Event Updates
Event Updates 活動預告
The First INFORMS Conference on Financial Engineering and FinTech
The conference aims to feature the latest developments in financial engineering and FinTech. We expect that the meeting will enhance interaction and cooperation among researchers worldwide and provide an ideal platform for local students and researchers to access cutting-edge research.
Joint Chinese-French Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Its Applications
The objectives of the conference are to review and discuss some of the latest trends in the fields of Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis. The conference will also serve as an important forum for academic exchange and collaboration between China and France.
本次會議旨在回顧和討論偏微分方程式和數值分析領域的一些最新趨勢。 此次會議也將成為中法學術交流與合作的重要論壇。