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PolyU Science in the News

20240716Prof Wong Kahing

Prof. Wong Ka-hing featured on RTHK programme about food waste recycling

Prof. Wong Ka-hing, Professor of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Director of the Research Institute for Future Food and Member of the Management Committee of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research, was featured on RTHK’s TV programme “Hong Kong United”, covering his research projects on upcycling of spent coffee grounds and other food waste into sustainable 3D-printing materials. Online coverage: RTHK 凝聚香港 (08:58 - 14:47) 16 July 2024  

16 Jul, 2024


20240624Prof Wong Kahing

Prof. Wong Ka-hing shares RiFood projects on HOY TV

Prof. Wong Ka-hing, Professor of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Director of the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) and Member of the Management Committee of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research, was featured on HOY TV’s programme “智·創未來”, covering his research projects on hydroponics and upcycling of spent coffee grounds, as well as the future research directions of RiFood. Online coverage: HOY TV 智·創未來 (12:38 - 21:53) 22 June 2024  

24 Jun, 2024


20240527_Dr Ma Cong

PolyU startup to showcase innovative product at BIO 2024

YnnoMed Limited, a PolyU startup co-founded by Dr Ma Cong, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, is going to partake in the BIO International Convention 2024 (BIO 2024) to be held next week in California. The convention is the largest and most comprehensive event for biotechnology in the world. The drug R&D startup has developed a new class of antibiotic drug candidates and obtained patents in the US, mainland China, Europe and Japan. Dr Ma said they target to obtain Food and Drug Administration accreditation for the new product, and to commence clinical trial in 2026. Online coverage: SCMP Hong Kong innovators look to world’s biggest biotech event in US to inject new life into projects 27 May 2024 Ming Pao Daily News 疫後首赴美參展 中藥冀爭國際認證 港展館涵16生科公司 科技園:盼重上國際舞台 27 May 2024  

27 May, 2024


20240527_Dr Amber Chiou

9 in 10 C-section babies fall ill before one, PolyU study finds

A study led by Dr Amber Chiou, Associate Director of the Research Institute for Future Food and Associate Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, reveals that while close to 90% of C-section babies have fallen ill before the age of one, those who consume Cesarbiotic Formula reduced the number of times they fall sick, and boosted disease resistance by nearly three-fold. Online coverage: ETNet PolyU Study: Close to 90% of C-Section Babies Experience Illness Before the Age of 1 Scholars Recommend Continued Breastfeeding 24 May 2024 Associated Press PolyU Study: Close to 90% of C-Section Babies Experience Illness Before the Age of 1 Scholars Recommend Continued Breastfeeding 24 May 2024 Xinhua Finance Agency PolyU Study: Close to 90% of C-Section Babies Experience Illness Before the Age of 1 Scholars Recommend Continued Breastfeeding 24 May 2024 Macau Business PolyU Study: Close to 90% of C-Section Babies Experience Illness Before the Age of 1 Scholars Recommend Continued Breastfeeding 理大研究:近 9 成剖腹產嬰兒於1歲前曾生病,學者倡持續母乳餵哺 24 May 2024 HR Asia Media PolyU Study: Close to 90% of C-Section Babies Experience Illness Before the Age of 1 Scholars Recommend Continued Breastfeeding 24 May 2024 Taiwan Business News PolyU Study: Close to 90% of C-Section Babies Experience Illness Before the Age of 1 Scholars Recommend Continued Breastfeeding 理大研究:近 9 成剖腹產嬰兒於1歲前曾生病,學者倡持續母乳餵哺 24 May 2024 Oriental Daily News 腸微生態易失衡 剖腹產嬰兒多生病 理大:飲專研配方奶粉 可增3倍抗病力 24 May 2024 Hong Kong Economic Times 新手爸媽| 剖腹產嬰兒更容易病? 理大研究:近9成剖腹產嬰兒於1歲前曾生病 24 May 2024 Hong Kong Business Times 理大研究:近9成剖腹產嬰兒於1歲前曾生病,學者倡持續母乳餵哺 24 May 2024 Line Today 9成剖腹嬰曾1歲前生病 研究指專研配方奶粉補充益菌種建免疫力 24 May 2024 Quamnet 理大研究:近 9 成剖腹產嬰兒於1歲前曾生病,學者倡持續母乳餵哺 24 May 2024 今日時事 理大研究:近 9 成剖腹產嬰兒於1歲前曾生病,學者倡持續母乳餵哺 24 May 2024  

