Dean's Message

Dean's Message
Welcome to the inaugural newsletter of the Faculty of Science!
In July this year, our Faculty was renamed the Faculty of Science (FS), which consists of three departments – the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT), the Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA) and the Department of Applied Physics (AP). The new identity marks the start of the next chapter in the Faculty’s history. With ‘PolyU Science Creates Impact’ as our new motto, we are dedicated to making the Faculty of Science an internationally acclaimed hub providing holistic education, ground-breaking research and knowledge transfer projects for the betterment of our society.
We have recruited some outstanding research talents who will enhance the Faculty’s development and advance our research and professional education. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome four world-leading scholars who have recently joined the Faculty. They are Prof. Huang Jian, Chair Professor of Data Science and Analytics (AMA), Prof. Yang Tong, Chair Professor of Mathematical Science (AMA), Prof. Loh Kian-ping, Chair Professor of Materials Physics and Chemistry (AP) and Prof. Wu Tao, Chair Professor of Frontier Materials (AP). I am sure that their support will strengthen our academic and research capabilities.
Thanks to the tireless work of our dedicated colleagues, we have won awards both locally and internationally. I am delighted to announce that 21 faculty members have been ranked by Stanford University as among the World’s Top 2% most-cited scientists in their respective fields for 2022. Meanwhile, Dr Huang Bolong (ABCT), Dr Yu Ka-ming, Iris (ABCT), Prof. Loh Kian-ping (AP), Prof. Wu Tao (AP) and Prof. Yan Feng (AP) have been recognised in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2022” by Clarivate for their significant research impact, reflected in their publication of multiple papers. Furthermore, the RGC Senior Research Fellow 2022/23 award has been bestowed on Prof. Sun Defeng, Head of AMA, in recognition of his distinguished research achievements and significant contributions to higher education.
Finally, I would like to congratulate our graduates who were presented with academic awards at the 28th Congregation. They have worked hard to achieve their goals, and are now on their way to pursuing new dreams. May all of them find fulfilment and happiness in their new beginnings on life’s journey.
Thank you for reading. Please accept my warmest wishes to all of you for your good health and happiness during this festive season!
Prof. Wong Wai-yeung, Raymond
Dean, Faculty of Science
Interim Dean, School of Fashion & Textiles
Clarea Au Professor in Energy
Chair Professor of Chemical Technology
理學院同事努力不懈,為學院在本地和全球贏得多項殊榮。我很高興地宣佈理學院在2022年共有21名學者躋身史丹福大學發布的全球首 2% 科學家排行榜,成績令人鼓舞。與此同時,應用生物及化學科技學系黃勃龍博士及余嘉明博士、應用物理學系羅健平講座教授、吳韜教授及嚴鋒教授獲科睿唯安選為「2022年度高被引學者」,代表他們的學術著作極具影響力,被國際學者廣泛徵引。另外,應用數學系系主任孫德鋒教授亦獲頒2022/23 年度「研資局高級研究學者」,以表揚其傑出的研究成果及對高等教育界的重大貢獻。