Activities Organised by the Cangwu Literary Activity Group (CLC’s Reading Club)
Student Corner
Since its establishment in 2019, the Cangwu Literary Society of the Chinese Language Centre has been dedicated to inheriting humanistic spirit and promoting a reading and writing culture. During the first half of 2023, Cangwu Literary Society held the following literary activities:
Book Chat (讀書會), January to March, 2023
Daily Literature (散珠碎瓊), January to February, 2023
Letter Exchange (情書、傳意), Early February, 2023
Creative Writing Workshops (創意工作坊), February, 2023
Shall We Walk? CLC’s Arts Day Camp (「漫行者」:中國語文教學中心文藝青年日營), February, 2023
Details of these activities can be found at:

Students enjoy themselves at the Book Chat activities.
Dr Lee Yat Hong‘s workshop on writing prose (centre) and Dr Cheung Yuen Man’s workshop on writing novels (right), both of which were among the “Creative Writing Workshops”.

Famous local writers Wong Yi (黃怡), Yip Chauin (葉秋弦), and Wesley Lam (文於天) share their views on creative writing.