Tuition Waiver for Local Research Postgraduate Students

The HKSAR Government has provided a tuition waiver and a non-means-tested tuition waiver to all local students enrolled in UGC-funded FT RPg programmes with effect from the 2018/19 academic year. Details of the Scheme are available at the University Grants Committee’s webpage at


According to the definition of the Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government, local students are holders of the following documents:


  1. Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card
  2. Documents issued by the Immigration Department showing right to land/right of abode in Hong Kong
  3. One-way Permit for entry to Hong Kong
  4. FT employment visa/work permit
  5. Dependent visa/entry permit (for students who were below 18 years old when they were issued with such visa/entry permit by the Immigration Department)
  6. Visa/Entry permit for Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
  7. Visa/Entry permit for Capital Investment Entrant Scheme
  8. Visa/Entry permit for Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents
  9. Visa label for unconditional stay

Despite the fact that students holding a FT employment visa/work permit (i.e. item 4 above) are regarded as local students, they are not allowed to take up a FT job and study a FT programme in Hong Kong at the same time. They can only study a PT programme in Hong Kong. Thus students holding a FT employment visa/work permit are not eligible for the tuition waiver scheme for local RPg students offered by the HKSAR Government.

For RPg students enrolling in UGC-funded FT RPg programmes and having their status changed from “non-local student” to “local student” within a semester, they will be eligible for the tuition fee waiver starting from the next semester provided that they have updated their student records by presenting the valid documents (see items 1-9 above).   

RPg students admitted from the 2018/19 cohort onwards should contact the AR direct at Room M101, Li Ka Shing Tower and inform GS of the change by email at while those admitted in or before 2017/18 cohort should contact the GS direct.

The GS will then liaise with the FO to suspend charging their tuition fees and to issue debit notes for tuition fees with a zero amount starting from the next semester till end of their normal period of study.