Bombax ceiba, also named Tree Cotton or ‘Hero Trees’ in Chinese, grows fast and is a common flowering deciduous tree in Hong Kong. It is originated from India and now widely cultivated in Malaysia, South China and the tropical areas in Australia. Tree Cotton has a very straight and tall trunk. The branches spread from the trunk horizontally and verticillately. Prickly knobs can be found on the bark, especially near the base part of the trunk.
Red flowers blossom after leaves fall from March to April. The dried flowers of Tree Cotton have the traditional Chinese medicinal value of reducing inflammation. It is one of the ingredients of herbal tea.
The fruits are produced in May. When the fruits ripen, it releases cotton-like substances which wrap up the seeds. The light cotton-like substances will flutter into the air and bring the seed to a new place. Due to its light, humidity tolerance and floating capacity, the substances can be used for pillows and life buoys.