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PolyU Science in the News


PolyU Science scholars’ invention offers safe way to remove microplastics

Dr Chua Song-lin, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT), and Dr Liu Yang, GBA Startup Postdoctoral Fellow of ABCT, were interviewed by Wen Wei Po on their award-winning invention – MicroGlue. It is a microbial biotechnology that offers a safe, low-cost and efficient way to remove microplastics from water. It uses biodegradable microbial-derived polymers that aggregate hard-to-remove microplastic contaminants into clumps that are easily separable and removable from the environment.   Online coverage: Wen Wei Po 【煞「廢」苦心之捕膠捉塑】巧用微生物 收塑防污染 回收率達九成六 省時成本低 難忘評審「圍攻」 數分鐘答40提問 30 November 2023  

30 Nov, 2023

20231127Prof Lau

Prof. Daniel Lau shares on award-winning invention

Prof. Daniel Lau Shu-ping, Head of the Department of Applied Physics and Chair Professor of Nanomaterials, introduced his award-winning Durable, High-Selectivity, and Energy Efficient CO2 Electroreduction System in an interview with Wen Wei Po. Comprising a sandwich-structured membrane-electrode-assembly with a combined anion- and proton-exchange membrane separating the cathode and anode, the system converts CO2 to C2H4 with a high selectivity. It can accelerate the development of CO2 electrocatalysis technology, potentially revolutionising modern fossil fuel energy systems.   Online coverage: Wen Wei Po 【煞「廢」苦心之減碳排放】妙法碳變膠 促進碳中和 27 November 2023  

27 Nov, 2023

20231020_Prof Wong Ka Hing

PolyU develops Cs4-SeNPs that can manage postmenopausal osteoporosis

October 20 2023 marks this year’s World Osteoporosis Day. On the same day, Prof. WONG Ka-hing, Director of the Research Institute for Future Food (RiFood) and Professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN), shared with the media his team’s latest research on the development of novel Cs4-selenium nanocomposites (Cs4-SeNPs) for managing postmenopausal osteoporosis. Selenium is an essential trace mineral to human health, playing important roles in many physiological functions. In the past decades, substantial evidences have demonstrated that Se deficiency is detrimental to bone microarchitecture and associated with osteoporosis, suggesting its crucial role in bone metabolism. Recently, selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) have become a new research target, since they were found to possess remarkable bioactivity and lower toxicity compared to those selenocompounds commomly found in foods. Nevertheless, scientific research concerning their effects on bone health is currently very limited. By using the polysaccharide-protein complex isolated from Cordyceps sinensis, Prof. Wong has successfully prepared novel selenium nanoparticles (entitled “Cs4-SeNPs”), with well-characterized structure and high stability. Interestingly, Cs4-SeNPs (10μM) were found to markedly induce proliferation, differentiation, and mineralization of the pre-osteoblast murine MC3T3-E1 cells. More importantly, Cs4-SeNPs (25-500μg/kg BW/d) exhibited promising in vivo bone protective efficacy against OVX-induced osteoporosis by promoting bone formation, inhibiting bone resorption, and improving bone microarchitecture after oral gavage for 6 weeks. This patented nanotechnology has gained wide recognition with various international awards, while the research findings have been recently published in Journal of Functional Foods. Further investigation on Cs4-SeNPs’ gastrointestinal stability, intestinal absorption and metabolism is now underway. The team look forward to collaborating with the industry in further development of related health food products and drugs. Read the full research paper: Press release: English | Chinese Online coverage: CRHK 理大研發蟲草多醣納米硒 改善更年期後骨質疏鬆 20 October 2023 Oriental Daily News 理大改良納米硒 稱能助更年期後骨質疏鬆 20 October 2023 am730  理大研發Cs4-SeNPs 助挽救骨質疏鬆 20 October 2023 Ta Kung Pao 教育线上/理大新研究 改善更年期骨质疏松 20 October 2023  Wen Wei Po  提煉蟲草「補骨」 理大防治疏鬆有成果 20 October 2023  Mirage News Selenium Nanoparticles Enhance Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Care 15 November 2023 Researchers develop novel selenium nanoparticles for managing postmenopausal osteoporosis 15 November 2023 Hong Kong Economic Journal 蟲草納米硒改善骨質疏鬆 16 November 2023 Hong Kong China News Agency 港理大研發新型納米硒助改善女性更年期後骨質疏鬆 15 November 2023  

