Dean's Message

Dean’s Message
As we reach the 5th issue of our FS Newsletter, I am filled with pride as I reflect on the remarkable achievements of our faculty and students this year.
First, I am pleased to announce the recent appointments within our management team. We welcome our new Associate Dean for Global Engagement, Prof. Joseph Yung, who will play a pivotal role in strengthening our international collaborations and outreach initiatives. Additionally, we are delighted to have two new Assistant Deans, Dr Sandy Geng and Dr Kathy Leng, who bring fresh perspectives and expertise to enhance our academic support and research efforts.
I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Chai Yang, who has been recognised as one of the top 10 in the Engineering & Technology category for the Falling Walls Global Call 2024. This prestigious recognition honours his innovative contributions to the field. Furthermore, Dr Kathy Leng has been awarded the Asian Young Scientist Fellowship 2024, acknowledging her exceptional research achievements.
In addition, I am proud to share that 40 PolyU Science faculty members have been ranked among the World’s top 2% Most-Cited Scientists 2024 by Stanford University. I also extend my congratulations to Prof. Chai Yang, Prof. Huang Haitao, Prof. Loh Kian Ping, Prof. Tom Wu, Prof. Yan Feng and Dr Huang Bolong, who have been recognised as Highly Cited Researchers 2024 by Clarivate. These accolades reflect their exceptional research contributions and the significant impact they have made on a global scale.
I would also like to congratulate all the recipients of the Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievements 2024. Their hard work and perseverance serve as an inspiration to all of us, and these awards are a tribute to their dedication and excellence.
On another note, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our graduates who received academic awards at the 30th Congregation. We are incredibly proud of their achievements, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have in their future endeavours.
Lastly, I am pleased to announce that the Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA) will be transitioning to join the new Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, effective from 1 January 2025. We are grateful for AMA’s contributions to our Faculty and pledge our full support as they strive for new heights in the future.
Thank you for reading, and best wishes for health and happiness during this festive season!
Prof. Wong Wai-yeung, Raymond
Dean, Faculty of Science
Clarea Au Professor in Energy
Chair Professor of Chemical Technology
衷心祝賀柴揚教授榮膺2024年Falling Walls科學突破獎工程及科技類別中的十大科學家之一,以表揚他在相關領域的成就。此外,冷凱博士亦榮獲「 2024年亞洲青年科學家基金項目」大獎,以表彰她卓越的研究成就。