Green x Wellness Quest 綠色 x 健康升級任務

Level up! Unlock success with ease!

We will present TWO (2) new activities every week starting from 27 Apr 2020 (Monday). Check them out and finish one (1) activity per week. Then answer a simple question and share with us how you feel. You will get a chance to win different attractive prizes – you can get more rewards if you finish more activities in 5 weeks!


今次我們帶來全新的「綠色 x 健康升級任務」,由 2020 年 4 月 27 日(星期一)起,我們會每星期推介兩項全新項目,只需要任擇其一,完成後回答一條簡單問題並與我們分享你在當中的體會,你便有機會得到豐富的獎品 – 因應五星期內累計你能完成的項目,你便有機會得到更多獎品!

Prizes 豐富獎品

Reusable bamboo cutlery set

FAIRTASTE Organic Sun Dried Apricots

(Photo source: FAIRTASTE
圖片來源: 細味公平)

Green Merchandize vouchers (HK$50)

Remarks: All photos are for reference only. The Organizers reserve the right to change and offer other prizes/rewards subject to availability. For instance, other dried fruit items like sun dried pineapple may be offered depending on stock level.

註: 以上所有圖片只供參考。因應相關物品或禮券的供應,主辦單位可隨時作出更改或以其他獎品取代(如以菠蘿乾取代杏脯乾)。

How to enter 參加辦法
  1. We will announce TWO (2) new activities on every Monday from 27 Apr 2020 to 31 May 2020 (five rounds in total) through emails and PolyU Green Campus Facebook Page. Select ONE (1) activity to complete, then register with us on a simple online form in which you have to answer a simple question and write about how you feel.
    由 2020 年 4 月 27 日起至 5 月 31 日期間的每個星期一(共五次),我們會以電郵及 PolyU Green Campus Facebook 專頁 發布兩個新項目。只需在當中選擇一項,完成後登入相關頁面進行一次網上登記,回答一條簡單問題並以文字分享當中的體會。
  2. Complete one activity per week and register with us on or before Sunday of the same week.
  3. In addition to answering a simple question, remember to write about how you feel with this activity or your personal reflection in the text box on the registration page in no more than 30 words in English or Chinese. Complete this to submit.
  4. You will get a chance to win different attractive prizes if you complete at least 3 activities and register with us!

    Conditions 要求 Prizes 獎品
    Level 1 (150 winners in total) 第一級(名額: 150 名)

    In 5 weeks,

    • complete THREE (3) activities,
    • answer the question correctly in each week,
    • share your feelings and register successfully in each week


    One (1) reusable bamboo cutlery set

    Level 2 (100 winners in total) 第二級(名額: 100 名)

    In 5 weeks,

    • complete FOUR (4) activities,
    • answer the question correctly in each week,
    • share your feelings and register successfully in each week


    One (1) reusable bamboo cutlery set

    and 及

    One (1) pack of FAIRTASTE Organic Sun Dried Apricots 125g
    FAIRTASTE 原粒去核杏脯乾一包

    Top Level (50 winners in total) 大獎(名額: 50 名)

    In 5 weeks,

    • complete FIVE (5) activities,
    • answer the question correctly in each week,
    • share your feelings and register successfully in each week


    One (1) reusable bamboo cutlery set

    and 及

    One (1) pack of FAIRTASTE Organic Sun Dried Apricots 125g
    FAIRTASTE 原粒去核杏脯乾一包

    and 及

    One (1) Green Merchandize voucher (HK$50)