25 May, 2024



PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer Akkmore™

To address growing worldwide concerns about obesity and related health problems, it is crucial to develop a new fat substitute that can be integrated into everyday foods and significantly reduce fat content. A PolyU Science research team led by Dr Gail Chang, Core Member of the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) and Research Assistant Professor of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN), together with Dr Amber Chiou, Associate Director of RiFood and Associate Head and Associate Professor of FSN, has successfully developed AkkMore™, a novel fungus-based fat replacer which is effective in preventing obesity and metabolic diseases, enhancing gut health, modulating immune response and relieving anxiety. Making use of the properties of AkkMore™, they have also developed "Cream Mate" - a cream substitute that can be blended with traditional cream to reduce fat content. The team has collaborated with GREEN of Hotel ICON which infuses Cream Mate in desserts, and launches its new “ForestFit Afternoon Tea With Japanese Fruit And Akkmore™”. Press release: English | Chinese Online coverage: ETNet PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024  Macau Business PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Yahoo US PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Weekender Singapore PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Vulcan Post PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Sina HK PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Asiaone PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Ticker Technologies PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Mirage News New Fungus-Based Fat Replacer AkkMore Aims to Curb Obesity, Boost Gut Health 22 May 2024 PR Newswire PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 One News Page PolyU researchers develop novel fungus-based fat replacer AkkMore™ to prevent obesity and enhance gut health; collaborates with Hotel ICON to launch reduced-fat desserts to promote environmental innovation in food industry 22 May 2024 Oriental Daily News 理大研發 菇菌替代脂肪 減食物卡路里 23 May 2024 Ming Pao Daily News 理大研菇菌替代脂肪 稱不礙口感有益腸道 23 May 2024 Sing Tao Daily 理大研發菇菌替代脂肪 用於製作雪糕熱量可減半 22 May 2024 am730 研發AkkMore新型菇菌脂肪替代品 理大料可為全國每年減16萬噸二氧化碳 下午茶2024|Hotel ICON日本水果AkkMore™下午茶!脂肪含量大減8成+卡路里減半 22 May 2024 Headline Daily 理大研發菇菌替代脂肪 用於製作雪糕熱量可減半 22 May 2024 Ta Kung Pao 理大研脂肪替代品 製甜品热量减半 23 May 2024 Wen Wei Po 理大製脂肪替代品 食極唔怕肥 【特寫】夥餐廳推下午茶 雪糕脂肪減八成 23 May 2024 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 理大研發新型菇菌脂肪替代品 有效預防肥胖 增強腸道健康 22 May 2024 HK01 理大研發新型菇菌脂肪替代品 製甜品可減忌廉使用量 22 May 2024 Yahoo HK 研發AkkMore新型菇菌脂肪替代品 理大料可為全國每年減16萬噸二氧化碳 22 May 2024  Line Today 理大研菇菌脂肪替代品 減低甜品卡路里 延長忌廉製品保質期 22 May 2024 Hong Kong Business PolyU's fungus-based fat replacer targets obesity, elevates gut health 24 May 2024 Dot Dot News 理大推出AkkMore™菇菌脂肪替代品 開創食品科學新紀元 23 May 2024 Sunday More 閨密下午茶推薦2024|限定美妝聯乘套餐+絕美打卡名媛風! 26 May 2024  

23 May, 2024


PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics

Perovskite materials have excellent photoelectric properties that can be applied in wide-ranging fields such as solar cells, lighting and catalysis. PolyU Science research team led by Prof. Loh Kian Ping, Chair Professor of Materials Physics and Chemistry and Global STEM Professor, Dr Kathy Leng, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Physics, together with Dr Hwa Seob Choi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow and the first author of the research paper,  have successfully synthesized a new class of 2D all-organic perovskites, signifying a breakthrough into a new field of 2D materials.   The 2D all-organic perovskites offer distinct advantages over their all-inorganic counterparts, as they are solution-processible and enable cost-effective fabrication. These developments opened up new possibilities for the creation of more efficient electronic systems and were published in the prestigious journal Science. Learn more: English | 中文  Online coverage: Science Daily PolyU Researchers Create 2D All-Organic Perovskites and Demonstrate Potential Use in 2D Electronics 09 May 2024 Semiconductor Digest PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 Bioengineer PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 Eurek Alert PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 Nano werk Researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 09 May 2024 ETNet PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Yahoo US PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Washington Citypaper PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 05 May 2024 Weekender Singapore PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 05 May 2024 Macau Business PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Sina HK PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Ticker Technologies PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 05 May 2024 One News Page PolyU researchers create 2D all-organic perovskites and demonstrate potential use in 2D electronics 06 May 2024 Hong Kong China News Agency 港理大研究:首度製備二維全有機鈣鈦礦 06 May 2024

9 May, 2024


20240506_AP_Dr Jim

PolyU's Borderless Lab receives HK$14 million Government funding

Dr Jim Kwok-lung, Lecturer of the Department of Applied Physics (AP), introduced the “Borderless Lab” developed by AP in a media interview. The web-based remote laboratory platform enables anyone to perform experiments anytime, anywhere. The programme has secured a funding of about HK$14 million from the Government’s e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme. The platform is expected to launch in 2026/27 and will be made available to secondary and primary school students for STEAM activities. Online coverage: Oriental Daily News 自主學習資源優化 鼓勵中小生戶外考察 06 May 2024 Ming Pao Daily News 大學獲1400萬資助研發 助中學生在家遙距實驗 06 May 2024 Hong Kong Economic Times 1400萬開發遙距實驗平台供學生在家做實驗 學者冀開放跨校平台減實驗設計成本 06 May 2024 Sing Tao Daily 電子學習配套計劃380校參與 06 May 2024 Headline Daily 電子學習配套計劃380校參與 06 May 2024 Wen Wei Po 理大獲1400萬資助 建校園遙距實驗室平台 06 May 2024 HK01 中大VR系統助學生體驗虛擬戶外考察 獲教局資助近千萬研新功能 06 May 2024 Line Today 智能系統設題讓學生作答 分析表現助教師了解互外學習進度 06 May 2024  

