*** Ended on 27 Mar 2020 已於 2020 年 3 月 27 日結束 ***
Create your awesome selfies and special messages to spread the word about green living and playing sports! Bring fascinating and unique effects to your photos and share with your friends! You can get a chance to earn Coins for use with the PolyU GreenCoin mobile app and enjoy a pool of rewards!
拍下一張張有趣的自拍照,可以同朋友分享之餘,又可以宣傳綠色生活訊息同鼓勵多做運動,仲可以得到額外的 Coins 然後透過 PolyU GreenCoin 手機程式換領不同的優惠,一舉多得!
You will see Coins on your eyes. Open your month and a dialogue bubble will show “Earn Coins Together!”
你的眼睛部分會出現 Coins ,當你張開口時更會在嘴邊出現「Earn Coins Together!」的文字訊息。
You will see sports equipment around your head. Smile happily (even better if you show your teeth!) in the camera. You will see Coins appearing around your head and a dialogue bubble showing “Stay Healthy Together!”
你會見到運動器材在頭頂附近出現,請你開心笑一下(露齒就最好!),之後會見到那些運動器材變身成 Coins 並出現「Stay Healthy Together!」的文字訊息。
Campus Sustainability Committee
Campus Sustainability Office