PolyU has been leading examples in bringing about green and sustainable practices in our events. Relevant sustainability-related policies and guidelines are in place to further spread the message and provide assistance to staff and students when they organize activities. In 2018, the University pledged support to the Environmental Protection Department’s call on Green Event and launched an online Green Event Checklist for on-campus venue booking subsequently in April 2019. Campus event organizers are required to submit the online Green Event Checklist for review and approval when they make bookings via the Facilities Management Office’s Venue Booking System covering selected locations on campus.
Clear and practical information is available on this online Green Event Checklist to help event organizers, and remind them to consider solutions to reduce waste at source, make green choices in printing and production, and stop using disposables. With concerted efforts from event organizers and participants, we can further enhance PolyU’s environmental performance by reducing waste and carbon emissions in campus events.