Damage/Loss and Replacement

RPg students who have lost their student identity card should complete and return Form GSB/40 to declare the loss of a student identity card.

To apply for a replacement of the lost/damaged student identity card, RPg students admitted from the 2018/19 cohort onwards should submit the completed Form AR2 to AR while those admitted in or before the 2017/18 cohort should the completed Form GSB/25 to GS.

A replacement fee of HK$110 for the new student identity card will be charged.

Should the original student identity card be found, the RPg student should inform AR or GS immediately and at the same time return the original student identity card to the AR or GS for cancellation should it be found subsequently. It is an offence to possess more than one valid student identity card for the same programme at the same time, and the student concerned shall be subject to disciplinary action if found committing such offence.