Credit Transfer from Recognised Previous Studies at Postgraduate Level

Only credits gained from subjects at postgraduate level with a passing mark/grade that have not been used to contribute to an award will be acceptable for transfer.

Credits which have already been used to contribute to a previous award cannot be transferred, with the following exceptions:

  • all returning RPg students will be allowed to transfer the grade obtained in the subject “HTI6081 Ethics: Research, Professional & Personal Perspectives” to the new RPg programme regardless of its level;
  • all 3-year FT/6-year PT PhD students will be allowed to transfer one credit from his/her previous attendance in seminars.

An RPg student should submit a Form GSB/33 via his/her Chief Supervisor, to the D/SGO to initiate the credit transfer at the beginning of the RPg studies at PolyU:

Before applying for or approving the credit transfer, a student, the Chief Supervisor and the Department/School should observe the following regulations, the guidelines on grade assignment and the minimum number of credits with a letter grade to allow for a meaningful calculation of the qualifying GPA.



Credits previously taken


at PolyU

outside PolyU (for regular PhD and PolyU Joint PhD Supervision students)

outside PolyU and the partner university (for Dual PhD students only)

at the partner university

(for Dual PhD students only)

Validity period of credits

For students admitted in or before the 2017/18 cohort

five years from the year of attainment at the time of admission


For students admitted from the 2018/19 cohort onwards

eight years from the year of attainment at the time of admission


Maximum number of credits transferrable

For students admitted in or before the 2017/18 cohort

2-year FT/4-year FT MPhil: 6 credits

3-year FT/6-year PT PhD: 9 credits

4-year FT/8-year PT PhD: 14 credits


For students admitted from the 2018/19 cohort onwards

no more than 50% of the credit requirement of the RPg programme

No limit

Grade assignment

A letter grade or a “Pass” grade shall be assigned.

Only approval on the credit transfer is required. No grade shall be assigned.

A letter grade or a “Pass” grade shall be assigned.

Guidelines on Grade Assignment

The D/SRC (and the subject lecturer where applicable) shall consider assigning an appropriate grade or rejecting the credit transfer with due consideration to the academic equivalence of the subjects concerned and the comparability of the grading systems adopted by the University and the other institutions for the approval of the HoD/DoS. The guidelines on the grade assignment are as follows below:

Credit transfer of subjects taken at PolyU or at the partner institution before admission

Equivalent subjects in PolyU for claiming the credits

Grade assignment by the D/SRC

assessed with a mark/score/grade


assessed with a letter grade

assign a letter grade in accordance with the grading table

assessed with a pass/fail grade (such as Seminars)

assign a “Pass (P)” grade

assessed with a pass/fail grade

assessed with a letter grade or a pass/fail grade (such as Seminars)

assign a “Pass (P)” grade