Organizers 主辦單位

Campus Sustainability Committee

Campus Sustainability Office

Rules and Regulations 條款及規則
  1. Eligibility: This Campaign is open only to current PolyU staff and students. They may be requested to produce relevant identity documents to prove their eligibility by the Organizers.
    參加資格: 只限在學理大學生及現任教職員參加。
  2. Agreement to Rules: By participating, the participants (“You”) agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules. In addition, You agree to accept the decisions of the Organizers as final and binding as it relates to this Campaign. The Organizers reserve the right to exclude or disqualify any entry at any time if any or all these rules, requirements or conditions are not complied with. If the participants use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the Rules, You may risk disqualified at the sole discretion of the Organizers.
    受條款約束: 參加者同意接受本活動之所有條款及規則約束。如發現違規或擾亂活動進程或不正當使用之情況,主辦單位有權取消其參加資格。
  3. Campaign duration: The Campaign runs from 27 Apr 2020 through 23:59:59 (GMT +8) on 31 May 2020 and according to the Organizers’ system clock.
    活動舉行時間: 整個活動由 2020 年 4 月 27 日至 5 月 31 日晚上(直至 23 時 59 分)內舉行。活動時間以主辦單位伺服器接收資料時間(香港時區UTC +08:00)為準。
  4. How to enter: The Organizers will announce two (2) new activities every Monday at 10:00:00. You can select and complete ONE (1) activity on a weekly basis, then complete and submit the online registration form within the week. You must provide the information requested, answer a simple question, and write your comments in the text box given. Do not repeat your selection.
    參加方法: 主辦單位於星期一早上 10 時會公布該星期的兩個新項目。參加者可於該星期內完成一個項目,然後填妥相應的網上表格以進行登記,並需回答一條問題和以文字作簡短分享。當中不能重覆任何項目。
  5. Submission: In case You have completed and submitted the online registration against one single activity more than once, only the first entry/first submission will be considered and accepted.
    網上登記: 如你為某一個項目進行多於一次的網上登記,主辦單位將只接受你的首次登記內容。
  6. Submission deadline: You should submit the online registration form on or before 23:59:59 on Sunday. The corresponding online registration page for the 2 specified activities in the week will open only from Monday through Sunday of the same week.
    截止登記: 因應每星期一公布的新項目,相應的網上登記頁會接受登記直到同一週內的星期日晚上(至 23 時 59 分)。
  7. Prizes: Each participant can only win once in this Campaign. All the prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or other service(s).
    獎品: 每位參加者於整個活動舉行期間只可獲獎一次。所有獎品不可轉售、轉讓,亦不可兌換現金或其他貨品/服務。
  8. Collection of the prizes: The Organizers will issue notification to Winners in June 2020 and will announce all details on prize collection in due course. All Winners must collect the prizes in person and will be required to show valid PolyU staff/student ID cards as a proof of identity. If the Winners fail to claim the prize, the prize may be forfeited. The Organizers reserve the right to verify the identity of Winners. Winners should go to the Campus Sustainability Office (CSO) during office hours to collect the prizes with details below:

         Campus Sustainability Office (CSO)
         Room Z502, 5/F,
         Block Z,
         The HK Polytechnic University

         Opening hours:
         Monday to Friday
         9:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.
         (except lunch hour)
         Sat., Sun. & Public Holidays - Closed

    領取獎品: 主辦單位會於 2020 年 6 月內通知各得獎者有關領取獎品的詳情。得獎者需帶同有效的理大職員/學生證親自領取獎品,否則當自動放棄論。主辦單位有權要求查核得獎者的身份。得獎者需於辦公時間內前往校園可持續發展處的辦公室(Z502)領取獎品,詳情為:

         香港理工大學第八期 Z 座 5 樓 Z502 室

         星期六、日及公眾假期 休息

  9. Disputes: In the event of any dispute, the Organizers have the absolute discretion to make final decision.
    爭議: 如有任何爭議,一切以主辦單位決定為準。
  10. Rules and information on this Campaign: The Organizers may publish/update the relevant information or news in association with this Campaign on website and amend its Rules and Regulations on website without prior notice. The Organizers reserve the rights to amend and interpret all the terms and conditions. Any decision made by the Organizers in respect of this activity is final.
    活動條款、規則及相關資訊: 主辦單位將於本網站公布有關本活動的資訊、修改和說明所有條款和細則,無需另行通知。主辦單位保留修改和解釋所有條款和細則的權利及任何和活動相關的最終決定權。
  11. Personal Information Collection: You may refer to our Personal Information Collection Statement here.
    收集個人資料聲明: 請 按此 閱覽(只提供英文版本)。
  12. This Website: The contents of this website will be updated from time to time without notice. The Organizers accept no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information in this website. The links to websites owned or operated by parties other than the Organizers or PolyU are provided for your reference only, we accept no responsibility for their contents.
    網站內容: 本網站的內容會不時更新,恕不另行通知。因使用、誤用或引用此網頁內的任何資訊而導致的損失或損害,主辦單位概不負責。如網站內連結的網頁非主辦單位或理大擁有或管理,有關連結的網頁只供參考,主辦單位或理大對該些網頁的內容不負任何責任。
  13. The Campus Sustainability Office may take photographs/ video recording during this event and use such images in publicity or marketing activities. The recorded images will be handled by the Campus Sustainability Office according to the prevailing policy of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Enquiries shall be addressed to the Departmental Personal Data Officer of the Campus Sustainability Office at by email.
    校園可持續發展處可能會於活動中安排拍照、錄影及/或錄音作宣傳推廣之用。校園可持續發展處會依據香港理工大學的現行政策保存及處理相關記錄。如有查詢,請發電郵至 聯絡校園可持續發展處。
  14. The Organizers accept no responsibility and do not hold any liability for any data/information submission delay, lost, error, non-recognizing, wrong submission of data or information, etc. situations due to computer, network and other issues.