time Series Image Processing Dr Zhu has developed a series of advanced technologies for processing satellite images, which improve the ability and accuracy of time-series remote sensing for monitoring land surface changes. This project will further develop the framework and model for multi-dimensional data fusion, a technology needed for integrating data from multiple satellites in the near future. Dr AN Liang, Associate Professor   Department of Mechanical Engineering Flow and Heat/Mass Transfer in Electrochemical Energy Systems Dr An has systematically studied the characteristics of flow and mass transport in a complex microporous structure in which electrochemical reactions occur, and achieved a number of innovative results. The primary objective of this project is to investigate key issues related to flow and heat/mass transfer in electrochemical energy systems at different scales. Dr ZHOU Chao, Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Unsaturated Soils and Problematic Soils This project aims to improve the fundamental understanding and modelling capability of unsaturated loess behaviour under cyclic thermo-hydro-mechanical loads. The success of this project will help engineers to improve the design of pavement and railway embankment in the loess region. Dr YANG Lei Ray, Assistant Professor Department of Computing Battery-free Internet of Things This project proposes an efficient and large-scale battery-free Internet of things (IoT), which aims to harvest energy from ambient electromagnetic waves for wireless communication and sensing. This project works towards the key theory and technologies of the new generation IoT, facilitates the coexistence and the fusion of multi-protocols, multi-target and multi-networks, and finally promotes its application in industry.   It is encouraging to see that more young scientists from PolyU are supported by the Nation to further develop their research. China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund not only reflects the Nation’s substantial support to Hong Kong’s scientific research, but also encourages local young scientists to pursue excellence in basic research and research in cutting-edge technologies. [From PolyU Media Release] Related News Articles: 香港理工大學四位學者獲2020年度國家優秀青年科學基金項目資助 [香港新聞網 (Hong Kong China News Agency)] 理大4位青年科學家獲2020年度國家優秀青年科學基金 [香港商報 (Hong Kong Commercial Daily)] 香港理工大学四位学者获2020年度国家优秀青年科学基金项目资助 [中国新闻网 (]  

22 Sep, 2020


Dr Ray Yang awarded NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2020

We are pleased to announce that Dr Ray Yang has secured a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) 2020 for his research project titled "Battery-free Internet of Things". As the fundamental infrastructure, the Internet of Things (IoT) has developed rapidly in recent years. However, the existing Internet of Things is powered by batteries. Once the nodes run out of power, the whole network is broken down. This project proposes an efficient and battery-free IoT, which can harvest energy from ubiquitous electromagnetic waves for wireless transmission and sensing. Dr Yang joined COMP in 2016 and he is currently an Assistant Professor. Dr Yang focuses on the research areas of IoT, Wireless and Backscatter Communication, Mobile Computing, and AI-enabled Wireless Sensing. He has published over 50 research papers and received the Best Paper Award in several international conferences, including IEEE SECON, ACM MobiCom and ACM MobiHoc. The NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund supports young scholars with good achievements to conduct innovative research in the areas of their own choice. It aims at promoting fast growth of creative young talents and fostering a number of outstanding researchers on the frontiers of international science. [From Department of Computing]   Related News Article(s): 港大七青年科學家獲優青基金 [大公報 (Ta Kung Po)]

21 Sep, 2020

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