Innovation and Technology

Soft Materials and Devices for Wearable, Skin-attached, and Implantable Electronics
Prof. Zheng Zijian
Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Our research team is currently focusing on developing functional materials for soft electronics, with a particular interest in exploring their potential applications in areas such as health, sports, biomedicine, and lifestyles. Our approach differs from conventional electronics in that we are focusing on creating soft, flexible materials that take the form of fibres, textiles, and stretchable rubbers. These materials are then engineered into wearable fabric-like devices that can be worn, or skin-like patches that can be applied directly to the skin or even implanted inside the body.
To achieve these goals, we have been working intensively on the following areas:
Flexible and stretchable electronic materials
Conventional electronic materials, including metals, semiconductors, and insulators, have been found to exhibit inherent brittleness, rendering them susceptible to cracking and fracturing upon bending or stretching. To address this limitation, we have been developing flexible and even stretchable electronic materials with the use of techniques such as chemical synthesis, surface modification, and compositing. These materials can then be coated onto fibres, textiles, thin films, and rubbers with high durability and performance.
Printed metallic electrodes for soft electronics
Flexible batteries
Most electronic devices necessitate reliable battery to power. However, conventional batteries, which are rigid in nature, are difficult to be integrated with flexible electronic devices. To address this issue, we have focused on developing highly flexible rechargeable batteries, including flexible lithium-ion batteries, Zn batteries, and future high-energy-density lithium metal batteries, and synthesizing new battery component materials such as current collectors, electrodes, separators, and electrolytes, and engineer the battery structure. As a result, the flexible batteries can be bent or even folded without losing its performance. Moreover, these batteries can be charged and discharged a few hundred times, comparable to commonly used lithium-ion batteries in mobile phones.
Biocompatible, permeable soft electronic devices
Biocompatibility and permeability play a pivotal role in wearable and bioelectronics. In addition to ensuring the devices are soft and functional, it is important to develop biosafe and comfortable devices that can be worn for extended period. Hence, we have developed stretchable electronics with permeable properties by fabricating devices on porous and fibrous structures. These devices exhibit high level of flexibility and stretchability. Moreover, the utilization of permeable structures enhances the devices' wearability and long-term biocompatibility, which is essential for skin-attached and implantable bioelectronics.
對於可穿戴裝置和生物電子設備而言,具備生物相容性和可被物質滲透的特性尤其重要。這些電子裝置除了需要具備柔軟度而且能發揮功能之外,能否舒適地長時間佩戴,以及確保生物安全亦是重要的考慮因素。 因此,我們採用了多孔和纖維結構,開發出一種能被物質滲透的可拉伸電子裝置。 這些裝置表現出極高的靈活度和伸延性。此外,可滲透的結構增強了裝置的耐磨性和生物相容性,而這些特質對應用於皮膚上甚至植入體內的電子裝置而言,皆十分重要。
Advanced fabrication technologies for large-area and nanoscale patterning on soft substrates
This research focuses on developing advanced fabrication technologies that are compatible to new materials and device form factors. Its objective is to develop advanced mask-less fabrication technologies that allow precise control of nanostructures and enable large-area patterning on soft substrates. To attain so, our team has focused on developing high-precision scanning-based printing platforms and high-throughput electrochemical replication platforms.
An electrochemical replication and transfer technology enabling high-speed and cost-effective fabrication of soft materials and electronics.