6 May, 2024


20240123Prof Daniel Lau1

PolyU develops high-efficiency CO2 electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals

A collaborative research led by PolyU has developed a durable, highly selective and energy-efficient carbon dioxide (CO2) electroreduction system that can convert CO2 into ethylene for industrial purposes to provide an effective solution for reducing CO2 emissions. The team is led by Prof. Daniel Lau, Chair Professor of Nanomaterials and Head of the Department of Applied Physics, and consists of researchers from the University of Oxford, the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre of Taiwan and Jiangsu University. Ethylene is one of the most in-demand chemicals globally and is mainly used in the manufacture of polymers. However, the production process of ethylene creates of a significant carbon footprint. The innovative system that can convert CO2 into ethylene can contribute to reducing carbon emissions and achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. Read the full research paper in Nature Energy. Press release: English | Chinese Online coverage: Tech Xplore A pure water-fed membrane-electrode-assembly system for electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide  22 January 2024  ETNet PolyU develops high-efficiency carbon dioxide electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals 22 January 2024 Ming Pao Daily News 理大研環保新法製乙烯 奪日內瓦國際發明展金獎 23 January 2024 Hong Kong Economic Journal 理大電催化還原系統 CO₂變乙烯製造塑膠 23 January 2024 Wen Wei Po 二氧化碳變乙烯 理大研究獲國際金獎 23 January 2024 Dot Dot News 理大研發高效能電催化二氧化碳還原系統 助減碳排放促進碳中和 22 January 2024 Global News 理大研发高效能电催化二氧化碳还原系统 助减碳排放 促进迈向碳中和 22 January 2024 NetEase 理大研发高效能电催化二氧化碳还原系统 助减碳排放 促进迈向碳中和 22 January 2024 Sina 理大研发高效能电催化二氧化碳还原系统 助减碳排放 促进迈向碳中和 22 January 2024 Sohu 理大研发高效能电催化二氧化碳还原系统 助减碳排放 促进迈向碳中和 22 January 2024 PR Newswire PolyU develops high-efficiency carbon dioxide electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals 22 January 2024 Asiaone PolyU develops high-efficiency carbon dioxide electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals 22 January 2024 Yahoo News US PolyU develops high-efficiency carbon dioxide electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals 22 January 2024 Yahoo Finance UK PolyU develops high-efficiency carbon dioxide electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals 22 January 2024 Sina HK PolyU develops high-efficiency carbon dioxide electroreduction system for reducing carbon footprint and progressing carbon neutrality goals 22 January 2024 WT News A Pure Water Fed Membrane-Electrode Assembly System for the Electrocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 23 January 2024 GBA Biz Tech Magazine 理大研發高效能電催化二氧化碳還原系統 助減碳排放 23 January 2024 理大研发高效能电催化二氧化碳还原系统 助减碳排放 促进迈向碳中和 23 January 2024 East Money 理大研发高效能电催化二氧化碳还原系统助减碳排放促进迈向碳中和 23 January 2024 HK01 理大研究團隊研究綠色電能 二氧化碳轉為乙烯 解決全球暖化問題 26 January 2024  

23 Jan, 2024

20231218_Prof Simon Lee

Prof. Simon Lee urges to establish specialised Chinese medicine institute

Speaking at a seminar about the opportunities of Chinese medicine, Prof. Simon Lee Ming-yuen, Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences and a member of the Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation, believed that establishing a specialised Chinese medicine institute would be the key to developing the Chinese medicine industry. Online coverage: Ta Kung Pao 中醫藥研討會召開 共探香港中醫藥發展新機遇 李铭源:争取设中医药专科学院 18 December 2023 Wen Wei Po 善用中西合璧 讓中醫藥走出去 18 December 2023 Dot Dot News 發揮港優勢 增值謀發展——中醫藥新機遇研討會 18 December 2023  

18 Dec, 2023


RiFood management visits Fujian

Prof. Wong Ka-hing and Dr Amber Chiou Jiachi, Director and Associate Director of the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood), visited Pinjian Bird’s Nest in Fujian and exchanged views on industry development trend and new models of industry-academia-research collaboration with officials of the Jinjiang Science and Technology Bureau and management of the company. Online coverage: NetEase 香港理工大学未来食品研究院黄家兴院长一行莅临品鉴考察指导! 1 December 2023 Toutiao 香港理工大学未来食品研究院黄家兴院长一行莅临品鉴考察指导! 1 December 2023 Yidianzixun 香港理工大学未来食品研究院黄家兴院长一行莅临品鉴考察指导! 1 December 2023  

1 Dec, 2023

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