Wong Lok-lam

Wong Lok-lam
BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion & Textiles (Knitwear Design & Technology)
“I am grateful for all the opportunities I encountered at this university.”
Hi, I am Sammie Wong, I am currently a final year student majoring in Knitwear Design and Technology. During these four years at PolyU, I am given a variety of precious opportunities to explore the world and discover my true self. As a music lover, joining the PolyArts Society has enabled me to meet people with common interests. In 2018, I took up the challenging role to serve as the President of the Hong Kong PolyU Toastmasters Public Speaking Club. During my university days, I also went on exchange study to the New York Fashion Institute of Technology, where I made connections with peers from different countries. In 2020, I was honored to receive the HSBC Innovation and Technology Award for my proposal for offering the homeless nano-tech temperature-sensitive sleeping bags. With the NGO-retail business model I designed, I was selected from the 170 university-nominated students to be one of 26 awardees. All these experiences have shaped me to be an all-round and well-equipped person, and I am grateful for all the opportunities I encountered at this university.
我是來自紡織及服裝學系(針織時裝設計及科技專業)的四年級學生黃濼霖。 在這四年間,大學為我提供了很多寶貴的機會,讓我能更深入認識自己及發揮長處。其中,加入原音音樂學社令我認識了一眾志同道合的朋友,使我在升讀大學不久後便建立了重要的社交圈子。在大學二年級 時,我更擔任了英文演講學會主席,這是我在大學生涯的一大挑戰。隨後,我有機會到紐約時裝設計學院交流。人在異地,令我更加了解自身,視野亦變得更為國際化。 在2020年,我憑藉納米塗層科技為露宿者製作對溫度敏感的睡袋的計劃書獲得創新科技獎學金。我自創出非政府組織商業營運模式,令我得以在170名大學提名學生之中脫穎而出,有幸成為26名得獎者之一。 光陰似箭,四年的大學生活轉眼來到尾聲,但當中獲得的各式各樣的經驗使我具備了終身受用的軟技術及硬技術,為投身社會做好準備。