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Prof. Li Pei and her prize-winning inventions featured on media

11 Apr 2022

Prof. Li Pei of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and her research team have developed a potential green technology that does not damage the environment, is safe and non-toxic, and is the crystallization of a real local technology.

Prof. Li Pei of PolyU’s Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology and her prize-winning inventions were featured on Sing Tao Daily.

One of the significant inventions of Prof. Li is InnoCoatex, a biocompatible antimicrobial coating developed with nanotechnology that can kills 99% of common bacteria and viruses like HCOV-229E (COVID-19). The coating has already been put to use in the Government’s isolation facilities and PolyU dormitories.

The coating was developed with a patented technology invented by Prof. Li. As one of the few experts in the world who master layered nanomaterials, Prof. Li has over 30 years’ experience in biomaterial research, with groundbreaking achievements in areas like nanomaterial integration and amphiphilic nanoparticles, which have a wide range of applications in medical and other fields.

星島日報 多層納米球妙用無窮 理大新技術見微知著 11 April 2022

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