Students' Sharing - AP

Students' Sharing
Pang Hoi Ying彭海盈
- BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA)
Getting enrolled in the newly founded BSc Physics programme by the PolyU in the Department of Applied Physics (AP) and taking a secondary major in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics has been a wonderful experience for me, thus far. The programme not only delves into the realm of theory and applied physics, but also propelled me into the future world - of artificial intelligence. During class, the professors passionately guide us to think in simple and easily understandable directions, which greatly benefited us a lot.
During the summer vacation, I was fortunate to participate in the “Start-Up Weekday” entrepreneurship competition and training camp jointly organized by the (AP) and Cheng Yu Tung College of the University of Macau. This experience allowed me to compete beyond the boundaries of my major, and meet like-minded people to cultivate entrepreneurial potential together, challenge myself, and broaden my horizons.
在暑假期間,我有幸參與由應用物理學系及澳門大學鄭裕彤書院合辦的「我的初創時代 Start-Up Weekday」創業比賽兼培訓營,讓我得以接觸我的本科以外的比賽主題,並認識到一班志同道合的朋友,一起培養創業潛能,挑戰自我並擴闊眼界。