We may be not aware about the problems brought by industrial and commercial fishing. Technologies and practices of fishing result in overfishing, dropping of fish population, and destroying seafloor habitats. This 4-minute animation will tell you why and what we need to do.
為了供給超市架上源源不絕的魚貨,人類採用了多種商業捕撈技術和方法,令海洋中的魚類面對過度捕撈的危害,什至阻礙海床棲息地和破壞海洋生態系統。這 4 分鐘的動畫將引領我們反思當中的因由和改善的辦法。
Educator 授課: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Jennifer Jacquet
Directed by 導演: Anton Bogaty
English with Chinese subtitles 英語,輔以中文字幕