The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Exploring China


The application link is accessible from 10:00, 3 March 2023 to 16:00, 8 March 2023  Apply

Programme Objectives




Tour Details

Duration: 7 April 2023 – 10 April 2023

Date Morning Afternoon Evening
7 April 2023
- 在途 - 開營儀式
- 珠璣文化與嶺南文化講座
- 破冰活動(韶港澳青年見面會)
- 韶關市區歷史文化景區參訪及探索(參觀百年東街、步行街、風采樓、太傅廟、輪渡古渡口)
8 April 2023
- 尋根珠璣古巷(珠璣文化)
1. 珠璣民風調查
2. 觀看及體驗當地宗族儀式
- 重踏梅關古商道 - 前往仁化
9 April 2023
- 考察丹霞山世界自然遺產
1. 丹霞山博物館,導覽長老峰、陰元石景區
2. 丹霞山地質地貌探究
10 April 2023
- 探訪南華禪寺(禪宗文化)
- 探尋馬壩人遺址(石峽文化)
1. 古人類生存場景繪製
2. 原始考古初體驗 - 原始人生存大挑戰模擬
- 結營儀式 - 返回

Note: The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the content of the programme without prior notice.

Programme Fee

The programme fee will be waived for PolyU students. However, students are required to arrange their own transportation to the assembly point in mainland China for joining this tour.

Suggested route:
香港西九龍站--深圳北站(G6582   8:25--8:49):二等票價人民幣75元/人/程
深圳北站--韶關站(G6030   9:19--10:51):二等票價人民幣179元/人/程
韶關站--福田站(G6071   15:45--17:30):二等票價人民幣186元/人/程
福田站--香港西九龍站(G5829   18:23--18:37):二等票價人民幣68元/人/程



Selection Criteria

Students will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

GEO Financial Support

No additional financial support is available at GEO considering the duration of the programme.

Important Notes

  • Participation in this programme requires nominations from GEO. The host institution does not accept direct applications from individual students.
  • This programme is a study tour. No credits will be earned from this programme.
  • Students who have confirmed acceptance by the programme should complete the programme in FULL.

Application Period

Application starts from 10:00, 3 March 2023 (Friday) to 16:00, 8 March 2023 (Wednesday)