Innovation and Technology

Supramolecular Chemistry for Life-like Materials
Dr Leung King-chi, Franco
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Awardee of the Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Scholarly Achievement of PolyU Faculty of Science, 2023
Our research programmes are designed and oriented to harness the full intrinsic potential of synthetic organic chemistry for building new supramolecular structures, functions and hierarchical systems. Inspired by the beauty of nature’s structures and the sophistication of its functional processes, our major objective is to design novel supramolecular functional systems spanning various length-scales into stimuli-responsive functional soft materials, with a focus on the following two major areas:
(1) Supramolecular Robotic Systems
Movement is one of the vital features in living systems, allowing various functions related to survival and reproduction. Some naturally existing protein motors, e.g., myosin in muscle tissue, are employed to produce motility by amplifying collective molecular motions from the nanoscale up to macroscopic dimensions.
For instance, conversional hard robotic systems, produced from rigid structural materials, enable the conversion of energy into mechanical motions for animal-like functions. With such perspective, soft robotic systems are now considered as complementary counterparts to hard robotics, enabling the next generation of biocompatible and safe robotic systems.
To unlock the full functional potential of soft robotic systems, in addition to shape transformation and cargo transport, some crucial parameters and characteristics have to be considered: (1) the use of more dynamic and non-polymeric backbone materials; (2) the feasibility of preparation through facile and simple methods; (3) the capacity for systematic control of intrinsic structural parameters, which is unattainable with bulk polymeric materials; (4) the ability to create complex assembling systems, and (5) biocompatibility.
Since 2018, we have developed the first UV-light responsive hierarchical supramolecular soft robotic material, derived from molecular motor amphiphiles with precise control of molecular organization and cooperativity, allowing energy conversion, accumulation of strain, and amplification of the molecular rotation to macroscopic motions.
The nanofibers of motor amphiphiles were formed in an aqueous medium, and the macroscopic unidirectional alignment as prepared by using of a shear-flow method, was also identified. Furthermore, our supramolecular soft robotic materials offer the ability to adjust the orientational structural order through electrostatic interactions, providing precise control of actuation speed with UV-light irradiation.
In addition, as a proof of concept in complex soft robotic systems, we have successfully introduced the first soft robotic material controlled by UV-light and a magnet field to complete a cargo transport process. Recently, our soft robotic materials also demonstrated excellent biocompatibility with their mesenchymal stem cell structure. Looking forward, our major focus will be developing the advanced biocompatibility of the supramolecular robotic systems, such as substituting bio-damaging UV-light with visible-light.
(2) Controlled Supramolecular Transformations of Photoresponsive Molecular Amphiphiles
The research program is designed for the reversible control of supramolecular assembly transformations of photoresponsive amphiphiles in aqueous media, with the aim to construct new supramolecular soft materials both in solutions and at interfaces. These photoresponsive amphiphile designs encompass molecular motors, stiff stilbenes, DASAs, indigos, and more.
Using principles from supramolecular chemistry, which focuses on non-covalent intermolecular interactions, our team are able to fabricate novel supramolecular soft functional materials with what is described as the smallest machine in the world, “artificial molecular machinery”.
Besides, the team is also designing novel photoresponsive amphiphiles composed of photoresponsive molecular switching units, with oil-soluble and water-soluble motifs, providing these amphiphiles with intrinsic properties with their nanostructure.
2023 年傑出理大理學院青年校友學術成就得獎者
(1) 超分子機械人系統
自2018 年以來,我們研發出首次面世的紫外綫反應分層超分子軟體機械人物料。這物料源自分子馬達兩親化合物,可精確控制分子的組織和合作效能,達致能量轉換、應變積累,以及能夠將分子旋轉增強為宏觀運動。
(2) 光敏分子雙親化合物的可控超分子轉化