20 Oct, 2023

20230912Prof Zheng Zijian01

PolyU unveils liquid metal microelectrodes for implantable bioelectronic devices

An interdisciplinary research team led by Prof. Zheng Zijian, Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices and Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, has developed an unprecedentedly soft, stretchable and permeable liquid metal microelectrode that is uniquely suited to implantable bioelectronics. The microelectrode is promising for fabricating wearable electronics for physiological monitoring, medical diagnosis and interactive technology, as well as implantation at the neural interface for brain monitoring. (Oriental Daily News A06, Sing Tao Daily F01, Ta Kung Pao A06, Wen Wei Po A13) Press release: English | Chinese   Oriental Daily News 理大研發液態金屬微電極 柔軟可拉伸 能植入人體 12 September 2023 Hong Kong Economic Times 【創新科技】理大研發液態金屬微電極如紙般透薄 可用作紀錄腦部神經信號 11 September 2023 Sing Tao Daily 理大研微電極可用於植入式生物裝置 12 September 2023 Ta Kung Pao 創科路上/液態金屬微電極 醫療科技新突破 12 September 2023 Wen Wei Po 理大製可植入生物電極 伸縮自如應用廣 12 September 2023 Hong Kong Commercial Daily 理大研發液態金屬微電極 可用於植入式生物電子裝置 11 September 2023 Hong Kong China News Agency 港理大研發出可用於植入式生物電子裝置的液態金屬微電極 11 September 2023 Line Today 理大研發液態金屬微電極 可用於植入式生物電子裝置 12 September 2023  

12 Sep, 2023

20230728_Poly U Food Sci_01

Scholars introduce the newly established Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Prof. Chen Sheng, Head of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN), Dr Chiou Jiachi, Amber, Associate Head of FSN, Prof. Wong Man-sau, Director of the Research Centre for Chinese Medicine Innovation, and Prof. Wong Ka-hing, Director of the Research Institute for Future Food, introduced the newly established department, including its vision, the programmes it offers, and graduates’ prospects.   Online coverage: Sing Tao Daily 培育食品專家推動可持續發展 起薪點高達$3萬! 理大開拓香港首個食品科學及營養學系 27 July 2023 Headline Daily 培育食品專家推動可持續發展 起薪點高達$3萬! 理大開拓香港首個食品科學及營養學系 27 July 2023 HK01 培育食品專家起薪高達$3萬 理大開拓香港首個食品科學及營養學系 27 July 2023  

28 Jul, 2023


PolyU establishes FSN to nurture food specialists and promote innovative and sustainable development

PolyU has established the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN), which is Hong Kong’s first UGC-funded academic department specialising in Food Science and Nutrition.   Based on the key pillars of Food Safety, Food Technology, Human Nutrition, and Chinese Medicine, FSN is dedicated to providing professionally crafted trainings to nurture food specialists. It also focuses on addressing health-related issues and pursuing impactful research to promote innovative and sustainable development that benefits the world and mankind.   Online coverage: 信報 理大成立食品科學系 20 July 2023  

20 Jul, 2023

20230627_Press Conference

PolyU research finds milk formulae vary significantly in supplementing Bifidobacteria

Research by Dr Amber Jiachi Chiou, Associate Director of Research Institute for Future Food and Associate Head of Department of Food Science and Nutrition, has revealed that there is a difference of up to 40 times in the effectiveness of supplementing Bifidobacteria in cesarean-born infants among different milk formula brands. It’s also found that 77% of surveyed mothers of cesarean-born infants have encountered difficulties in breast-feeding. (Oriental Daily News A06, Ming Pao Daily News A08, Ta Kung Pao A06, Sky Post P18)   Online coverage: Metro Radio 理大研究指剖腹產嬰兒益菌量近乎零 27 June 2023 Oriental Daily News 理大比較 剖腹嬰飲不同奶粉 相差40倍腸道益菌 28 June 2023 Ming Pao Daily News 77%剖腹產母餵哺難 理大研究:配方奶粉不同 腸道益菌可差40倍 28 June 2023 am730 剖腹產嬰兒 補充益菌助建免疫力 28 June 2023 Sky Post 剖腹產媽難餵母乳 BB缺益菌易過敏 不同配方奶粉 補充效果可差40倍 28 June 2023 Ta Kung Pao 剖腹产婴缺肠道益菌 不同奶粉补充效果相差40倍 28 June 2023 Sunday Kiss 理大研究:剖腹產嬰兒腸道益菌量近乎零 不同奶粉補益菌效果差 40 倍 27 June 2023 healthy:D 母乳餵哺|理大研究揭剖腹產嬰兒益菌量近乎零 不同配方奶粉建立腸道益菌效果差異逾40倍 27 June 2023 Hong Kong China News Agency 港理大研究:不同奶粉建立腸道益菌效果差超40倍 27 June 2023  

