As the latest artificial intelligence (AI) revolution unfolds in our generation, we are witnessing a paradigm-shifting transformation in the global landscape of scientific and technological development. This transformation has deeply penetrated every corporation's operations and growth, as well as every individual's daily life. In response to this dynamic environment, PolyU established the new Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FCMS) on 1 January 2025 to meet the ever-increasing demand for educating the future generation of talents in the era of AI and digital transformation.
FCMS comprises three constituent departments: the Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA), the Department of Computing (COMP) and the Department of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DSAI). With over 125 academic and teaching staff from around the world, 390 research personnel, 3,300 students, and 23,500 alumni, we offer comprehensive degree programmes across all three academic disciplines, including Bachelor, Taught Postgraduate, and Research Postgraduate levels.
The current academic structure of FCMS provides an ideal framework, integrating Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics with foundational supports in Computing and Mathematics. This dual approach aims to create a more comprehensive educational setting for the next generation of talents, equipping them with holistic mathematical and computing foundations and a keen vision for future frontiers.
We are dedicated to achieving our vision of becoming a world-leading Faculty in research by leveraging our interdisciplinary strengths and synergies. We have successfully secured multiple competitive research funding from the Research Grants Council (RGC) in Hong Kong, including General Research Fund (GRF), Early Career Scheme (ECS) projects and Theme-based Research Scheme project. The key research and expertise areas of our three departments are:
Department of Applied Mathematics (AMA)
- Optimisation and Operations Research
- Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations
- >Financial Mathematics and FinTech
- Statistics and Learning Theory
Department of Computing (COMP)
- Cooperative Agents and Robotics
- Cyber Security and Privacy
- Information Fusion and HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
- Fundamentals and Software
- Networking and Mobile Computing
- Vision, Language and Graphics
Department of Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DSAI)
- Machine Learning
- Biometrics and Human Language Processing
- Computer Vision and Graphics
- Data Technologies and Governance
- Statistical Learning and Optimization Methods
- AI for Science, Healthcare and Neuroscience
FCMS have proudly, alongside the University, achieved international recognition for our world-class research and quality education, underscoring our commitment to academic excellence:
Ranked No. 1 in “Best Universities for Blockchain 2022” list by CoinDesk
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2024
- 32ndin the subject of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- 88th in the subject of Computer Science and Information System
Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by Subject 2024
- 87th in the subject of Computer Science
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News and World Report 2024-2025
- 30th in Mathematics (#1 in Hong Kong)
- 31st in Computer Science
For information about the research areas of the Faculty, please visit the Faculty's website (coming soon) or contact us at