Research @ Faculty of Science 2023

DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS 104 Email Qualification MSc (University of Dundee) MSc (University of London) DPhil (University of Oxford) ORCID ID 0000-0002-7523-4069 Prof. YIU Ka-fai Cedric Professor Associate Head of Department Research Overview We have studied various advanced signal processing techniques via optimisation to design acoustic beamformers to enhance desire signals and voice control accuracy, and have initiated the beamformer configuration design together with filters. For business and financial applications, we have initiated the use of a dynamic value-at-risk constraint to portfolio risk control which gives insights to automated trading methods. We have also developed optimisation methods for inventory controls and switching controls. Recently, we have developed various AI techniques for different applications including layer segmentation of OCT images, traffic forecasting and speech enhancement. Representative Publications • Neurocomputing, 2023, 515, 185-200 • Information Sciences, 2022, 612, 384-398 • Applied Soft Computing, 2021, 102, 107115; 2018, 71, 407-417; 2014, 21, 533-541 • IEEE Industrial Informatics, 2020, 16, 7128-7135; 2012, 8, 869-879 • Automatica, 2020, 112, 108696; 2017, 78, 1850193 • SIAM Control and Optim. 2018, 56, 53-74; 2017, 55, 33703407 • ACM Sensor Networks, 2016, 12, 36 • Knowledge-based Systems, 2016, 98, 241-249 • Eng Appl Artificial Intelligence, 2016, 47, 81-87 • IEEE Speech and Audio Proc. 2014, 22, 1225-1235 • IEEE Signal Proc., 2012, 60, 1195-1204.; 2011, 59, 3647-3656 • Invest. Ophthal. Visual Sc., 2011, 52, 9674-9683 Patent • Beamforming using a microphone array, US9049503, 2015 Achievement • The World’s Top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University, 2022 Typical performance of beamformers Typical desire region of beamformers Illustration of the eight predicted retinal layers