Official Withdrawal from Study

RPg students who wish to discontinue their studies at PolyU before completing their RPg programmes are required to fill in Form GSB/21. Completed application forms, with the signature of the PolyU Chief Supervisor and the Chief Supervisor from partner university (for Dual PhD programmes)/Co-supervisor from partner institution/university (for PolyU Joint PhD Supervision programmes) (if applicable) should be submitted to the D/SGO concerned. The D/SRC Secretary is required to send withdrawal notification to the GS for students admitted in or before the 2017/18 cohort, or update the Student Record System and send a copy to the GS for updating the student finance record for students admitted from the 2018/19 cohort onwards.

For a FT RPg student receiving scholarship/stipend, the Chief Supervisor is required to confirm the last day of study with the GS, so that an appropriate arrangement can be made with the FO to suspend the scholarship and stipend payments.

For non-local students whose study visas were sponsored by the University, the University will inform the Immigration Department of their withdrawal of study. According to immigration regulations, they must leave Hong Kong within 4 weeks after withdrawal approval from the programme or before the expiry of their limit of stay, whichever is earlier.

The D/SRC Secretary or GS will confirm a student’s official withdrawal, usually within three weeks of the date of notification.