Postgradaute Research Symposium on Linguistics, Language and Speech
Research & Scholarly Activities
The Postgradaute Research Symposium on Linguistics, Langauge and Speech (PRSLLS) ( was held online on the 18 and 19 June 2021. Seven student organisers (from CBS, CC and ENGL), three academic staff, two keynotes, two tutorial instructors, 23 student-presenters, eight moderators and about 70 attendees took part in the Symposium via using Zoom and, which is an online conference platform. The three Symposium co-chairs are Mr Eddy CH WONG, Miss Lavinia SALICCHI, and Mr Chris Wenze LU from CBS.
The main goal of the Symposium was giving the opportunity to postgraduate students to present their works and giving them international visibility: we made it possible with 8 oral presentation and 2 poster sessions. Furthermore, before being chosen as presenters, students were supposed to send abstracts that underwent a proper review process, making this Symposium a good chance for students to see first-hand how conferences process works.
The invited speakers, both keynotes and tutorial instructors, are experts in different fields: their presence in our Symposium allowed us to share new views and useful information to our audience. The diverse background of the participants supported the success of PRSLLS as an international and inter-institutional forum for postgraduate research students from different disciplines. Also, the involvement of participants from non-academic organisations helps transferring knowledge to the community.