28 Jun, 2023

20230621_Prof Chen Sheng with Dean and Prof KY Wong

PolyU research discovers pathogenic mechanism and novel treatment for superbug to reduce mortality

A PolyU research team led by Prof. Chen Sheng, Chair Professor of Microbiology, Member of State Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery, and Head of Department of Food Science and Nutrition, has discovered two novel approaches for the treatment of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant superbugs Klebsiella pneumoniae which could significantly reduce mortality among infected patients. (Oriental Daily News A04, Ming Pao Daily News A05, Hong Kong Economic Journal A13, Hong Kong Economic Times A14, Sky Post P06, Headline Daily P14, Ta Kung Pao A08, Wen Wei Po A12) Press release: English | Chinese   TVB 理大發現數款現有藥物組合使用可抑制超級細菌 冀短期內惠及病人 20 June 2023 Now TV 理大破解一種超級細菌發病機制並發現新療法 20 June 2023 i-Cable 理大研究揭阿士匹靈有助減低肺炎克雷伯菌死亡率 20 June 2023 RTHK 理大團隊發現兩種治療超級細菌新方案 有良好療效 Monitoring of patients with violent tendencies / Pneumonia superbug treatment 20 June 2023 Hong Kong Economic Journal 理大發現兩種治療超級細菌新方案 20 June 2023 Hong Kong Economic Times 【超級細菌】理大團隊破解超級細菌致病機制 現有藥物聯合治療冀可令病人盡快受惠 20 June 2023 HK01 理大破解超級細菌發病機制 發現阿士匹靈有助調低死亡率 20 June 2023 Medical Inspire 超級細菌丨理大研究:破解「超級細菌」肺炎克雷伯菌致病機制!消炎藥+抗生素助降低患者死亡率 20 June 2023 China News Service 香港理大发现两种治疗超级细菌新方案 具良好疗效 20 June 2023 Bastille Post 理大團隊發現兩種治療超級細菌新方案 有良好療效  20 June 2023 Oriental Daily News 理大破解超級細菌發病機制 21 June 2023 Ming Pao Daily News 理大研舊藥新用 根治「超級肺炎菌」 21 June 2023  am730 理大發現 舊藥新用 治療超級惡菌 21 June 2023  Wen Wei Po 理大研舊藥新用治抗藥惡菌 21 June 2023 Ta Kung Pao 醫健事/理大破解「肺炎克雷伯菌」發病機制 阿士匹靈抑制超級惡菌 減死亡率 21 June 2023 Sky Post 理大破解肺炎雷克伯菌發病機制 舊藥新用研兩療化 降超級細菌致命率 21 June 2023 Headline Daily 2種新方案具良好療效 理大破解超級細菌機制 21 June 2023 The Standard PolyU team discovers superbug destroyer 21 June 2023  

21 Jun, 2023


PolyU Scholar received the Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award

Congratulation to Prof. Zheng Zijian, Chair Professor of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, on receiving the Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award (HKEST Award) organized by the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission. The HKEST Award aims to recognize outstanding contributions and excellence among younger generations in the HKSAR for their dedication and achievements in the arena of engineering science and technology through research, development, innovation and entrepreneurship.    Online coverage: Ta Kung Pao  ETNet 

14 Jun, 2023

Wong Kahing 04

PolyU Scholar featured on RTHK programme 《香港故事:創科夢工場》

Dr Wong Kahing of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition has been featured on the RTHK program “Hong Kong Stories: Inventors in HK 香港故事:創科夢工場” to share his research interest and aspiration in developing natural bio-resources, such as mushrooms, into novel functional foods for prevention or treatment of chronic diseases. Dr Wong has successfully prepared the anti-cancer selenium nanoparticles using the African Tiger Milk mushroom. He also shared the challenges and difficulties when commercializing his research output with industry partners.  To learn more about Dr Wong’s mushroom and food research, please watch the video《尋菇探秘 :黃家興》 :

9 Jun, 2023

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