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Book Title

The (Im)possibility of Art Archives: Theories and Experience in/from Asia


PAN Lu (Department of Chinese History and Culture)


Palgrave Macmillan

Year of Publication






This edited volume aims to fill the gap in the research, juxtaposition, and focused discussions in the existing literature on art archives in Asia. Most of the archives included in the book are independent and initiated by individuals, folk groups, or non-profit organizations. In this book, one can trace the dynamics and self-generative capacity in this particular historical and cultural milieu through these “alternative” archives and through the practices of artists and curators who apply their specific understanding of archive to their works. Many chapters resonate with each other in that they capture the experiences shared by many places in Asia. Those experiences could have resulted from the encounter with the Western idea of archive, the influence of the colonial experience, or a memory crisis triggered by the rapid transformation of media, and may serve as a basis for producing archive theories in/from Asia. The book provides an opportunity for the archives in Asia and those who work around them to recognize one another, understand what their colleagues in archival work do, how they do it and what else there is for them to do.



Editor’s Introduction
Part I Accumulation and Creation: The Birth of Archive
1. Diverse Voices of Japanese Modern and Contemporary Art: The Oral History Archives of Japanese Art------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kajiya Kenji
2. “Accumulation” and “Reward”: An Interview with Chen Tong on Video Bureau---------------Chen Tong
3. RE-VISIONING THE ARCHIVES: On the Creation and Curation of a Relational and Decolonial Visual Art Archives in Asia---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gregory Galligan
4. Hijikata Tatsumi Archive: A Pioneering Dance Archive in Japan-------------------------Morishita Takashi
5. One-Man Archive: Koh Nguang How on the Possibilities of Archiving Singapore Art-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Koh Nguang How
6. The Art Archive Handbook----------------------------------------------------------------------------------P + Archive

Part II Deconstruction and Recreation: Artist, Curator and Research on Archive
1. Encountering Incompleteness: Archives, Institutions and Exhibition-making------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wong Hoy Cheong, Ahmad Mashadi and Shabbir Hussain Mustafa
2. The Need of Art Archives in India--------------------------------------------------------------------------Samit Das
3. The Timeless Plunge: The Ha Bik Chuen Archive--------------------------------------------------Cheng Sau Wai
4. Endless Documents: Chinese Contemporary Art and Curatorial Practices in Archives--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dong Bingfeng
5. The Eyes of Archives: How Contemporary Taiwanese Video Art Set off a Revolt Regarding Japanese Colonial History---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sing Song-yong
6. Expose: Archive of (by) Matsuzawa Yutaka----------------------------------------------------Shimada Yoshiko
7. It Takes a Village: Archives Talk Back-----------------------------------------------------Eileen Legaspi-Ramirez
8. Others, A Night in Tokyo, Coconut Forest and Tigers: Observations of a Pseudo-Tourist--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Au Sow-Yee
9. Muse(ing) the archive, archival/exhibiting turn---------------------------------------------------Dayang Yraola
10. Retrieval, Restoration, and Predicament Objects, memories and records in wartime--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lee Kai-chung
11. Toward Archiveology: Regarding Nguyen Trinh Thi’s Essay Films---------------------------------Ma Ran

Part III The Public and Imagination: Archive as Self-Portrait of Community
1. The Relationship between Sendai Mediatheque’s Art Exhibitions and 3.11 Archives-----A case study of “Record and Recalling: Walking on the House of Images”--------------------------------------Shimizu Kento
2. Rescuing an image of one’s own: Memoirs of a Taiwanese folk image preservation movement------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jiing Yng-ruey
3. Archives Without Archivists: Notes on “I’m calling you. rebirth of humans and the elephant”t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matsumoto Atsushi
4. Multitude Asia: Huang Sun-quan on Articulation, Network, Asian Visual Archive------Huang Sun-quan
5. Praxis of Praxis: Collaborative Art Archiving, Going beyond an Imagined Community toward a Community in Process----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cho Juh-yun
6. Some trends in archive making by citizens and local communities in Indonesia-----------Kathleen Azali
7. Archiving the Commons: Struggle of anti-gentrification and anti-eviction-------------------------------------Interview with Listen to the City by Pelin Tan

* Owners of respective book covers are credited. Book covers are for reference only. FH is unable to accept responsibility of any inaccurate information.


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